The Absolute Speed of a Comic

Chapter 88: ?? Doctor of Neon No. 1

Pharmacist General Hospital.

This hospital is not a top-level hospital, but it is actually very famous in the whole Neon, and even the whole world.

Because the director of this hospital, the pharmacist Misuko, as a water magician who is good at treatment, is also the number one doctor in Neon. He has meticulous manipulation of the human body, and has overcome many intractable diseases, and is internationally renowned.

If the healing ability of Kurotsuzhu Shizuku as a water magician is only close to that of the regeneration chamber, then the medical ability of Yakushi Mizukoshi completely surpasses that of the regeneration chamber, even if a person who has been judged dead, walks around in her hands, completely Possibly resurrected.

Her talent and strength in this area have been recognized around the world, and she is recognized as one of the top three doctors in the world.

"Hello, I'm Nanxiang Jiangli, and I've made an appointment with the pharmacist Miss Mizuki to meet today."

Jiang Li came to the reception desk of the Pharmacist Hospital and greeted the receptionist.

"Ah... You are Mr. Nanxiang? The dean has already instructed that you can go in directly."

The receptionist glanced at Jiang Li, and couldn't help but glance at it again. After several glances, she realized that she quickly replied to him.

"The dean is doing rounds now, you can just go this way."

Jiang Li took the map that the receptionist thoughtfully handed over, walked through the atrium as instructed, entered a particularly large inpatient building in the backyard, and took the elevator to the third floor.

The decoration here is no different from other hospitals. There are no VIP wards, and it doesn't even look like a hospital.

Saying it's not like a hospital doesn't refer to hygiene or anything, but to the patients here.

No one wears hospital gowns here. The women even wear makeup and chat happily in the corner. The children are sitting on the sofa and happily playing card games.

Different from the hospital corridors full of the smell of disinfectant and the patients who are stale and decadent, the air in the corridors here is fresh, and the patients are very energetic.

Jiang Li found the pharmacist mist in the third ward.

At this moment, she seemed to be consulting a doctor, placing her hands on the hands of an old man who was at least ninety years old, with a light blue magical light emitting from her hands.

"That's almost it, the pain should be gone, right?"

"Hahaha, as expected of Mizuki, now I can drink again!"

"Don't drink too much."

The one who warned the patient with a gentle expression was a beautiful girl under twenty years old.

She was wearing only a black T-shirt with a white coat over her body. She looked very simple, but her figure was quite impressive. Although she was not as good as Senior Sister, her whole body exuded the charm of a mature woman.

She has green curly hair, emerald-colored pupils with a doctor's unique gentleness, and her cheeks are fair and flawless, with a very general sense of roundness.

Pharmacist Kiriko.JPG

"Oh, here you are, Jiang Li."

She turned around and walked out of the ward. She happened to see Jiang Li waiting at the door, so she raised her hand to say hello. At the same time, her emerald eyes also looked around Jiang Li.

"Heartbeat, pulse, muscle, bone marrow, adrenaline...all normal, it seems to be recovering well."

She didn't use any equipment, she just glanced at Jiang Li and already judged his current state.

"Long time no see, Miss Kiriko."

Facing this woman, even Jiang Li put away his usual rudeness and greeted her very seriously.

Eight years ago, when she was just becoming famous, she was invited by Dou Shen to help Jiang Li carry out several years of rehabilitation training and solve many of his problems.

Since then, Yakushi Mizuki has been his attending doctor, and it has not changed until now.

He was able to be today, and Yakushi Mizuki contributed greatly.

"They're all old acquaintances, why are you so serious?"

She shrugged her round shoulders and said indifferently.

"You came to find Ayatsuji Kaito, come with me."

She took Jiang Li and walked to the deeper ward.

"The atmosphere here is completely different from other hospitals."

On the way, Jiang Li looked at the wards on both sides and sighed when he saw the patients who didn't care about disinfection at all and were having fun.

It was also the first time he came to this hospital.

"Really, in your eyes, are they happy?"

The pharmacist Mistko raised her eyebrows slightly, her thin lips pursed slightly, and asked him.

"Very happy."

"Hehe, that's fine."

The pharmacist Kiriko raised her lips and smiled, but the smile turned into a wry smile.

"They are all terminally ill."


"Although I am called the number one doctor of Neon, I am not the **** of the underworld after all. It is impossible to save everyone. The patients in this building have already been sentenced to death, and all I can do is to eliminate them. The pain in them makes them happy in the last days of their lives."

Even in this extraordinary world, diseases such as heart disease are still incurable and terminal illnesses, and even the pharmacist Mizuki can't save such patients.

But she couldn't get used to the pain and helplessness of terminally ill patients before they died, so she used her cutting knife ability to block the pain nerves in their bodies, so that they could at least spend their old age in peace.

In order to prevent them from getting sick, she conducts ward rounds every day, wipes the bacteria in the ward every day, and adjusts the patients' bodies every day.

In front of her, patients don't need to be taboo, they don't need to lie on the hospital bed like golden paper, they don't need to frown all day, they can indulge themselves happily and enjoy the rest of their lives.

"It's great."

Jiang Li said sincerely.

Any doctor is worthy of respect, let alone a doctor like Pharmacist Mizuki.

"But I can't save them after The same goes for the Aya Tsuji Kaito you sent."

The pharmacist misty smiled bitterly.

"I have repaired his body. It can be said that he is as healthy as ordinary people, and his consciousness is almost awakening, but I still can't do anything about the heart disease..."

Pharmacist Mizuki is a very good doctor.

Although when we first met, this girl was cold to everyone, and looking at him was like looking at a white mouse that can be killed at will in a scientific research experiment.

At that time, the pharmacist Mizuki seemed to have no humanity at all, and in her eyes, all life was just an object that could be manipulated at will.

——Because she is too strong.

She can manipulate the trillions of cells in the human body at will, and can flatten and round the ecology of any creature. In her eyes, human beings are nothing but gravels that can be exploited at will.

But not long after the two got along, she slowly changed, gradually realizing the preciousness of life, and she became as gentle as she is now.

Yakushi Kiriko glanced at the young man following behind her, with a sigh of light flashing in her eyes.

For Jiang Li, she might indeed be his benefactor.

But to her, he was also a teacher who taught her how precious life is.

In this young man, she saw the tenacious and unyielding fighting spirit of life, and when she saw him continue to persevere every day, and felt the shocking will, she realized the preciousness of life.

"It's here."

The two stopped in front of a certain ward.

From the ward in front of him, there was a little quarrel.

"I said it was all right, Ayase, I'm healthy enough to swing a knife a hundred times now!"

"No, Dad, you lie here first, I'll go to Dr. Mist, don't go down to the ground now!"