The Almighty Men’s Clothes Boss is a Girl

Chapter 574: a familiar stranger

  Chapter 574 Familiar stranger

  Wu Ke knew that he had been exposed, so he didn't even change his number when he posted the photo this time, and there was no need to change it.

  After An Chen's last reply, Wu Ke thought of some reasons and wanted to ask An Chen out to meet him, but he never got a reply. Of course he didn't know that An Chen had turned off his computer and went downstairs to play.

   Wu Ke thought that An Chen was still hesitating when he didn't reply to the message, so after some ideological struggle, he sent all the remaining photos to An Chen.

  He is betting that these photos can stimulate An Chen, and he is also betting that these photos can arouse An Chen's curiosity to know the answer.

   However, obviously he overestimated himself. In fact, his goal has been achieved. An Chen is indeed curious about these photos, but she will not take the initiative to meet Wu Ke.

  Among the latest photos sent by Wu Ke, most of them are photos of An Chen's parents and a little girl, and one photo is a paternity test report.

  The paternity test clearly stated that the little girl is the daughter of her parents, but An Chen is not sure now, after all, the authenticity of the paternity test report is not certain.

  The result of identification may be true, but who can know whose sample is identified?

  Actually, this report is very likely to be true, but An Chen can't accept it so far, and doesn't want to accept it.

  It's not that she can't accept the sudden extra sister. What she can't accept is that her parents have been missing for many years without any news. But in fact, she is the only one who doesn't know the whereabouts of her parents.

  While the three of them are living a happy life, An Chen may be shuttling through the hail of bullets, may be lying on the operating table fighting for life with death, and may be undergoing inhumane training.

  What are these for? An Chen could obviously lead a good life, and she could have no worries about food and clothing, but if that was the case, she would not have any contacts, resources, or methods to find her parents' whereabouts.

  In order to find his parents, or to investigate the truth of the year, An Chen resolutely embarked on another path that was completely opposite to his original life trajectory.

  But now I suddenly told her that maybe everything she did was just her own wishful thinking, and her hard work for so many years was just a joke.

   What An Chen couldn't accept the most was a photo of a family relationship.

  In that photo, everyone is there, the grandfather is there, the deceased grandma and grandparents are there, the parents are there, and there is a name, which should be the little girl.

  That's all. In these photos and materials, An Chen doesn't exist at all. An Chen is an outsider who doesn't exist in their lives at all, maybe just a familiar stranger.

   An Chen grabbed the side of the hanging chair by himself, then supported the sofa next to him, and stood up hard. In fact, An Chen can really walk by himself now, but every step hurts the wound.

  The injury of this operation was too great, a sudden shock before the operation, a normal operation with a lot of bleeding, and an emergency rescue on the verge of death after the operation, all of which caused irreversible damage to An Chen's body.

   This is what Chi Jing and Ling Han are worried about. Although An Chen's stomach function is recovering, and the surgical wound is gradually healing, how can things that have already experienced injuries be restored to their original perfection?

  An Chen supported the side of the sofa and moved to the wheelchair, and then took the elevator to the study on the second floor by himself. The sound was so small that no one else noticed.

  (end of this chapter)