The Age of the Global Genie

Chapter 240: The taste below you is a little salty

Those elves were swallowed up by the shadows and disappeared without warning!

"What is your origin? There is no such strong person in this city's alliance!" After seeing this scene, the few people backed away. They are not fools. The middle-aged man in front of him is clearly a very strong person. Trainer, at least level 5 or above!

"It's said that he is just an ordinary middle-aged uncle." The man said helplessly: "I am not the essence of human beings, how many times do I need to repeat it?"

"What do you think, I'm a four-year-old, and it's hard to survive until the children grow up, they also move out, and the light bulb in my house is not there, it could have been a good two-person world..."

"Then it happened that you guys made some elf attacks on people. My wife is worried about the danger outside the child all day long, and she doesn't have the heart to make out with me. How do you say compensation?"


The few people looked at each other.

that's it?

"That... If you are willing to return this thing to us, we promise to leave Haizhu City overnight, and never come again, how about paying you a lot of money?" The masked man said very politely. This person is definitely not an opponent, but it seems that he is not from the alliance, maybe they can communicate well.

"Want?" The man played with the box in his hand and said with a playful look.


"No." He refused without hesitation.

The faces of those few people suddenly turned bad.

"I remember this thing, it has something to do with... the ultimate alien beast, you guys have a lot of appetite." The man looked at the box in his hand and smiled suddenly.

Hearing the words "Ultimate Alien Beast", the faces of those people became more and more gloomy.

"Hey!" Suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air, and three or four water-blue darts suddenly flew behind the man.

However, the moment he touched the man, the water-blue dart instantly turned into powder. The man slowly turned his head and found five men in black behind him.

"Be careful, this man is very strong!" the masked man shouted.

"Understood." As soon as those people stretched out their hands, the elves beside them immediately shot out their skills, and the colorful skills flew towards the man and exploded instantly!

The thick smoke rolled up, and they looked at it and found that there was a faint green light in the thick smoke, and then the thick smoke dissipated, and everyone found that there was a man beside the man, who looked like a girl, wearing white clothes... No, That's not human!

Everyone was horrified to find that the creature that looked like a human was actually a bit transparent and still floating in the air.

ghost? !

"It seems that everyone is almost here, Geng Gui, it's time to finish work and go back to eat." The man said.

"Hey!" The girl next to him stretched out her hand, and a purple mirrored space instantly appeared and enveloped the entire factory.

Five seconds later—

The man looked back lightly.

After seeing that there was no one who could still stand, the man was about to turn around and leave, but he suddenly stopped, then looked at a corner, his eyes narrowed.

"Shadow ball." The man stretched out his hand and pointed.

The girl beside her condensed a shadow ball in her hand and threw it over with a loud bang. The wall over there was shattered by the blast, but it didn't seem to be anything strange.

"Huh?" The girl beside her tilted her head.

" should be an illusion, let's go."


A few minutes after the man left, there was a sudden movement in the corner that he had noticed, and then two figures sneaked out and left in other directions.


the other side.

After leaving the theater, it was already half past ten. Ye Shuang stretched and said to the girl beside him, "Yuyou, are you satisfied?"

Bai Yuyou nodded, as if looking very happy.

This "Deadpool Pikachu" tells the story of an autistic teenager who suddenly found out that his father had turned into a Pikachu one day, but the teenager didn't know about it at first, and he subdued Pikachu, and the angry Pikachu spoke. Cursing the protagonist, after the protagonist found out that Pikachu could actually speak, he sent Pikachu to a special institution.

Just when Pikachu was about to be dissected and studied by a special agency, the protagonist accidentally discovered from the surveillance that this Pikachu was really his father's transformation. In this way, a thrilling Pikachu rescue plan was launched. By the way, the movie The Pikachu in there is so cute.

But Ye Shuang was seeing Pikachu for the first time, and he didn't expect so many hairs.

"It's getting late, I'll take you back." Ye Shuang said.

Bai Yuyou next to him raised his notebook——

[•ω•`) Why don't you stay at your house for one night tonight, your house is closer. ]

"Go to my house? But my sister seems to be very upset... Did you bring the keys this time?"

When Bai Yuyou was about to shake her head, Ye Shuang said again, "If you don't have the key, I'll have to go to the hotel and open a room for you."

Bai Yuyou had no choice but to nod to indicate that he had the key.

"Then I'll take you back, I'm not afraid." Ye Shuang smiled softly.

Bai Yuyou stared blankly ahead, and had given up struggling.

stupid wood...

After sending Bai Yuyou home, Ye Shuang also returned home, but as soon as he entered the door, Ye Shuang saw Ye Xiaoke sitting on the sofa angrily: "Brother, it's too late!"

"Sorry, sorry, I have an appointment with Yuyou to watch a movie tonight, so I came back a little late." Ye Shuang said with a smile with his hands folded.

"Thanks, I made a lot of food today and waited for you to come back, but you told me that you can't come back for dinner. It's not a weekend, so why go to the movies and..."

"And what?" Ye Shuang asked curiously.

"And, and you didn't take me to see it." Ye Xiaoke pouted and muttered, "I want to see that movie too..."

"Then... I'll take you to see it this weekend?" Ye Shuang asked tentatively.

"Have not you seen it?"

"Second brushing is also possible, and don't you want to see it too?" Ye Shuang blinked and smiled.

"It's about the same..." Ye Xiaoke immediately smiled happily: "Brother, are you thirsty or not, I boiled sugar water."


After drinking the sugar water, Ye Shuang went to bed early after taking a shower because he was so tired today. He didn't rush to train when he encountered a bottleneck period, but slowly found a way to break through himself, but fed Yukira with soil. It didn't fall, this little thing ate a lot.

the next day.

Ye Shuang got up early. After washing, he came to the living room to prepare breakfast, but found that his sister got up early and made egg noodles for breakfast.

"Breakfast, brother."


Ye Shuang sat down, and after taking two bites, he suddenly put down his chopsticks.

After seeing this scene, Ye Xiaoke blinked his big eyes strangely and asked, "Brother, why don't you eat it?"

Ye Shuang shook his head slightly and smiled and said, "Girl, the taste below you is a bit salty, is that the reason for the lack of water?"