The Almighty Men’s Clothes Boss is a Girl

Chapter 903

  Chapter 903

  Here is happily eating fruit, the fruit is almost eaten, and the dinner over there is ready.

  There is no table to eat in the living room, and it would be too troublesome to move here, so everyone went to the dining room.

  The steaming hot pot is already on the table, and there are all kinds of rich hot pot side dishes beside it, including all kinds of meat, vegetables, and seafood.

  Everyone sat down around the round table. Of course, the seat next to An Chen belonged to Fu Yanxing, and the seat on the other side was occupied by Ling Han.

   "Where are Brother Ji Xuan and Brother Ji Feng?" An Chen looked around but did not find these two people.

   "The two of them are still making things in the kitchen." Fang Yan replied, they wanted to go to help just now, but they were turned back.

   As soon as the words fell, Ji Xuan and Ji Feng came out carrying two large trays, which were filled with various plates, large and small.

  Fried crispy meat, brown sugar glutinous rice cakes, braised prawns in oil, various snacks and desserts are everyone's favorite.

  Ji Xuan and Ji Feng clapped their hands after putting down their things. The two of them have cooked too many meals together, and they have cultivated a tacit understanding. Now it doesn't take long to prepare a meal, and it's quick.

   "They are all so good." Yan Yi said with emotion, he used to prepare meals by the chef, and he himself knew nothing about cooking.

   "Small, don't be so surprised, okay? All of these people have special skills." Qu Yan patted Yan Yi on the back, and then moved two places for Ji Xuan and Ji Feng.

   It stands to reason that people like Yan Yi and the others should have a wide social circle, but they are the exceptions.

  Although the social circle can be wide, there are only a few real friends, but these few are enough.

  Yan Yi hasn't had dinner with so many people for a long time. Before meeting An Chen, Fu Yanxing and the others were like this too.

   "The pot is boiling, let's cook the meat, I'm so hungry!" Fan Luo said as he reached out to pick up the lid of the pot, and then watched everyone start filling the pot with stuff.

   "How about you don't leave tonight, I have enough rooms here, and I have everything, so just stay here tonight."

  Although I have just met most of the people here, in this short period of time, everyone has gotten along very well. It is actually very easy to become friends with people with the right three views.

   "The two of us don't mind staying here." Fan Luo pulled Qu Yan and looked at Yan Yi and said.

   "Where are the others? Let's all stay together!" Yan Yi turned his gaze to the others.

  Although everyone really wants to stay here, but there will be activities tomorrow, and there will be continuous shooting from the hotel in the morning, and the distance from the hotel is not too close, so we can only go back to the hotel.

  Although it’s a little regrettable, it’s not just this time, there will be opportunities to come here in the future.

   While talking, everything cooked in the pot is cooked, and it is very lively when there are many people eating together, such as now.

   Fang Yan and Fan Luo grabbing things is a very common thing, and everyone is familiar with it, but it is the first time Yan Yi has seen this scene, and it is true that he is a little confused.

  But with this group of people around, don’t be in a daze when eating, otherwise the result will be a hot pot that was still full just now, and now there is only soup base left.

   Of course, An Chen doesn't need to participate in this kind of grabbing. As long as she sits here, everyone will take turns to put various things in her bowl.

  (end of this chapter)