The Absolute Speed of a Comic

Chapter 169: ?? Leveling in the lower level

The gentle **** goes all the way down.

The roadside was covered with frozen crystals, and a cool breeze was blowing from the depths of the cave.

Jiang Li carried a portable magic stone lantern in his hand, walked at the front, slowly explored the road, and walked towards the lower floor.

Behind him, a blond elf girl held a dagger in her hand and a crossbow pinned to her waist, alerting her surroundings. At the back of the team was the Yamabuki-colored wizard holding a wand.

This is a three-person team composed of Jiang Li, Alicia and Lefiya.

This **** covered with crystals is the passage from the 24th floor to the 25th floor. At the exit of the passage, it is the lower domain.

After Jiang Li came to the door, Alicia readily agreed to the request to form a team.

Rather, the reason why she didn't start leveling immediately like the rest of her companions was because she was waiting to go to the dungeon with Jiang Li. She knew that Jiang Li, who was promoted to Lv.3, would definitely need new teammates, so she held it back. For a few days, she finally got to wait.

Alicia: Witty as I am.JPG

On the other hand, Lefiya was fine.

According to Riveria, her parallel chant skills are far from proficient. The best wizards can do the four actions of attacking, moving, evading, and defending at the same time. Lefiya is still poor in this regard. It was far away, so she simply handed Lefiya over to Jiang Li.

"Speaking of which, Jiang Li, Lefiya has been a little strange recently, do you have any clues?"

"What kind of weird method?"


Riveria looked at him strangely at the time, but after hesitating for a while, she still didn't say it clearly.

"There is the sound of water in front, it should be coming soon."

Alicia twitched her pointed ears, showing off her Lv.4's excellent hearing.

The end of the **** gradually emerges at the end of the field of view, accompanied by a faint blue light and the sound of rushing water.

The three of them were all wearing blue phosphorescent mercurial protective clothing, and they went straight through the hole and appeared at the starting point of the 25th floor.

The next moment, the majestic "Water City" appeared in front of the three of them.

The falling waterfalls played a roaring movement.

The crystalline sky makes up countless valleys and cliffs.

In the air, mist turned into mist, and half-human birds and songbirds could be seen flying not far away, their sharp chirping echoed in the air, and their sharp feathers cut through the sky.

The most dazzling, undoubtedly the most central waterfall.

The loud noise of the waterfall was like thunderclouds roaring in unison, hitting the eardrums of the three people across a distance of hundreds of meters.

The Canglan Waterfall starts from the 25th floor and runs through the 25th, 26th, and 27th floors like a staircase. It is nearly a thousand meters high and looks like a blue curtain from a distance.

"Canglan Waterfall, it's very shocking to see it several times."

The three Jiang Li were standing on the cliff at the moment, only a few hundred meters away from the Canglan Waterfall opposite, and they looked as inconspicuous as summer insects.

In fact, I have seen the scenery here twice during the expedition, but the 400-meter-wide waterfall is really shocking and makes people unable to calm down for a long time.

"I've been here many times, let me lead the way."

Alicia took the initiative to step up and take on the task of leading the way.

"Be careful, there are many winding passages and rivers here, and the sense of space must be strong enough, otherwise you may get lost if you are not careful, so it is best to follow in my footsteps."

Looking up, there are countless plank roads around Canglan Waterfall, only about two or three meters wide, with rock walls on one side and bottomless cliffs on the other.

And these plank roads twist and turn, sometimes up and sometimes down, looking very chaotic, like a labyrinth, plus the deep cave below, once you fall into it, you will never die.


Just as he was talking, a huge metal crab with the height of one person killed several people from the front.

Its left arm is unremarkable, but the pliers on its right arm are extremely thick, like a giant hammer, and what makes people feel weird is that this crab actually walks vertically!

Jiang Li raised the knife and dropped it, staggered the crab's right arm, and chopped off the metal crab's head with a quick knife.

Lv.3 monsters, kill them in seconds!

"So fast!"

Alicia looked at Jiang Li in surprise, her eyes full of surprise.

"Your speed is almost equivalent to the top of Lv.3. How much potential ability value did you accumulate in the first two levels?"

Because Jiang Li will break through the upper limit every time he upgrades, the ability value of this upper limit part becomes his potential parameter after the upgrade, making his physical fitness much stronger than the general Lv.3.

"Generally average."

Jiang Li was very humble.

In the entire family, Ais should also know about his breakthrough. Finn may have also been informed by Loki, and few others know about it.

It's not that the members of the group can't be trusted, but the matter is big. Once it spreads widely, it will definitely cause unnecessary trouble. The adventurers will definitely clamor for him to hand over the secret of breaking the upper limit.

Therefore, Loki specially warned him that the matter of ability value should not be easily spread.

"Lefiya, be careful!"

Walking beside the water stream, Alicia suddenly exclaimed.


Lefiya didn't know what she was thinking, she was always in a trance, and couldn't help but be stunned when she heard the words.


Immediately afterwards, a black shadow with a length of more than 160 burst out of the water, and the sharp fangs shone coldly under the reflection of the water droplets, biting towards Lefiya who was at the end.


Alicia rushed up with a single stride, and slashed the black fish in half with a short Are you alright, Lefiya? "

Alicia stepped forward and cared about Lefiya.

"Ah, um, I'm fine..."

Lefiya was also taken aback, and she barely calmed down.

"What's wrong with you? It was the same when I met a killer bee on the 24th floor before, and I was almost stung by a monster. Why are you so absent-minded today?"

Alicia looked worried.

Alicia is 25 years old this year. She is very young for the age of an elf, but she is already a big sister to ordinary people. She is also very tolerant and takes care of the younger generation.

"No, nothing, I will work hard next time!"

Lefiya couldn't help but glanced at Jiang Li, who was at the forefront, and waved to Alicia again and again.


Jiang Li put a question mark out of nowhere.

He looked at himself, bemused.

No, what do you see me doing?

I didn't use Charm either, the state was the same as when I was in the middle layer before, could it be that I was fascinated by me?

And aren't you longing for Ace?

He was thinking so, when Lefiya secretly glanced at him again, and was caught by him.

She hurriedly looked away, but the tip of her ear had unconsciously stained a blush, and then she didn't dare to look at him for a long time.


Can be determined.

Jiang Li had seen this kind of reaction many times, and there was no doubt that it was the girl Huaichun.

A person as good as him will be like a beacon wherever he goes, attracting countless moths to come over.

Alas, my **** charm~