The Almighty Men’s Clothes Boss is a Girl

Chapter 121: filming in progress

  Chapter 121 Filming in progress

   Mu Ci and Mo Yi watched Feng Qian gradually run away, and planned to wait for him to come back. Feng Qian is the oldest of the three of them. Although they would bully them when they were young, they still treat Feng Qian as an older brother.

   The two sat on the side of the road and waited.

  Xia Jin gestured to the lighting engineer, and the lights were slowly dimmed.

   "It's getting dark, why don't we go and have a look." Mo Yi suggested.

  Mu Ci didn't refuse, and the two walked in the direction Feng Qian left.

   "Calc, the next shot, the group performance is getting ready. Xiaochen and Lin Ning come down first, and we change scenes." Xia Jin is methodically arranging the next shooting process.

  The outdoor machines have also been set up, a large site, the ground is built with the feeling of a mountain, and behind it is a house built from the model room.

  All the extras are here, and someone is giving them a final explanation. Sun Wei, Gu Yi and Bai Yu were confirming the next moves with the martial arts director.

   "Old Sun, it's time to go to Wia." Xia Jin called Sun Wei over.

   This is a fight scene, but it has nothing to do with An Chen and Lin Ning. Generally, actors don't really like hooking up wia and beating scenes, but these two people are really shining.

   "Don't worry, you two, there are fights almost every day on location." Looking at the expressions of the two of them, Xia Jin felt a little funny.

  In order to prevent the plot from leaking in advance, baffles were erected around the set. But now it's the end of October and it's about to enter November. Their clothes are very thin, and it's still very cold after staying outside for a long time.

  Everything is ready, this is a coherent shot, which can be regarded as the characteristic of Xia Jin's filming. He feels that the coherence is more natural than the post-editing.

  The actors are already in place, and the props are ready. An Chen and Lin Ning are standing on the road, waiting for the coherent camera to shoot here.

   A staff member once again emphasized the location of the fire.

   "Attention all units, start!" Xia Jin gave an order, and the staff pressed the button of the props, and several clusters of flames burst out.

   Gu Yi and Bai Yu's characters Mo Bai and Luo Yu hold long swords, and some of the extras behind them hold torches and others hold swords.

   "Old man, it's been so long, you've lived long enough." Mo Bai looked at the old man with a sarcastic smile.

  The old man's white shirt was stained with blood, and there was a trace of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

   "Sinister, my life is here, let you take it, don't spread it to others."

   "Oh, what is evil! What is evil! What is good! I don't know, please enlighten me, master!" Mo Bai said, raising his sword and stabbing at the old man.

  Xia Jin made a gesture, and the character played by Sun Wei made the designed martial arts moves with Wia.

   "Stop!" Xia Jin shouted.

  Just now, Gu Yi made a mistake when making an action, and the sword fell out of his hand and fell to the ground.

   "Sorry, my mistake!" Gu Yi apologized to the others.

   "It's okay, there is no mistake in filming." Sun Wei comforted him, and then returned to his seat.

   "Start from the play!"

  Gu Yi adjusted his state, and Mo Bai and the old man fought, obviously not in the upper hand.

   "Master, when you drove me down the mountain, you didn't expect this day." Although Mo Bai did not have an advantage in martial arts, he continued to speak calmly.

   "Come on Bai Yu, the extras will follow!" Xia Jin gave the order. Gu Yi and Sun Wei kept on moving, and Luo Yu, played by Bai Yu, also joined the fight.

   "Old man, do you still recognize me?" Luo Yu stabbed at the fatal position with every move.

   May you work hard all your life, be loved all your life, have everything you want, and let go of what you can't get. May you be treated tenderly by this world.

   (Oh, it’s time for a familiar recommendation ticket again)



  (end of this chapter)