The Alpha Boss’s Thousand-layer Routine

Chapter 90: Stealing is more exciting

"I won't make a phone call to report my safety when I come back, and I can't make the call..." Dai Yuanqin walked in while nagging Wen Mi. When changing shoes, she saw a pair of leather shoes obviously not belonging to Wen Mi's size on the ground. , The voice suddenly stopped.

Only when Wen Mi woke up, he opened the door and saw his mother was so scared that his head froze, and the physical evidence had been discovered. Think about Ling Heshi who was lying on the bed at this time, the half of the quilt he had already torn apart, and the sleep marks on his bed, they would soon be stolen.

"Ling Heshi is at your house?"

Wen Mi heard Dai Yuanqin's tone suddenly become solemn, and he had nothing to say when the matter came, he could only be thankful that it was not night, at least he and Ling Heshi were not spending the night.

"He just came back from a business trip and was too tired to rest in the room." Wen Mi replied in a low voice, lacking confidence.

"Has he returned home?"

"not yet……"

"I came to look for you as soon as I came back. I really like you." Dai Yuanqin muttered, carrying the vegetables into the kitchen, and didn't even glance at the room.

Dai Yuanqin didn't know that Wen Mi and Ling Heshi came back from Songzhou together. I just feel that Alpha came back from a business trip abroad for more than ten hours, and even his parents didn't even look at it, and then came to Wen Mi. This really proves that he likes Wen Mi.

Wen Mi originally thought his mother would be angry, but didn't expect it to be this kind of reaction. It was too late to think that Wen Mi hurried back to the room and destroyed the evidence that he was sleeping next to Linghe, and then saw Alpha who was still sleeping. , Wen Mi patted his movements for a while, and then stopped shouting.

To prevent Ling He from being awakened, Wen Mi closed the door when he left the room and went to the kitchen to help.

"Mom, come and help me cook, where's the house?" Wen Mi expertly helped pick vegetables, but he didn't expect his mother to come over and make dinner for him.

"I made dumplings at home, just let your dad cook them at night." Dai Yuanqin said while seasoning the marinade.

As long as Wen Mi goes home, she always goes to the kitchen to help. Dai Yuanqin seems to realize today that the only one at home who is familiar with the kitchen is Wen Mi, Wen Duo can only pick vegetables but not cook, and Wen Lu can't even pick vegetables.

"You go out and rest, and there is nothing to help." Dai Yuanqin thought that Wen Mi had just returned from Songzhou and should be tired too.

"It's okay, I'm not tired." Wen Mi stayed in the kitchen, said a few words briefly, and was silent.

Dai Yuanqin cut the meat, recalling that when Ling Heshi’s father and younger brother were there that day, Wen Mi and the two had endless topics, but when they stayed alone with their mother and son, they didn’t know what to say after a few words. Up.

Wen Mi packed up the vegetables quickly, and then went to the living room with a word. I've been away for a few days, and I need to clean up. I slept with Alpha when I came back, and now it's time to clean.

While wiping the table, Wen Mi suddenly heard Dai Yuanqin calling him.

"Wen Mi, you go to Songzhou to see Yu Zhi, how about him?"

Wen Mi opened his mouth and said that was not bad, and was about to be discharged from the hospital.

It is rare that Dai Yuanqin, who actively wanted to find a topic with Wen Mi, didn't know what to say.

"Give me a spare key."

"Mom, I will have a meal at home in the evening. I can fry rice or vegetables by myself. It doesn't have to be so troublesome." Wen Mi glanced at the bedroom with a guilty conscience when he said that he was alone.

"It's just that you don't eat well to keep your health down. Eat more meat and some soup, and eat well to keep your body healthy." Dai Yuanqin was dissatisfied with Wen Mi's words, and her tone of voice became unconsciously renewed.

"I have a delicious lunch...very rich and everything." Since Ling He lived with him, lunch has been delivered by Ling's family. Sometimes it was made by Meng Qing and sometimes by his aunt. Not only was Fengsheng delivered. He was still warm when he came, but Wen Mi didn't say it. His instinct told him that if he said that, his mother would be even more angry.

"That's not as good as the one made at home. Go and get the spare key, or you will forget it at night."

Reluctantly, Wen Mi returned to the bedroom and knelt in front of the bedside table to find the spare key that hadn't been taken in the innermost part. I was rummaging through Wen Mi's head, and then he was scratched by his hair a few times, rubbing his fingers across his scalp, causing a burst of numbness.

"What time is it?" Ling Heshi's low and hoarse voice sounded above Wen Mi's head.

"It's still early, you only slept for two hours." As soon as Wen Mi was in front of Ling Heshi, he unconsciously aggrieved and started acting like a baby. "My mother is here to make dinner for me, and I'm looking for a spare key for her."

"I very tactfully want to refuse, but my mother won't give it." Wen Mi found the spare key from the corner of the drawer and held it in his hand without much thought.

Seeing little Omega sigh, Ling Heshi rubbed Wen Mi's forehead with his finger.

"Stealing is more exciting."

"..." You should fall asleep.

It's impossible to sleep again. Ling Heshi got up and looked in the mirror to tidy up, caressed the folds of his clothes, and went out with little Omega.

Ling Heshi rolled up his sleeves to go into the kitchen to help. Dai Yuanqin took the key and saw Ling Heshi's dark circles and drove him out of the kitchen, so Wen Mi and Ling Heshi cleaned in the living room together.

When the meal was finished, the three of them sat at a table to have a meal. Wen Mi tasted a chicken wing and found that his mother seemed to put a little more sugar. Although it was not as good as Linghe's taste, it was better than before. Eat a lot.

Dai Yuanqin and Wen Mi had nothing to say, and they didn't say anything to Ling Heshi. Instead, Ling Heshi asked Dai Yuanqin about some dishes.

After dinner, Dai Yuanqin was about to leave. When the dusk was outside, Ling Heshi offered to send Wen's mother back, creating the illusion that he was not staying overnight at Wen Mi's house.

After Ling Heshi sent Dai Yuanqin back, he drove the car back to Wen Mi. As soon as Alpha came back, Wen Mi went up and asked, he was afraid of what Dai Yuanqin and Ling He would say.

"Your mother beat me and said that she would come to see you often. It seems that we can only sleep together secretly." Ling Heshi's tone was helpless, but there was a glimmer of expectation in his eyes. Wen Mi felt that Ling Heshi must be It's weird that I didn't sleep well, so I pushed the person to the bedroom and continued to sleep.

Wen Mi thought his mother would come back two days after getting the spare key. He didn't expect that on the first day of the new week when he and Ling Heshi went to work, he received the **** news that they were already at the gate of the community.

Wen Mi stood up in a hurry, but there was little movement, but everyone looked over, including Ling Heshi who was sitting in the office.

After standing for three seconds, Wen Mi sat down quickly again. Everyone stared at Wen Mi for a while, and then went on to work again.

[Ling Tiantian: What happened? 】

Ling Heshi's chat box popped up on Wen Mi's computer.

[Little Longyan: My mother has gone to my house! 】

[Little Longyan: I'm afraid she found out that we were living together, so she was a little scared. 】

[Little Longyan: But I remembered again that we had hidden all the evidence of living together, and I was relieved again. 】

Although I thought Dai Yuanqin would be coming in two days later, last night when Wen Mi and Ling He locked the Alpha pajamas and clothes at home in the locked drawer, they packed all of them after washing up in the morning, such as toothbrushes, cups and the like. The drawer, and the only key of the drawer is now in Wen Mi's pocket.

[Ling Tiantian: Is it really exciting to steal? 】

【Little Longan: ...】