The Absolute Speed of a Comic

Chapter 81: ??Jiang Li VS Kurashiki Tibetans

Without permission, student knights cannot summon spiritual equipment at will.

However, there are exceptions, that is, under special circumstances, or with the permission of the dojo master, you can summon spiritual equipment.

Although the dojo was taken away by the Kurashiki Tibetans, it still belongs to the Ayatsuji family in name. As long as Ayatsuji Ayase allows it, the student knights can fight in the dojo using spiritual outfits.

in the dojo.

The two stood opposite each other.

The sword that shone like silver ripples was held in Jiang Li's hand, and he looked at the Kurashiki Tibetans in the opposite direction sharply.

Although he is confident that he can win, Kurashiki, as one of the top eight, is by no means a false name, and he will not be careless in this battle.

"Sure enough, the confrontation with swordsmen is the most exciting. Compared with those idiots who only rely on supernatural powers, it's like a cloud and mud!"

Bathed in those eyes, Kurashiki Tibetans felt a sense of tension that they had not seen for a long time.

The sharp sight and the silver tip of the sword gave him the illusion that his heart was about to be penetrated.

"Swordsmen are the best!"

He couldn't hold back the boiling heat in his heart, and he laughed excitedly.

The moment Ayatsuji Ayase announced the start of the match, he immediately raised his footsteps, greatly shortening the distance between him and Jiang Li with big strides.

"Ha ha!"

Accompanied by loud laughter, the Kurashiki Tibetans slashed with all their might.

With the wind blowing, his right hand clenched the big white bone sword and swung it towards Jiang Li's forehead with a serrated blade.

His strike was not so much a "cut" as it was a "knock".

He seemed to ignore the Otachi's attack pattern at all, and only relied on brute force to deliver a powerful blow, which was very similar to the first sword that Jiang Li and Shinguji Heino swung during the first battle.

It's just that Jiang Li at that time deliberately acted like a layman, trying to make Shinguji Kurono underestimate the enemy, and deliberately greeted his sword, and then he could use a quick strike to determine the outcome.

And the current Kurashiki Tibetans are doing almost the same thing.

By comparison-


Jiang Li's eyes were extremely sharp.

Before the Kurashiki Tibetans approached him and swung out the big sword of bones, he had already stabbed it with one stab.

He twisted the blade and turned the blade upwards. The tip of the blade hit the jaw of the White Bone Otachi with great precision, causing the slash to die.

This scene is exactly the same as in the restaurant.

This sword perfectly landed on the fulcrum of Kurashiki Kurashiki's arm, the lever, dispersing his arm strength to the greatest extent, and defeating the strong with the weak.

"What a lot of strength!"

Even if he found the fulcrum perfectly and blocked the attack, Jiang Li was still secretly shocked.

Although Kurashiki's movements are very rude, his arm strength is incomparably outstanding.

Jiang Li used the fulcrum to disperse more than 90% of his strength, but he still felt his arms numb when he caught the sword, as if he was hit by a beast's claws.

Let the wild-driven sword be so fierce!

It does not contain a trace of truth or belief, it only relies on strength to make people submit, naked coercion!


"...Sure enough, you don't know swordsmanship at all!"

Jiang Li fully supported the fulcrum and looked at the Kurashiki Tibetans coldly.

This approach made Kurashiki Tibetans not dare to rush in casually, because the moment he withdrew the knife, Jiang Li's knife tip would also bully him into his arms and penetrate his body.

"so what?"

The Kurashiki Tibetans were told the truth by Jiang Li's words, but they didn't care at all, but still laughed unscrupulously.

Jiang Li's method of finding a fulcrum is a very difficult technique.

This not only requires unparalleled eyesight and a strong intuition to judge the timing of a move, but also requires crushing suppression in the realm of swordsmanship.

That's right, only when the gap between the swordsmanship realms is large enough, can someone easily catch the fulcrum.

Therefore, unlike Jiang Li's deliberate deception when he faced Shinguji Kurono, this sword from the Kurashiki Tibetans is actually a complete layman.

His sword swing is very rough, his moves are full of flaws, his skills are extremely poor, and he can easily find several ways to defend.

This guy has never studied any decent swordsmanship!

Therefore, Jiang Li was able to use his overwhelming vision and realm to stab his fulcrum with a sword.

"As long as the fighting is happy enough, that's enough, isn't it!"

The Kurashiki Tibetans don't care.

He took a step back, intending to first withdraw from Jiang Li's counter-attack range, and then step in again to avoid the sword stabbed on his jaw.

However, his footsteps were too obvious, and Jiang Li saw through his intentions in an instant.

The moment the Kurashiki Tibetans retreated, Jiang Li also took a step forward.

However, there are differences in height and physique between the two, and the distance of one step is also different, and the action of hitting the fulcrum will naturally become unsustainable.

However, Jiang Li did not intend to continue to maintain the pivot point at all.

At the moment when the two's swords were staggered, Jiang Li's sword used the force of the rebound to send out a scream that pierced the air, and stabbed straight towards Kurashiki Tibetan's chest.

This sword not only has Jiang Li's own strength, but also the Kurashiki Tibetans' own strength.

This knife drove straight in and slammed into Kurashiki Tibetan's arms. It only took less than a blink of an eye to pierce his chest!

Jiang Li is very good at hand-to-hand combat.

Especially good at sword fighting!

Against a guy like Kurashiki Tibetan who lacks skills, he can easily gain the upper hand with his strong eyesight, and control the rhythm in his own hands.

It is true that there is a huge difference in arm strength between him and the Kurashiki Tibetans, but the so-called swordsmanship itself is a technique used to defeat the strong by the weak!

Kurashiki Tibetans should not be able to react to this knife.

Even if the pierced blade couldn't penetrate his entire chest, it could at least pierce his chest for about one centimeter, and it was impossible to return without success.

This is a normal judgment.

But Kurashiki are not normal people.


On the way to pierce the tip of the blade, the White Bone Otachi suddenly appeared against common sense, swung it from the side, and just hit the blade of the Bling Dao.

The blade of the blade was knocked off in an instant, and Jiang Li's arm strength was completely uncontrollable, and his arms were greatly thrown away.

In order to avoid further pursuit, Jiang Li could only retreat subconsciously.

The two of them stepped back together and stood about five meters apart.

Jiang Li watched the opposite side intently, and at the same time felt very unbelievable.

When this guy was retreating, his calculus was definitely to retreat and counterattack, and he must have been subconsciously prepared to move forward while retreating.

Under the attack he just attacked, this guy should not be able to react. Even if he reacts fast enough, he should panic.

But the Kurashiki Tibetans obviously reacted in an instant, and made the fastest and most accurate judgment.

"Hahahaha! Do you think you can kill me with a single knife?"

The Kurashiki Tibetans laughed heartily.

Then, he didn't care about the slight disadvantage just now, he strode forward again, bullied himself, and swung the serrated white bone sword from the front towards Jiang Li.

This time, he used the sweeping move.

Jiang Li frowned, and had no choice but to step back and withdraw, choosing to avoid the limelight for a while.

A knife from this angle cannot be blocked by finding a fulcrum.

It is easy to gather the strength of both arms to attack from the front, so as to find a fulcrum to resist his attack, but the knife from the side can only be attacked with one hand because of the angle problem.

Even with the strength of both his arms, it was difficult to resist the strange power of the Kurashiki Tibetans being dispersed by 90%, and it was impossible to do it with one arm.