The Almighty Men’s Clothes Boss is a Girl

Chapter 1310

  Chapter 1310

  An Chen doesn't know how long it has been, and when she wakes up, she is usually subjected to all kinds of inhumane torture.

  But after being tortured again, An Chen will be given simple treatment, which is useless, but it can guarantee that she will not die.

  An Chen still remembered being fed glucose a few times, and being fed some liquid food.

  She doesn't know where she is, and all the electronic equipment on her body is gone. The only thing left is the watch on her wrist, but there is no way to send messages to the outside world.

  An Chen didn't know why the watch wasn't taken away. It might be because the watch was so damaged that even the hands didn't move.

   But this watch still has a little secret, although it is useless, it has supported An Chen through such a difficult time.

  An Chen himself modified the watch before, adding a small button, like a small tape recorder, which stored the songs Fu Yanxing sang to her.

  An Chen knows that everyone must be trying to find her. When she is awake and has not been taken out, An Chen will secretly play the recording with a very small voice.

   Today is the fourth day since An Chen disappeared. Under Wei Ze's arrangement, Grandpa An was buried next to Grandma An.

  The funeral was empty because they were all looking for An Chen's whereabouts.

  Several waves of people have gathered, they have been behind An Chen, Fu Yanxing's people, and Wei Yang's people.

  Wu Ke also rushed over at this time. Something happened recently, and he was only able to get in touch with the outside world until now, and then he learned about the explosive events in the past few days.

   "Damn! Animals! They are not even as good as animals!" Wu Ke was now extremely irritable.

   Because they are abroad, some things are allowed. Their current team has prepared all kinds of weapons, including guns. As long as they find An Chen's whereabouts, they can start at any time.

  But the most serious problem at present is that they can't find An Chen's whereabouts. The top hackers have searched almost all the surveillance cameras leaving the hospital, but they have found nothing.

Qu Yan and Fan Luo had already rushed over with their respective staff. Although Ji Feng, Lin Han and Fang Yan couldn't help much, they also suspended their work and came to everyone. Yan Yi was the last to know about it. But he also came here with his hands.

  Wu Ke and Fu Yanxing tried every means at this time. Fu Yanxing felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness, but he had to hold on, and the kid was still waiting for him.

   Today is the fifth day of An Chen's disappearance. Tonight at twelve o'clock is An Chen's eighteenth birthday. Fu Yanxing has prepared a surprise, and fans are ready to cheer.

  Everyone has hardly closed their eyes for the past few days, and only went to rest for a while if they couldn't do it. Finally, the hard work paid off, and they found a clue on the morning of the fifth day An Chen disappeared.

"This should be a villa in the urban area. In country M, the urban area is more complicated than the suburban environment. This is the approximate range we have determined now. We will search separately and keep in touch." Fu Yanxing divided the team in the shortest possible time. , everyone is ready.

  At this time, An Chen is relying entirely on perseverance and tenacious desire to survive. She hasn't met Fu Yanxing or everyone.

  The atmosphere today is different from usual, An Chen can hear the commotion outside from the room, is it Fu Yanxing and the others coming?

  (end of this chapter)