The Age of the Global Genie

Chapter 254: Group photo

After he was full, Father Ye looked at Ye Shuang and asked, "Is there any arrangement after dinner?"

"I'm going to count down the New Year's Eve with Xiao Ke. As for where to go, it's probably the Haizhu Tower in the city center." Ye Shuang said with a smile, after all, it was an appointment before.

"That's it... Then since that's the case, let's all count down, it's quite interesting." Father Ye thought for a while, then said.

"Indeed." Principal Bai also touched his chin, as if he was interested in the New Year's Eve countdown.

"Huh?" Ye Shuang and Ye Xiaoke were stunned at the same time.

"What, will it bother you?"

"That won't happen." Ye Shuang shook his head slightly, he just thought it was a bit strange for the elders to go together.

After sitting for a while, everyone left the hotel. Ye Shuang looked at "Pikachu" beside him, and said helplessly, "Yuyou, are you going to wear this outfit to that place?"

Bai Yuyou clumsily raised the notebook——

[(´°ω°`) I can't lose it. ]

"Put it in the trunk of the car." Principal Bai said instead, Bai Yu shook his body to show that there was no problem, but he almost fell on his left foot with his right foot after just two steps, and was finally dragged by Ye Shuang. Going to undress.

When they came to the city center, everyone found that the square outside the Haizhu Tower was full of people. It was Ye Shuang's first time here, but they didn't expect so many people.

"Wow... Are there so many people here?" Ye Xiaoke blinked and couldn't help saying.

"There are a lot of people taking pictures."

"It seems that everyone is looking forward to it." Ye Shuang said with a smile.


The time gradually came to twelve o'clock, and the Haizhu Tower also had a flickering countdown. There were dozens of flying elves flying around the tower. With the countdown from ten seconds to one second, the surrounding crowd, including Ye Shuang and they began to recite silently:

"Ten, nine, eight..."

"Five, four..."

"One." The voice just fell——

The Haizhu Tower shoots bright rays of light, intertwined with colorful rays of light, and with the rise of fireworks, hundreds of elves and the surrounding crowd cheer.

Seeing the fireworks illuminating half of the night sky, Ye Shuang turned her head slightly and found Bai Yuyou holding his hand. She raised her head slightly at this moment, her jewel-like eyes reflecting the fireworks. Shadow, like a dream, Ye Shuang smiled slightly, intertwined her fingers with her hand, and said with a smile:

"Please take care of me in the new year."

Bai Yuyou glanced at Ye Shuang, his eyes completed the crescent moon.

"These fireworks are really beautiful, why don't you take a picture?" At this time, Mother Ye suddenly said behind everyone.

Mother Bai silently took out a SLR camera, not knowing where it came from.

"Want to take a picture?" Ye Shuang was stunned, but before he could react, the two or three sweet potatoes next to him rushed over, one hugged his arms and the other hugged Ye Shuang's neck with a grinning expression: "Oula, eggplant."

Seeing this scene, Bai Yuyou hugged Ye Shuang's other arm tightly, and then leaned directly against him, as if not to be outdone.

"Hey, wait for you guys..." Being stuck by several people, Ye Shuang almost couldn't stand his body.

After seeing this scene, Ye Xiaoke went directly to Ye Shuang's side, and then tried his best to hug his waist tightly and not let go.

"Come on, look at the camera."

"Wait, I'm about to fall!" Ye Shuang didn't stand still, and fell behind them with them.

With the click of the camera, this scene has been preserved forever. The fireworks that have not dissipated and the men and women have created beautiful memories of their youth.


Everyone had a big bag on the back of their head.

a few days later.

"That's great, so you're going to count down to the New Year's Eve."

Looking at the photos on Ye Shuang's mobile phone, Wang Nan couldn't help but said enviously, "I was dragged by my sister to have supper together, otherwise I'd like to go too."

"Really..." Ye Shuang put one hand on his face, he looked at himself with a flustered expression in the photo, couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

"By the way, and this one was taken with the elves."

"Let me see."

"Ye Shuang, the head teacher asked you to go to the office." At this time, a classmate walked in and said loudly.

"Class teacher?" Ye Shuang was stunned, then asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"I don't know, maybe there's something going on, you'll know it once you go there," the classmate said.

"Come on." Wang Nan also patted Ye Shuang on the shoulder and said.

"Okay." Ye Shuang stood up from his seat and left the classroom.

After arriving at the head teacher's office, Ye Shuang looked at where the head teacher was sitting, walked over and asked, "Head teacher, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Ye Shuang, you came just right, this is for you." The head teacher took out a poster from the drawer when he saw Ye Shuang standing beside him.

"This is..." Ye Shuang took a look and found the words "The 21st Champion Star Trainer Competition" written on it. After seeing this, he seemed to think of something and asked the head teacher: " Do you mean to let me participate?"

"Yes, your age can participate in the youth group, and this is one of the very famous domestic competitions. When the time comes, there will be audiences all over the country watching. Its scale is not comparable to the last campus cup." The head teacher asked with a smile: "How, do you have any intentions?"

"It's a national competition, then this is a singles competition." Ye Shuang touched his nose and said, "It's a bit empty."

After all, the nature is completely different from the previous team competition. If you lose, you will lose, and you will be eliminated directly.

"Your strength is not weak. You might get a very good ranking by participating in this competition." The head teacher said with a smile: "Even if it is a training, it is also excellent."

"Why only tell me, what about Bai Yuyou and the others?" Ye Shuang asked curiously.

"Student Bai Yuyou doesn't want to participate. The reason seems to be that she has other arrangements for the day of the competition." The head teacher shook his head and said, "The competition is during the winter vacation."


"Why don't you try it out?" the head teacher asked, and handed over a registration form: "It's a rare opportunity, it's only held once every two years."

"Uh...Actually, I don't really want to participate in this kind of competition." Ye Shuang shook his head and declined. As he said, he didn't like participating in competitions.

"Don't you want to participate?" After hearing Ye Shuang's words, the head teacher immediately showed a pity expression: "That's a pity, even if you only get an average result in this competition, you can get a very rare skill disc..."

"It's a valuable experience to hone in." Just when she shook her head to put away the registration form, she found that Ye Shuang's hand grabbed the registration form at some point.

"Class teacher, you're right, I think I really need to hone myself, grades are not important, it's mainly because I like to participate in competitions." Ye Shuang said seriously.