The Almighty Men’s Clothes Boss is a Girl

Chapter 564: silver?

  Chapter 564 Silver

  There was laughter and peace in the apartment, but not elsewhere.

  Now the most lively place should be the Internet. It seems that as long as something happens, the most lively place is the Internet.

  An Chen left the hospital temporarily, the reporter didn't even see An Chen's shadow, only saw Ji Xuan and Ling Han, but didn't get any useful information.

   Originally wanted to find An Chen's attending doctor, and An Chen's condition was news, but I learned that An Chen's attending doctor did not belong to this hospital either.

  In the spirit of never abandoning and never giving up, these reporters shamelessly pointed their ideas at the dean who broke the news. Unexpectedly, the news they got was even more terrifying.

  The dean has been deprived of the post of dean because of many cases such as private bribery, non-payment of taxes, and illegal import of equipment, etc., followed by legal trials, and now the hospital has changed hands.

  No news was obtained, and the reporters showed their ability to make up things.

   "An Chen earns a lot of money, and the entire floor is covered by hospitalization!"

   "An Chen's family background is strong!"

  Headlines like this appeared immediately, but An Chen's fans were not vegetarians, so of course it was impossible for reporters to slander them.

   "Contemporary 'human blood steamed bun' incident, An Chen was forced to leave the hospital by reporters!", An Chen's fans are now focusing on this entry, and it has slowly climbed into the trending searches.

  An Chen's popularity is still very good, a cute, cute and handsome child will make people like him, so in the current situation, An Chen has the upper hand.

   The fact that celebrities have no privacy and private life has always been a topic of discussion. The matter of An Chen has once again caused this disturbance.

  Besides being an actor and a singer, An Chen is still a patient. Because of the reporter's pursuit, An Chen left the hospital. This is one of the reasons why the reporter was criticized.

  Because of my own work, I did not hesitate to disturb the work of the hospital and disrupt public order. This is another reason.

  No matter what, although An Chen didn't speak out, the overall situation has been settled.

   In fact, not all reporters and media are like this. People can’t be killed at once. There are still reasonable and moral people, and there are not a few of them. This time, I also stand with most celebrities.

  The illegitimate meal incident did not attract much attention this time. On the one hand, not many people knew that the hospital went to the illegitimate meal, and on the other hand, the incident of reporters was in the way.

  The mess on the Internet has not been untied, and there is another place that is also very lively now.

   It's ironic enough to come all the way to look for An Chen, but to know the news at the latest.

   "Trash! Find someone for me!" A furious male voice sounded, yes, the person who spoke was the one who had already looked for Grandpa An.

  He has no name, or no one knows his name. For his title, there is only one word: silver.

  Fortunately, he doesn't live in China, and he is generally called yin abroad, otherwise his name is really strange.

silver? people? In some places, the pronunciation is similar, and his name also specifically emphasizes that he is a person, probably because he is afraid that others will not know or not see it.

   It is actually right to emphasize that, after all, for him, he has really done nothing.

  They are still trying to find An Chen's whereabouts, but they don't know that An Chen already knows it. Since they started to crack the location, An Chen has received the news, and she doesn't have to do it herself. Someone is maintaining her location.

   "Qingjiang Yin · Autumn Residence" by Wu Xiyi

   White geese fly wildly. Autumn is like snow, and the night is cool with dew. Sweep away the clouds beside the stones, and step on the pine roots and moon drunk. The sky is full of stars and people sleep.



  (end of this chapter)