The Alchemist of Harry Potter

~: Spoiler: try and die

Not long after being separated from the three of Potter, Moody went to the principal's office and asked about divination.

In fact, it is the wisest thing to pretend not to know and not to touch this matter, because then there will be no mistakes and it will not be easy to expose.

But Moody still decided to go to Dumbledore, and by the way, use this incident to find out the other party's level of divination.

Albert Anderson was so evil that Moody felt threatened.

As for the risk, in Moody's opinion, the risk of being exposed by divination is not great. If the mudblood's divination is really accurate, how could Dumbledore not go to him for divination? And the other party still can't see through his disguise.

Moreover, if there is a way to find the whereabouts of Peter Pettigrew, with Moody's character, he will definitely be willing to try it. After all, there is no risk, but the benefits may be huge.

"Alastor, what's the matter?" Dumbledore looked up at his old friend.

"I met Harry Potter just now. I heard from him that Anderson's magical boy is very good at divination. Do you know about this?" Moody pulled up an armchair and sat opposite the principal.

"I heard about it." Dumbledore said noncommittally.

"Then can we ask him to help with divination about the whereabouts of Peter and Crouch?" Moody said while leaning on crutches, "Although I don't really believe in divination, Anderson is indeed a magical guy. I think he might be able to give We bring unexpected surprises, even if we fail, it's nothing, at least it's better than the Ministry of Magic looking around without a clue."

"You're right, maybe we should give it a try." Dumbledore nodded in agreement with Moody's idea. He picked up the quill on the table and wrote a letter to Albert, inviting him to come to the principal's office for tea at night .

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Albert knocked on the door of the principal's office on time. When he opened the door and entered, he found that Professor Moody was actually here, so he knew that the principal probably had nothing good to do with him.

In fact, Albert came here with the hope that he might be able to get some quests or benefits, but now it seems that Dumbledore is looking for him obviously because he wants him to help with divination.

"Professor Dumbledore, what do you want from me?" Albert asked knowingly.

"I hope you can help divination the whereabouts of Peter Pettigrew and Barty Crouch Jr." Dumbledore asked with a smile, "What would you like to drink?"

"A cup of black tea." Albert frowned and reminded, "Divination is not a panacea."

While drinking tea, he took the time to glance at his quest panel, but no new quest was triggered, so Albert didn't bother to pick up Barty Crouch Jr.'s vest.

After all, this guy still has several tasks hanging on him. If he stripped his vest now, it is estimated that some tasks will not be able to be completed, and the loss will be huge.

Of course, if Dumbledore gave enough benefits, or triggered some missions with rich rewards, Albert didn't mind picking off Barty Crouch Jr.'s vest on the spot.

"Try it, I believe in your divination ability." Dumbledore said gently.

I also believe in my abilities, but you need to at least express that prostitution for free is not a good habit.

Albert muttered in his heart, planning to pretend that he didn't predict anything if Dumbledore didn't give him something good later.

Dumbledore seemed to have seen through Albert's little thoughts, and put an old note in front of Albert and said, "This is my note, maybe you can use it."

Albert glanced at the content above and found that it was a transformation note, so he reached out and took out the crystal ball from the transformation lizard leather bag to help prophesy.

Moody watched all this with interest.

"Where is Pettigrew Peter hiding?" After drinking the black tea, Albert stared at the crystal ball in front of him, and began to predict the hiding place of Pettigrew Peter.

As for Little Barty, it's not enough now, after all, it's not time to pick the fruit yet.

The mist on the crystal ball began to dissipate, and a red, white, and blue tricolor flag appeared on it, followed by a wooden tulip signboard, which was the sign of the entrance to Wizard Street in the Netherlands, and finally stopped in the dim house, Peter Pettigrew was holding a …pack.

"Peter Pettigrew is hiding in the Netherlands..." Moody looked at Albert in surprise, the murderous look in his eyes flashed away, he suddenly had a bad feeling, never thought that this Mudblood could predict the little Approximate location of the dwarf star Peter.

"It seems that Peter helped Voldemort regain his body." Dumbledore said, looking at the package in Peter's arms, "This is really bad news."

"It's a troublesome thing," Professor Moody said.

"Where's Barty Crouch Jr.?" Dumbledore glanced at Moody and asked Albert to continue with the second prophecy.

