The Age of the Global Genie

~: So, let's wrap up.

Hello everyone, this is humming.

So let's wrap up at the end of the month!

This book is actually about the lightness of everyday life. It's not that I can't write any big scenes you want me to write. It's just that after I wrote the lesson of killing myself when I wrote the reincarnation of time and space, I think it's elf writing. To write something simple, I just want to create some likeable characters. Originally, I thought that the three sweet potatoes would be the most popular characters, but Bai Yuyou climbed up. It seems that only the author himself likes the black belly brother. I have two or three sweet potatoes to control (I will always like Ye Xueying.jpg).

Then the chapter of this book is actually very exciting, everyone is a talent, and Bai Yuyou can appear in the comment area at the end of the chapter recently, thanks to the number of likes you give to Bai Yuyou's character column reaching 5,000 , Being able to interact and chat with the characters in the book is one of the benefits of subscribing to the original version on the Qidian Chinese website.

There is also about the future direction of this book. If there is no accident, it is estimated that the first half of the book is about college life, and the second half of the book will lead to Ye Shuangbai Yuyou and the others. Know the truth about the collapse of ancient civilizations.

Finally, let’s talk about the issue of owes, because I started summer vacation on the 3rd, so from the 4th, if there is no accident, I will maintain the state of guaranteeing the third watch every day and break out from time to time (the salted fish turns over!).


And... I'm taking a day off today, and I'll get up tomorrow to update. (Bibi whispers.)