The Almighty Men’s Clothes Boss is a Girl

Chapter 442: sorry, please leave

  Chapter 442 Sorry, please leave

   "We are very tight on time now. My planned video upload time is tomorrow, and it can only be tomorrow."

  An Chen took a brief look at the current voting status. She found that there were celebrities participating in the videos of other colleges. They might be alumni, or they might just be invited through their connections.

  The School of Film and Television and the School of Modern Dance are far ahead in the number of votes, while the School of Quyi, Drama and Classical Dance are slightly behind.

  The Conservatory of Music has not uploaded any works yet, so it is not allowed to start voting, and it is now at the bottom of the list.

   "Because time is tight, this filming will be done by all of you who are present. If you don't want to participate, you can quit now. It's all voluntary."


   "We do!"

  All voices of agreement sounded from below, and the sense of group honor reflected at this time became even stronger.

  There are few people in the Conservatory of Music, and there may be a feeling of sympathy, and the people in the Conservatory of Music are very united.

   "Okay, let me explain in advance, we will stay up late tonight, today we will roughly decide on the shooting scene, plot and location, and we will start with a simple walk, and we will start shooting directly tomorrow."

   "Who will shoot? What about editing?"

   "We are in contact with the shooting team, and the editing will also be done by a professional team."

  An Chen answered the question, Ji Xuan is still in contact at the moment, she is almost ready now, and is confirming the time.

   "Chenchen, can we shoot at nine o'clock tomorrow?" Ji Xuan came over and asked An Chen in a low voice.

   "Nine o'clock shooting, almost two hours, editing two hours, it's okay." An Chen calculated the time, and then gave an affirmative answer.

   "An Chen, we have finished counting here." Ai Yamin stood behind and gestured, and Ling Han stepped forward to take the list.

   "Is there anything else you need to deal with now?" An Chen asked everyone below.

   All the answers are negative, now you are ready to start.

   "Do we have a gymnasium here?" An Chen thought for a while, and felt that the gymnasium is the best place, the place is big, everyone gathers together, and we can discuss it.


   "Does anyone have a map of the academy?" An Chen asked again.

   "There is a floor plan of the school in the enrollment brochure, and I can send it to the office of the student union." Cheng Han's role was also revealed at this time.

   "Okay, you send someone directly to the gymnasium, we are all going there now."

   As soon as the voice fell, everyone got up, and a large group of people was on the way to the gymnasium.

  An Chen was thinking about countermeasures while walking. This was really too temporary. It was really useless to think of the shooting content of a video in such a short time.

  The gymnasium is not far from the building where the rehearsal hall was just now, and it took only five minutes to walk there.

  When I went in, there were still people playing basketball inside, and I was stunned to see so many people coming together.

   "Aren't you from our academy?" Ai Yamin asked.

   "No! What's wrong? The gymnasium can't be used anymore. It's great to have a gymnasium!"

   "I'm sorry, this is the gymnasium of the Conservatory of Music. We have something to do now, so please leave first." Ai Yamin's attitude was still very good.

   "I won't leave, what can you do to me?" The person at the beginning spoke harshly.

  This person may have no brains. There are only a dozen people on his side, and there are more than 100 people on the other side. He can act so wildly in other people's territory.

   "Excuse me, please leave." Ai Yamin said again.

  (end of this chapter)