The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 386: 3 real names?

Chen Xi tried to control the mist on the surface of the skin, but after the mental energy was poured in, the mist was unmoved.

"Should you start with the real name first?" Chen Xi muttered to himself. Since the real name is the key, he needs to know if there is a second real name in his body.

After thinking about it, Chen Xi set up a legendary summoning circle directly in his heart, and said:

"A human whose real name is...!"

"Respond to my call!"

"I am summoning to you in the name of my real name...!"

The place with the ellipsis is because the real name is too long. Chen Xi reads the entire real name, and there is no response to the summoning technique, indicating that the summoning technique does not work.

He built the summoning circle again, split his real name into two halves, said the first half of his real name in the first sentence, and used the second half of his real name in the third sentence.

After a few seconds, there was no fluctuation in the summoning array, which seemed to be a failure.

Without a clue, Chen Xi felt that he should first find out if he has a second real name.

The probability of Chen Xi owning the second true name is very high. You must know that Pigment Fish has heard another voice from Chen Xi. That voice has a second true name, but there is no complete second soul or personality. .

He set up the summoning circle, without the ability to feel abnormality, and said at will:

"An unknown item from an unknown world!"

"The shape of randomness, the strength is unknown, and the real name can be distinguished."

"Respond to my call!"

"I treat you with a sincere heart!"

This summoning is a random item summoning technique, with a relatively concise feature word, which is likely to attract powerful items, but there is a wandering ray sitting on the ground, and he is not worried that he will be suppressed.

After reciting the terms of the summoning spell, the lines of the purple summoning array in front of them twisted and stretched upward, opening a cramping crack.

Chen Xi squinted his eyes and watched the purple storm passing by, with terrifying power circulating in it.

He quietly waited for the Summoning Array to search for related items, and the Wandering Ray's mind also came here, monitoring Chen Xi's Summoning Technique, and interested in the spatial fluctuations generated by the Summoning Technique, and he quietly studied and analyzed.

The search time was a bit long. It kept searching until half an hour later, the idea of ​​an object connected to his brain.

Chen Xi glanced at it. The area where it was located was a waterfall, surrounded by a huge blue lake with huge gray shadows.

This thing may be the treasure of a powerful creature, summoning it, it may get the hatred of this powerful creature.

Chen Xi secretly used the summoning contract to communicate with the item, trying to get him to use the summoning contract to see his real name. If the number of real names on his body can be known without crossing the boundary, then this summoning technique can be interrupted without disturbing the lake. The interest of that behemoth.

The object got Chen Xi's consciousness and wanted him to cross-border to see his real name. It seemed to have no autonomous consciousness. It stayed quietly for a while without responding.

"Forcibly summoned!" Chen Xi had no choice but to forcefully summon it. After all, it was something approved by the summoning curse, and he would surely know his real name.

As the sound fell, an indescribable gray mist emerged from the void, incarnate as a greedy big hand, wrapping the aqua-blue treasure box.

The aqua-blue treasure box was sucked into the gray mist, followed the space channel, and reached the crack in five seconds.

After the box landed, nothing strange happened. Chen Xi waited for a while and ordered Xiaohui to touch it. He heard a strange sound and slipped back in fright.

Chen Xi ordered Xiao Hui to touch the box again. Xiao Hui had the courage to stretch out a shadow dog's paw and explored the surface of the treasure box. He heard a lot of meaningless names with the same voice as he had just heard.

A flash of light flashed in Chen Xi's heart, and this box could read his real name.

But what he wants to know is the number of real names, how does this box know?

Holding such a question, he touched the box while watching the wandering ray, and he heard the familiar real name note, which was the weird note he heard under the magic of the real name.

The sound lasted for a long time, and the crystal box stopped talking for four minutes.

His pupils shrank slightly and stopped unexpectedly. Does this mean that he has two real names?

After waiting for a long time without hearing the sound, he let go of his hand, his expression was solemn, and he touched the crystal box again, and he heard another completely different sequence of notes, which was different from the previous one, and the sound lasted very short. It stopped abruptly in a minute.

Is there only one minute for the second real name?

Chen Xi didn't understand the length of his real name, but he knew that the length of each intelligent creature's real name was different. For the first time, he heard a one-minute real name.

After hearing the second real name, he let go of his hand and learned that there were only two real names in his body.

Of course, to be safe, he pressed the crystal box again to hear if there were other real names.

There was silence for one second, then a note sounded, the sound intermittently, and occasionally there was an overheard, until it stopped after three minutes.

Chen Xi frowned. He actually had a third real name, and the third real name had many errors and omissions, as if it were incomplete.

At this time, he asked the wandering ray to try the function of the crystal box. It listened to it eight times, indicating that it had only one real name. It was the same real name back and forth. It was not like Chen Xi. It was different when I touched it three times. the sound of.

Chen Xi touched the crystal box for the fourth time. The voice he heard was the voice of the first real name, the fifth time he heard it was the second real name, and the sixth time he heard it was the third real name. After that, he returned to the original order for the seventh time.

In other words, Chen Xi has three real names in his body!

"The real name cannot be intermittent. Since you only hear the real name for five minutes with induction real name magic, it means that you only have two real names. The third real name may be in the process of being formed, but the memory of the third real name is incomplete, causing the real name to also Incomplete." The above is the opinion of the giants of the world.

If the third real name is incomplete, then it is likely to be the predecessor of "Don't Play Summoning". After all, Chen Xi has read that book many Now, Chen Xi wants to test the power of controlling the summoning. The method is to first use magic in the heart to build a summoning array, and then summon the second real name in the name of the first real name.

With this thought, the summoning array formed impressively, the gray mist on the surface of the body became ten times thicker, and the area of ​​the mist increased a lot.

Since the target of the summoning is oneself, the summoning array completes the summoning the moment it is successfully connected, with an interval of only one-tenth of a second.

In other words, Chen Xi needed to use the summoning array to summon himself every 0.1 second, and the number of summons increased linearly.

The source of Chen Xi's heart magic is extremely high, it is a complete zero-delay formation. The gray fog of his body stabilizes in the next moment. He feels that his body is at the boundary between nothingness and reality at any time, and those disobedient grays The mist moved along with his thoughts, deformed or flaunted, and had various strange states.

Chen Xi, who had mastered the power of summoning for the first time, wanted to fly fast, and the power of summoning took him across quickly, from one point to another in the small world. The speed was similar to teleport, but the principle was different.
