The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 148: Green hat 3

"You are rich, flowers are open, you two are back, hurry home and see, your mother ran!"

Jiang Fu and Jiang Hua came down from the school bus, and there were several classmates who were studying in the town center primary school. Before they went to the village, they were stopped by several good things.

They said eager words in their mouths, but their eyes flashed and watched the lively light.

There is no such thing as a stupid X, and I am afraid that people’s homes are not enough.

"What to say, rich, flowers, don't listen to him, your mother went to your house, it is said that you are sick, you can rest assured that your mother will come back in a few days."

"Yes, rich, you are a brother, take care of your father and sister these days. If you have an anecdote, come to your grandmother to find a grandmother?"

A few kind-hearted villagers squinted at the picking thing and quickly comforted the brothers and sisters Jiang Fu and Jiang Hua.

"Which sentence I said is wrong, she is not too rich and loves the rich in Hongmei. After seeing the accident, she ran back to her family. Otherwise, it would be so smart. Her mother-in-law was sick at this time." ”

The man muttered a few words without convincing, but Jiang Fu couldn't hear what he said. He only knew that he was pulling his sister's hand and ran in the direction of his home.

"Call - call - call -"

Jiang Fu is a big brother. When he was very young, his father taught him. He is a boy. When his father is not at home, he wants to protect his mother and sister. Therefore, although he is seven years old this year, the boy is far older than his peers. sensible.

At this moment, he ran very fast, but the sister he was pulling could obviously not keep up with his pace, gasping with a big mouth, and before he got home, he couldn’t help but wow.

"Run and run."

It is a bit squeaky because it is different from the majority of housewives in the village. She is a woman who likes to enjoy. In addition to buying for herself, she also likes to buy beautiful clothes for children.

Before the Spring Festival, Jiang’s estimate that Jiang’s family should have saved 100,000 yuan in these years. She is far overestimating Yu Hongmei. In fact, the money she has in her hands is not even 30,000 yuan, and most of the money is It’s spent dressing up on this matter.

When a woman in the village used a dozen or twenty lipsticks in a small shop, Yu Hongmei was already familiar with the grandmothers such as grandmother and sculpt. With the development of the news media, Yu Hongmei was on TV. The newspaper saw a whole new world.

She often feels that her length is not much different from that of female stars, but she is married to a construction worker who has no ability because she is young and ignorant. She can't give her anything except the thousands of dollars a month.

This growing breed is not willing to make her look at her looks like she is five or six. She is more beautiful than her. When she takes care of her daughter, she has a kind of red plum. I got the impulse that my daughter must get. She often thinks about Hongmei. Maybe her daughter is her chance to cross the class.

Therefore, before the river flowed out, Jiang Hua was the most loved baby in the family.

However, because of the change of the original body, let Yu Hongmei discover that she may not necessarily rely on her daughter to change the status quo of life. She herself can also do the same. This kind of selfish love is naturally weakening.

However, Jiang Hua, who is only seven years old, does not know her status change in her mother's mind. She only knows that her brother has been running around her. Her heel is very painful to be worn by small leather shoes that have just been worn for a few days. She does not want to. Then I ran with my brother.

"Flower, you have to lick, at night, my brother will give you marshmallows."

Jiang Fu was too anxious. At this moment, he was not in the mood to spend too much time to marry his sister. She casually perfunctory her and continued to take her to the direction of her home.

Jiang Hua sucked her nose and heard her brother say that she would give her candy to eat. The little hand wiped her tears and eventually she went up.

"Dad! Dad!"

The first thing Jiang Fujin entered was to find his father.

Jiang's bedroom is on the second floor. Just because of the river leg injury, the forestry sent a camp bed, and the living room on the first floor was temporarily divided into an area as a good brother's bedroom.

In order to make the original body boring, the forestry also scoured a small color TV, bought a DVD, placed on the opposite side of the camp bed, so when no one, the original can still watch TV to relieve boredom.

When Jiang Fu rushed into the living room, the TV was closed. He only saw his father lying on his back to the bed. There were a few dishes on the table, covered with a plastic table cover. The room was quiet, not the slightest. **** off.


Jiang Fu yelled at Dad and rushed to the marching bed where the river was lying.

"Come back, eat, your grandma grandma helped us make a few dishes, the rice is simmering in the stove, you go to a few bowls."

Jiang Liu got up and was ready to take the crutches on the bed.

He needs to recuperate now. He can't walk on crutches for a long time. In fact, in the end of the month, don't hang on crutches, lie on the bed, and others will end up with food, and even urinating should be solved with a potty on the bed. .

Obviously, in the current situation, he could not rest on the bed, so the river took the crutches on the side and prepared to go to the table to eat.

"Dad, you can't go, Lin Shu said."

Jiang Fu like the little adult, grabbed the pair of crutches before the river.

The original pair of crutches was asked by others to play, pure solid wood, the weight can not be light, Jiang Fu is also seven years old this year, holding this pair of crutches is still a little hard.

"Dad, I will help you with a meal, you have to be embarrassed, don't move."

When carrying his father, Jiang Fu did not hold back his tears. He didn’t see his mother after going home for a long time. His heart was faint and had a bad feeling.

