The Almighty Men’s Clothes Boss is a Girl

Chapter 530: surprise

  Chapter 530 Surprise

   "Thank you." Fu Yanxing thanked him, then sat on the sofa and sent a message to Si Yi.

  Si Yi finally received the order from the boss, and gestured towards the surrounding operators.

  It’s seven o’clock in the evening in winter, it’s already dark outside, but the bustling street lamps and various shops still light up the city.

  Although the lights below are still brightly lit, the sky is not illuminated. Fu Yanxing's surprise today is to use this sky as a drawing board to give An Chen a unique painting.

   Following Si Yi's order, hundreds of drones were launched at the same time, and they were in a place not too far from the hospital.

  Fu Yanxing received a reply from Si Yi, and glanced out of the window without leaving a trace, and the drones with lights were slowly gathering.

   "Xiao Chen, look outside." Fu Yanxing called An Chen, and the eyes of others were also attracted.

   "Eh? Are there any activities outside today? Why are there so many drones?" Ji Feng looked puzzled.

   "Why are these drones facing us? Am I wrong?" Lin Han quit the game at this moment.

   "Did you do it?" Qu Yan quietly approached Fu Yanxing and asked in a low voice.

  Fu Yanxing smiled and said nothing, this is nothing, his surprise has not yet arrived.

  The drones outside are constantly changing their shapes, and An Chen looks very interesting.

   "Is this some kind of event or performance organized by the drone community?" Ji Xuan expressed his guess.

  This kind of hundreds of drones flying together must be reported in advance, and it must be approved, which is to prepare for potential safety hazards in advance.

   Now that so many drones appear together outside, it is really confusing and there is no reason.

   After watching the reactions of An Chen and the others, Fu Yanxing sent Si Yi a start message.

  The information was sent successfully, and the drone outside the window no longer changed its shape regularly, but looked more like flying randomly.

  About forty seconds later, all the drones were frozen in the air, and a portrait of An Chen appeared in the night.

   This portrait is vertical, facing the direction of An Chen's hospital bed.

   "Take a photo and take a photo." An Chen couldn't get his phone, so he hurriedly grabbed Ji Xuan who was closest to him.

   "It's amazing! It cost a lot of money to make portraits with drones." Qu Yan whispered in Fu Yanxing's ear again.

   "It's very similar, right?" Fu Yanxing looked arrogant, as long as it can make An Chen happy, spending some money is nothing.

   "You just went to fix this matter? Didn't you say you were going to invest in debt and collect interest? What's going on?"

  Others were taking pictures of An Chen's portrait spelled out by the drone outside the window, and no one noticed the conversation between Qu Yan and Fu Yanxing.

   "This has been prepared for a few days in advance. Today is Si Yi's team. I went to Wuming just now to clean up a waste surnamed Wu."

   "I seem to know who you are talking about, it's just a kid."

   "People's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants. Some people are too greedy. If they take other people's things, they will return them honestly."

  All the drones disrupted the shape again, and Fu Yanxing and the two also stopped the conversation and turned their eyes back to the window.

  The freeze-frame modeling this time is not an image, but some words.

  The word An Chen appeared in the air first, telling everyone that the portrait spelled out by the drone is An Chen, so as to prevent others from taking advantage of the loopholes.

  The word An Chen disappeared, and then a new word appeared.

  Happy and healthy!

   This is what Fu Yanxing wants to wish An Chen most now.

   The rest of your life is long, so why panic.



  (end of this chapter)