The Almighty Men’s Clothes Boss is a Girl

Chapter 211

  Chapter 211

  Ling Han and the other five were still packing seriously, and Ji Xuan took the opportunity to contact the delivery man while An Chen was not here for filming.

  Everything was prepared intensively and carefully without An Chen's knowledge, and they all just hoped that this event, which was consuming manpower, financial and material resources, would bring An Chen a happy surprise.

   "How are you doing?" Although Ji Xuan was still on the set, her heart had already flown to the set.

  An Chen has been filming this scene with various details and angles, and it may not be finished in a while, so Ji Xuan hurriedly ran to a place that An Chen could not see to call Ling Han.

   "We've almost finished packing, but we have to wait until tomorrow to deliver it to the banquet hall. The other decoration materials are on the way, so it should be soon." Ling Han started the video, and let Ji Xuan take a look at the situation on the scene.

   "Xuan, long time no see." Ji Feng greeted.

   "Where is Xiao Chenchen, and filming?" Fang Yan also raised his head.

   "Hi, I'm Lin Han." Lin Han poked his head out of a pile of foam boxes and greeted Ji Xuan.

   "Old Fu, where are you?" Ling Han searched around but did not see Fu Yanxing.

   "Here." Fu Yanxing also acquiesced in the name of Lao Fu. An Chen's family is his family, so it doesn't matter what it is called.

   "Old Fu, has the lamp we ordered arrived?"

   "The delivery is coming soon." Fu Yanxing continued to organize the things in his hands after finishing speaking.

   "Xuan, I won't chat with you anymore, we've got to work." Ling Han hung up the phone before waiting for Ji Xuan's answer.

  Ji Xuan confirmed the logistics information again before returning to the set.

   "Ji Xuan, this way." Xia Jin greeted Ji Xuan to go over, and several other agents on the set were also there.

   "There will be a reporter visiting the class in a while. There is no interview this time. They just came to take some pictures and videos for publicity. Let me tell you first, and I will forget it after a while." Xia Jin explained.

   "Should the styling and clothing be covered?" Someone asked the question.

   "No, today's costumes can be photographed as publicity."

   "Is the scene still filming normally?" Another question was raised.

   "After the reporter arrives, we won't be filming. The plot can't be leaked. Just take a few stills."

  Reporters visit the set is a very common occurrence in the crew, and it is enough to figure out a few important things, and the rest are similar.

  An Chen was still filming, Ling Han was sorting things out, and Ji Xuan didn't have anything else to do on the set, so he simply sorted out his schedule.

  An Chen has not received any other announcements since he entered the filming group. Except for the last reporter interview, An Chen has not shown up for a long time.

  Although no one showed up, An Chen's endorsement advertisements can still be seen everywhere. There are currently only two endorsements by An Chen, but they are very popular, and the brand side is willing to spend money on publicity.

  In addition to endorsement, An Chen also has the title of Lewan City Experience Officer. This promotion is also very strong, and An Chen's videos are released in various regions.

  Although the few songs released by An Chen did not rank as well as they did at the beginning, they are also active on the charts of major music software.

  An Chen's commercial value has increased rapidly, and the first film he shot is also participating in the award selection. Therefore, there are not a few brands who come to seek cooperation and some invitations.

  Ji Xuan looked at the messy emails, sorted them out, and then put them aside.

  The endorsements and activities that have been confirmed are all contacted in advance, Ji Xuan plans to start sorting out these.

   We are willing to work hard, don't rush, don't panic, and don't escape. Time will definitely give us the answer we want most in the future. So, let's take our time and everything will take its own course.



  (end of this chapter)