Don't say that this age child doesn't understand anything. In fact, on the days when Dad came home, Jiang Fu has been impatiently seen from his mother's eyes. Such a mother is strange. Before that, Jiang Fu I always feel that his mother is a very gentle and kind mother.

He didn't know why his mother had such a big change. He only knew that there were too many things that happened with his father's injury. The original harmonious atmosphere of the family seemed to disappear in an instant.

My mother became anxious and irritated, and there was no such gentle and gentle smile on her face.

Dad is no longer the brave father who once rushed to take over the wine that his mother handed him, and then drunk, every day he came back happy and wanted to tell his father about the interesting things he had experienced at school. Only get a cool response from Dad.

Jiang Fu did not dare to cry out. He comforted himself. Perhaps it was like a grandmother said that her mother just went home to visit and went, and her mother would not want him or her to bloom.

The little boy resisted the dull pain in his heart, went to the kitchen and took out a big bowl from the cupboard, then stepped on the small stool and took three spoonfuls of rice from the rice cooker in the big bowl. When he left the kitchen, he glanced at the eye. My mother often took out the cupboard that came out of the wine. After thinking about it, I still didn’t give my father a drink. He felt that wine was not a good thing, because every time Dad drank wine, he would not care about him and his sister.

When he came out of the kitchen, Jiang Hua finally ran to the door.

This little girl who is favored by the whole family obviously does not have the maturity of her brother Jiang Fulai. When she goes home, she will cry for her mother.

"Brother, where is your mother?"

Jiang Hua whispered her mouth and just ran too fast. Her shoes were rubbed with stones. She had to complain to her mother, and she blamed her brother for pulling her so fast, so her little shoes were broken.

Can Jiang Hua rummaged through the room, and even ran upstairs to find a circle, did not find a mother, the delicate little girl was very upset, simply dropped the golden bean.

"Mom went to the house and came back in a few days."

Jiang Fuzhen was on the chair, holding some dishes in the big bowl of the rice, then taking chopsticks and spoons, walking to the camp bed and handing the dishes to Dad’s hands.

"How can mother not come back, I want my mother."

There is no reason to talk about the crying child. Jiang Hua’s crying is getting louder and louder. Jiang Fu looked at his father and saw that his father was quietly eating rice. He didn’t mean to marry his sister. His mouth was a bit panic. Suffering, I can only run to my sister.

But he is also just a child, tired, and his sister has not stopped, Jiang Fu can only choose to give up, go to the kitchen to have two bowls of rice out, and then silently eat his bowl of rice.

Dad ignored himself, and his brother ignored himself. Jiang Hua squinted with both hands, crying and crying. The fingers that were close together opened two small slits. I saw that my father and my brother had no need to marry her. The cry of the birch finally changed from the previous shackles to the later whispering.


Finally crying tired, she wiped her eyes with her sleeves and then squatted to the table to eat.

When her mother returns, she must tell her mother that Dad and her brother are bullying her today.

The little girl shed tears while eating, and the rice mixed with salty tears, and the small appearance was so pitiful.


"Host, this is not like you."

On the background of this scene, 001 curiously asked, in its mind, the host's patience with the child is very high, but today his attitude towards Jiang Hua is obviously too cold.

"Have you heard a story?"

At this time, the night was already deep. Jiang Fu and Jiang Hua’s two brothers and sisters had already fallen asleep in their bedrooms. The river looked at the ceiling of the living room, Zhang said.

"One day, someone went to the psychiatric department to find a doctor. He told the doctor that he had a serious depression and asked the doctor if he had any treatment."

"The doctor told him that they have the most funny clown in the city, and the clown can cure his illness."

"The man was silent for a moment and replied, doctor, he is the clown."

001 seems to understand what I heard after listening to this passage.

All along, it feels that its host is a heartless, optimistic and cheerful person. His life experience never seems to leave traces on him. When it first came into contact with the river, the other party was a slick tongue. The man, no matter what happened, he is a haha, rarely seeing him angry, and rarely seeing him lose his mind.

Prior to this, 001 a person who felt that there was such a experience should be extreme and cynical. At the very least, he should have all kinds of complaints and dissatisfaction with the suffering brought about by his life.

But the characteristics he had guessed have never appeared in the river.

It seems now that the experience did not affect him, but the sly, dark things were buried in his heart.

Today, Jiang Hua’s performance is to puncture the scar and face the blood of those bad things in front of him.

001 can't help but guess, is it that the rivers used to cry and asked Grandpa, where did Dad go, where did Mom go, is it that others are laughing at him as a child without a mother, he is a ruthless 婊When the son of the child fights with others, then runs home and asks grandfather why he has such a mother...

All of this 001 is unknown, the first time, 001 understands the distressed taste.

"Ha ha ha, I just boasted that you are a mature system, how can you be deceived again, Ann, I am grinding the temper of the little girl, you really feel sad when I touch the scene, so long. I have forgotten it."

The river is haha, and the face still sees the haze before it.

001 can't tell the difference, the previous river flow and the current river flow, which is true and which is false.


001 snorted and then disappeared into the air.

Although it is not smart enough to distinguish the emotions of the river, it understands that the river does not want it to know, it pretends not to know, even if they are now the closest partners of each other, some small corners of the soul, it also It should be left to the river and let him guard himself.