"Wait a moment, don't expect..."

Albert's tone paused, and his eyes fell on the task panel, which actually triggered a new task: try and die.

Albert didn't do the divination immediately, but pulled out his wand from under his robe and knocked on the teacup. After restocking the black tea, he took a sip and glanced at Barty Crouch Jr. again. Seeing that my mission has fallen into a short-term entanglement, the reward for this mission is very good, you can specify a skill, the experience is also very rich, and there are skill points, but...

Little Barty seems to have bad intentions towards him. Although he thought that the other party might trouble him before, but... the hatred value should not be too high. It belongs to the type of killing him by the time. It's really hard to say now.

Otherwise, take it away in one wave.

As for the follow-up... Forget it, even without Barty Crouch Jr., Voldemort will probably be resurrected.

Albert finished drinking the black tea, and under the watchful eyes of Dumbledore and Moody, he reached out and touched the crystal ball. The white mist on the crystal ball began to spin rapidly, and a new picture soon appeared: this time it was a winged The stone sculpture of a boar undoubtedly refers to Hogwarts.

Next, a hand appeared in the crystal ball, holding a piece of parchment. There were three ink-colored footprints on the parchment, and the names of the people were marked beside the footprints, Albus Dumbledore, Abel Anderson, and... Barty Crouch.

That's right, Barty Crouch, not Alastor Moody.

The atmosphere in the principal's office suddenly stagnated.

At this moment, Albert took out a piece of parchment from his pocket and spread it out in front of the two of them. Three ink dots appeared on the map, which was exactly what he saw from the crystal ball.

Well, that's a map with footprints spelled on it.

But this is not the point, the point is the names of the three people marked on the map.

Albert and Dumbledore looked up at Moody, whose expression had been completely distorted. Just as Moody was about to draw out his wand for a desperate counterattack, a red light quickly hit him.

Moody, or Barty Crouch Jr., who was going to make a last-ditch effort, was hit by Dumbledore's wandless stun spell, and passed out directly.

At this moment, a new picture appeared on the crystal ball, two dementors were dragging a person, and that person was Barty Crouch Jr.

"Oh, God, what happened." The portraits came to life one after another.

"The Human Tracking Curse!" Dumbledore ignored the portrait, but stared at the map and said softly, "I forgot about it. Even if I took the compound potion, I couldn't hide the Human Tracking Curse."

"So, I said that the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts always has problems." Albert glanced at the completed panel tasks, and then looked at the fainted Moody and muttered: "However, why can't he think about it all of a sudden?" , actually asked me to predict his whereabouts?"

This is good, try and die.

"He probably thinks you don't have that ability!" Dumbledore said gently, looking in a good mood.

"Then I'll go first, and I'll leave it to you to deal with it here. Don't reveal that this matter is related to me. I always think it's a trouble." Albert picked up the transformation note and fled.

After Albert left, Dumbledore's face suddenly darkened. He used the fireplace to call Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape, and found Professor Moody who was imprisoned in the Defense Against the Dark Arts office. By the way, he used Veritaserum heard the whole story, and learned of the other party's plan to revive Voldemort with Harry Potter's blood, his face became even more gloomy.

"How did you figure it out?" Professor McGonagall asked curiously.

Dumbledore gave the map to Professor McGonagall.

Well, they now know how Dumbledore discovered that Professor Moody was a fake.

"Actually, UU Reading was the fake professor who proposed to Dumbledore to ask Albert Anderson to help him divination the whereabouts of Peter Pettigrew and Barty Crouch Jr., and it turned out like this. ’ laughed Phineas Nigellus, who found the whole thing so amusing.

After listening to Phineas Nigellus' description, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape stared at Barty Crouch Jr. in front of them dumbfounded, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"You mean that Mr. Anderson knew through divination that Professor Moody is the true face of Barty Crouch Jr." Professor McGonagall felt that the whole thing was full of magic, and it was Barty Crouch Jr. himself who proposed the divination?

What are these things?

"So, this guy actually killed himself stupidly?" Snape said with a strange expression.

"This incident was more of an accident. Who would have known that Mr. Anderson was actually a very powerful master of prophecy?" Dumbledore shook his head and said, "Remember to keep this matter a secret, otherwise Mr. Anderson may be in a lot of trouble."

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