The Almighty Men’s Clothes Boss is a Girl

Chapter 445: plagiarize

  Chapter 445 Plagiarism

   "What on earth are you going to do? Are you still unreasonable? We are just learning, why don't you let us go?"

   "Study? You said something wrong, don't you intend to plagiarize?" An Chen was still smiling at this time.

   "What plagiarism? We don't have it. It can't be called plagiarism at all." The two people on the opposite side were still trying to argue

   "Then what should it be called?" An Chen asked.

   "This, this should be" The two of them thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure out what it should be?

"I don't know how to say it? Let me help you. It shouldn't be called plagiarism. Then, in Chinese, it is called reference, in mathematics it is called analogy, in English it is called copy, in geography it is migration, in biology it is transcription, in physics it is reference system, In chemistry it’s called isomers, in politics it’s called seeking common ground while reserving differences, and in history it’s cultural unity, right?”

  When An Chen said this long sentence, not only the two people on the opposite side, but also the people on his side were dumbfounded.

   "Yes!" Before the two people on the opposite side could react, they subconsciously answered An Chen's train of thought.

  As soon as this answer was uttered, there was a burst of ridicule around, and the two of them thought about it quickly before they realized it.

   "What's right, quickly delete the secretly filmed video." Ling Han looked at the two people, and subconsciously felt that the two people were sick, and the disease was still in the brain, maybe it was atrophy.

   "Delete, delete now, we haven't captured anything yet." The two finally admitted,

   "What else do you want to photograph? It's already immoral to play tricks behind the scenes, and plagiarism is also shameful." I don't know which classmate made a condemning voice.

  These two people deleted the sneak shot video under their watchful eyes, even deleted the backup and so on, and then they were sent out by several people in person.

  There is actually no useful content in the video shot by those two people, but An Chen just wants them to delete it, and they have no right to take this video away.

   "Handsome and handsome!" Some people shouted to An Chen after secretly discussing it.

   "Low-key." Skupichen sat down again, those two people delayed the time just now, it's really annoying.

   "Well, I have an opinion about the shooting location." Ai Yamin was the first to put forward the idea, "I think the music room is very good."

   "Do you have any photos?" An Chen asked.

  Ai Yamin shook his head, but someone from behind sent a photo of the music room on his mobile phone.

  An Chen glanced at the photo. It was a circular classroom surrounded by stepped seats and a piano in the middle.

   "This place can be kept for the time being. If you have any recommendations, we can choose them first and then exclude them at the end." An Chen wrote the music room in a corner of the floor plan with a ballpoint pen.

   "I feel that the gymnasium we are staying in is not bad." Cheng Han said immediately.

   "It's really good. I also have this plan. How many of you here can play basketball? Boys."

   There were quite a few people who raised their hands. An Chen roughly counted them, and there were about forty or fifty.

"Now that the gymnasium has been mentioned, let me talk about my current plan. I hope to shoot a short shot of playing basketball in the gymnasium. Everyone else is scattered in the stands. We also need to select seven or eight girls to play cheerleaders. .”

   "How long will it take to shoot?"

   "Our entire video time is controlled within two minutes, preferably around one minute and forty seconds, and this edit may only take about ten seconds."

   "Jiang Yuan seemed to be the captain of the basketball team before, right?" There were actually quite a lot of nearly two hundred people sitting together. At this time, except for those who were close, An Chen couldn't tell the difference when the others spoke.

   This life is not too late, you might as well look at the stars along the way



  (end of this chapter)