The Almighty Men’s Clothes Boss is a Girl

Chapter 894: The wine made by the children is delicio

  Chapter 894 The wine made by the kid is delicious

  Everyone stood behind the bartending table and watched An Chen's movements. The cups and bottles shuttled back and forth in An Chen's hands, as if they were alive.

   Both of An Chen's hands are moving, but they seem to be very coordinated. What everyone sees is that various things are flying between An Chen's two hands.

  An Chen's movements were too fast, and everyone couldn't even see the movements clearly, but soon, everyone saw some mixed wine appearing in a row of glasses on the bartending table.

   But these things have not been completed yet, An Chen rinsed the mixing glass, and then started a new round of repeated actions.

Next is the moment to witness the miracle. An Chen poured the wine in the mixing glass into the glass in front of him one by one, and a miraculous scene happened. It was obviously the same color of wine just now, but after adding another liquid, it suddenly became different color.

"Okay." An Chen doesn't like to add those fancy decorations. She thinks that what she is drinking is wine, not some decorations on it. Except for some materials that must be used on the wine, An Chen will not add anything else thing.

   This wine doesn’t need anything else, and An Chen didn’t add it, so it looks a little shabby, but the color of this wine is really beautiful.

   Several glasses of wine are put together, each of which has a unique color.

  Everyone took a glass in turn. It was really hard to choose, because each glass was different. In the end, everyone took the wine in front of them in order.

   The wine has been mixed, but An Chen's hands did not stop. Everyone has wine to drink, and of course they must have their own.

  With Ling Han here, it is impossible to drink alcohol. An Chen made himself a non-alcoholic drink.

   For drinks, An Chen made some more, and then poured them into the big glass next to them, so that they can drink when everyone is playing later.

  Drinking the drink he made himself, An Chen leaned on the bartending table, watching everyone's reaction after drinking.

   An Chen is still very confident about the wine he mixes, after all, he can't embarrass that old guy, that old guy really wants face.

  An Chen was also very satisfied with everyone's reactions after drinking the wine. The faces of those who had drunk the wine were all pleasantly surprised. Either they came to cooperate with An Chen's performance, or they were amazed by the taste of this wine.

   I don't know how to describe it, but the taste of this wine is indeed very unique. For Fan Luo, who has tasted almost all wines from all over the world, he can't describe the taste of this wine with any wine.

  An Chen is really good, Fan Luo and Qu Yan looked aside at Fu Yanxing at the same time, feeling that Fu Yanxing was suddenly not good enough for An Chen.

  Because of a glass of wine, the two brothers had already shifted positions, and it was really difficult for Fu Yanxing.

   "Is it delicious?" An Chen said this sentence to ask everyone on the surface, but his eyes were actually fixed on Fu Yanxing.

  Others expressed their appreciation one after another. Fu Yanxing didn't speak, but nodded to An Chen.

   An Chen felt that the phone was vibrating, and after taking out the phone, he saw the message from Fu Yanxing.

   "The wine made by the kid is very delicious. When will you have time to teach me?"

   "I don't want it." An Chen answered him three words very simply, then put the phone in his pocket with a smile, and raised his head.

   Of course, one glass of wine is not enough for everyone. An Chen naturally has other unique skills. He originally wanted to mix this glass of wine and call it a day, but An Chen is happy now, so he can adjust a few more.

  (end of this chapter)