The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1329: Dark wizard vs Death Eater?

No dementors. Squeeze well. After Albert stepped into Hogsmeade, he found that the former wizarding village had changed a lot.

The original shops have been turned into shops selling black magic items, and the streets are full of small stalls selling all kinds of strange items, and all kinds of cries are ringing in my ears.

However, it didn't give him the feeling of shopping in Diagon Alley. Pedestrians on the street are even more exposed

The eerie air of "I'm not a good person". Fortunately, there is never a shortage of guys who hide their heads and show their tails. Otherwise, even if Albert's dress is not in violation of harmony, he may be directly classified as not a black wizard.

After all, he doesn't give people a gloomy feeling.

"How much is this?" Albert stopped at a stall selling rune snake eggs, and looked at the real thing on it in surprise.

Yes, the real thing. There are really rune snake eggs on the stall. Albert couldn't help but suspect that the black wizard in front of him was from Burkina Faso.

The black street vendor looked up at Albert, but didn't speak, wondering if he couldn't understand English.

Albert pointed to the rune snake egg and said again in French,

"I want this, how many Galleons." This time, the black man responded, and raised his hand to make a gesture to Albert, which probably meant that it was not just for sale.

Good guy! Is this an intended robbery? I can't see that not only your skin is black, but your heart is also black. Albert looked the black wizard's eyes up and down, and after staring at him uncomfortable, he said calmly,

"I want this kind of thing. If you are willing to sell, the price can be negotiated. If you don't want to, then forget it." If the black man is willing to trade with him normally, then forget it. If he doesn't want to, he has no habit of being taken advantage of.

After seeing the black man shaking his head, Albert prepared to leave. He could see from the other party's eyes that the other party was here to hang fools.

It is very rare to squeeze runic snake eggs. Few have actually seen them, let alone easily identified them. Moreover, there are black people from Burkina Faso, and those so-called runic snakes on the stalls are very rare. It is not surprising that eggs sell for sky-high prices.

It's a pity that the guy in front of him is not a so-called black man from Burkina Faso at all, he is just a speculator who has used compound medicine.

Naturally, people who are knowledgeable like Albert are not welcome. Otherwise, how could he cheat others Garen. Albert took a deep look at the stall owner selling rune snake eggs, and continued to wander the streets. He had a hunch that there would be unexpected gains today.

The items sold on the stalls are basically rare contraband items. Not only can you see all kinds of black magic items everywhere, but you can also see the materials of many rare magical animals.

Unfortunately, the only problem is that the prices are very high, so black that Albert suspects that these hawkers are really here to sell items?

Sweeping even made Albert think about looting, as long as he got those precious materials, he wouldn't need to worry about those contraband materials in the next few years.

However, this thought was suppressed by Albert as soon as it came to mind. Of course he would not do such a thing, but... Death Eaters may not be sure, maybe they originally planned to do that.

No good, Yaxley wouldn't do it. After passing through the lively neighborhood, Albert stopped at the entrance of the noisy Pig's Head Bar. He found Ludo Bagman who was playing cards with someone on the table on the right hand side of the counter, and walked over.

"I heard that you have a batch of goblin silverware in your hand and are eager to get rid of it." Albert said straight to the point of his visit.

"I do have some goblin silverware that I want to sell, are you interested?" Ludo Bagman looked up at the strange man in front of him. He didn't know him, but this kind of thing is not strange here.

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"I need to see the goods first," Albert said.

"Oh, of course." Ludo Bagman looked a little careless,

"But you know goblin silver doesn't come cheap."

"As long as something satisfies me, the price is not a problem?" These words attracted a lot of prying eyes. No one doesn't like big dogs.

If it was changed to another place, it is estimated that some unpleasant things have already happened. pull out

"It's not suitable here, let's go to the empty room upstairs." Ludo Bagman dropped his hand and said in a low voice.

After giving me the look of his accomplices, he got up and went to the counter, asking the boss Aberforth to borrow the vacant room upstairs for a private transaction.

Stepping on the creaking stairs to the second floor, Ludo Bagman pushed open the first room on the left, invited Albert in with a smile, and said something

"Wait a moment, I'll go get the items", and then disappeared. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. The next moment, the door was pushed open, and four wizards entered one after another, and used the Imperius Curse on the people in the room.

Unfortunately, no one was in the room. Is this black eating black? How dare Ludo Bagman! Standing by the side, Albert calmly looked at the four astonished black wizards, raised his wand and controlled them by name one by one from behind.

Another minute later, Ludo Bagman came in with the goblin silverware. He naturally wanted to trade with the other party, but at that price... He just turned his head and saw the stranger pointing at himself with a wand.

And his four accomplices also pointed their wands at themselves. Failed? This ridiculous idea popped into Ludo Bagman's head, and before he reported his identity as a Death Eater to threaten the other party, he felt light-headed.

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"It's really a good choice, but the price is too expensive." It's not surprising even if the goblin silverware sold for thousands of Galleons.

Of course, even if only a few dozen galleons were sold, it was normal.

"...It's not what I want." Albert looked at the silver plate, knife and fork in front of him, and fell into a brief silence.

"I only offer this price." Albert made a gesture to Ludo Bagman,

"If you agree, we can work together for a long time." Ludo Bagman seemed to hesitate for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement, taking from the goblin a set of cutlery, an accurate silver wine glass, and a possibly enchanted silver mirror , and an exquisite silver glove was sold to Albert for a hundred Galleons.

Next, Albert spent another five Galleons to buy a short sword used by fairies for self-defense from Bagman. According to his judgment, the entire short sword should be made of fairy iron.

After Ludo Bagman shared the wealth with four other accomplices in front of Albert, he took the Galleon he just got and went to the street outside to buy a bunch of them that he would need to rob the goblin later. of

"Materials", but took those materials and exchanged with Albert for a batch that will come in handy

"props". Both parties are happy with the deal. Before Ludo Bagman left, he patted his chest and promised that the next trade would give Albert what he needed.

Looking at the backs of the five people leaving, Albert put away the pile of rare materials on the table one by one, then went downstairs, and left the Pig's Head Bar under the guidance of everyone.

"A little expectation." Albert murmured. He found that he was actually more adaptable to this chaotic era than the Death Eaters.

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"If I become the Dark Lord there is no such thing as Voldemort." Albert couldn't help complaining, and there was even a feeling in his heart that he could simply use the Imperius Curse to kill the Death Eaters. To rein in the idea of ​​turning Voldemort into a loner.

A complete set of ideas gradually took shape in Albert's mind. Of course he couldn't do it on his own, but...he had the Elder Wand, and such absurd plans were possible.

Looking at the new task that appeared on the panel, Albert couldn't help complaining, "Is this for me to be the big boss behind the scenes?" Albert has no interest in being a behind-the-scenes boss or something.

Need to calculate too much, too tired. I just thought about it just now, and Voldemort is not an idiot. Once a large number of core Death Eaters are controlled by the Imperius Curse, it will be easy to see the flaws.

Thinking about it carefully, the Imperius Curse is indeed quite terrifying, no wonder it is classified as the Unforgivable Curse. Albert suddenly looked forward to the battle between the Dark Wizard and the Death Eaters.

Anyway, both sides are not good people, and they will die if they die.