The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 160: Green hat 15

"You are rich, why didn't you go to school today?"

The village chief subconsciously lowered his voice and thought of the news of these reporters. He could not help but sympathize with the two children of Jiangjia.

In any case, the child is innocent, but because of the misbehavior of Hongmei, it is easy for Jiang to treat the evil feelings of Hongmei to the children. It is said that it is difficult to produce bamboo shoots, which are produced in Hongmei. How can a child be excellent?

Especially when the flowers bloom, the mother's bad reputation is the most hindered daughter. If she stays in the local area, the marriage will be affected by this incident in the future.

"Your mom came back last night?"

The village chief saw Jiang Fu not talking, and lowered his voice and asked through the crack in the door. "There are some reporters coming over to find your dad to understand some problems. You are rich, you open the door."

The village chief is also embarrassed. Some of the reporters are in the county, some are in the city, and the mayor is coming over. He is a small village chief and he does not dare to come.

"The home is busy, no effort to entertain guests."

Fan Fang didn't know when she got to the back of the door. She didn't sleep for a night, and she had a face, and she opened her grandson and was about to close the door.

After the accident yesterday, she gave her daughter a phone call for one night. From the time the phone was answered, the phone was dead. Fan Fang didn’t know what happened to her daughter. She worried about her daughter’s body and worried about the follow-up effect of this incident. Did not sleep at night.

She also watched the TV news last night. At this time, she saw a reporter at the door and a villager who was ready to watch the show. Her headache was even worse. Although I don't know how long it can escape, but in the moment, Fan Fang does not want to accept any interviews.

"Why, what are you, how old is it that you can be a family of Jiangjia? No one says anything, can you be the leader of the reporters?"

A woman in the crowd snorted.

Her daughter did such a shameless thing, she is still very interested in living in Jiang, how thick this skin is, her prostitute must have learned this problem from her, so can do this kind of shameless thing.

"Who are you? I am the mother-in-law of Jiangliu. Now that Jiangliu is sick, there are no other elders in the family. How can I not be a master?"

Fan Fang, who had not slept for a night, lost his former calmness, widened his eyes, and looked at the people outside the door with a gloomy look.

"My daughter and Jiang Liu have not divorced yet, even if they are divorced, I am also a rich and flowery cockroach. I have decided this home."

Anyway, Fan Fang is making up his mind not to open the door, let these nasty reporters go back and forth.

"Open the door!"

At this time, a low-pitched male voice rang from Fan Fang.

Jiang Fu Meng raised his head and saw that his father, who had never had a room since yesterday, suddenly turned his eyes on, just thinking about the embarrassing environment that their family is facing now, and the flames in their eyes gradually disappeared until they are completely extinguished.

What happened in just a few days is not a torment for this seven-year-old child.

"Stream, how come out, your injury is still not good, Mom gives you a bone soup."

Turning around and seeing the river coming out, Fan Fang’s attitude suddenly softened. She spoke softly and eloquently, and went forward a few steps, trying to help the girl return to the room.

Originally, the river was sleeping on the camp bed downstairs, but it happened yesterday. In order to avoid the eyes of outsiders, the river went to the upstairs room with a cane, and for a whole night, I did not see him from the room. come out.

Fan Fang hoped that he would stay in that room for a long time, because it was the wedding room between him and his daughter Hongmei. The wall on the back of the bed still hung their wedding photos, watching the photos, and the couple. Once upon a time, maybe he will be soft and forgive her daughter.

Looking at the current attitude of the son-in-law, she feels that she seems to be gambling wrong.

Why did he let these reporters come in, is it to look at those items with good memories, love and hate, completely refuse to forgive their daughter?

Fan Fang was anxious, but the attitude of the river was so firm at this time. Even if she wanted to block the door from letting the outsiders come in, the villagers in Sanlin Village and the rivers would not agree.

"Okay, Grandma Fan, you have to let go."

Jiang Liu, the head of the family, spoke up. Fan Fang, who didn’t know whether he would become a predecessor’s mother in the near future, couldn’t stop the door.

The village head stepped forward and pushed the door of the Jiang family, and then led the reporters to come in.

The villagers who followed the group at the beginning also followed the flood into the Jiang family, and filled the former front yard with a fairly spacious front.

"Are you Mr. Jiang?"

Before the reporters came, they had already learned about the situation of some Jiang family, and they also got photos of Jiang’s family through special channels.

Before they set off, their impression of the river was a handsome young man, and now they are in front of them, but they are a young man who is very well-disciplined.

According to the information, the river broke his leg, but now he has not seen him with a cane. It seems that he has recovered very well and has been able to walk normally.

Several reporters looked at the two legs of the river, but they could still see the signs of being hurt, because now most of his center of gravity is placed on the other leg, but even then, he can prove his Rehabilitation has achieved great results.

"Mr. Jiang, we are here today to interview you a few questions. Do you know your wife's extramarital affairs?"

"Mr. Jiang, do you have any thoughts on this?"

Several reporters took out the equipment they had eaten and asked questions that were prepared in advance.

"This is a private matter of our family. Do you guys think that we have not enough things?"

Fan Fang grabbed the answer in front of the river.

"Are you the mother of Hongmei? Are you ashamed of your daughter's behavior?"

"Did you know your daughter's extramarital affairs very early, can you tell us when your daughter has such a deviant behavior?"

"As a mother, do you think your daughter is doing this right? Your daughter has two children. Can such behavior set a good example for children?"

Fan Fang didn't talk well. When she talked, the reporters stared directly at her. A bunch of tricky questions heard her staring at Venus.

"I don't know anything. My daughter can't be derailed. It must be framed by others."

Fan Fang clenched his teeth and refused to recognize him.

"Are you accusing the police of marrying your daughter?"

"Can you be responsible for what you are saying now?"

It’s a bunch of problems. Fan Fang’s heart is heavy, but it’s just ordinary people. There is a fear of the police. She dares to say that she feels that the police have married her niece, opened her mouth, and then will be frustrated again. The mouth is closed.

However, just as Fan Fang’s performance was enough to become a material, the reporters thought about it, and how to write this part of the manuscript after returning to the social/TV station.

"There is nothing to know about the sluts. Like the two children, they are innocent. When Hongmei did those things, they all carried their husbands and children. You shouldn’t come over and ask them questions."

Man Chunzhen looked at the group of reporters, and the extremely poor rivers couldn’t help it. They washed away the crowd and used their slightly fat body to keep the river tight, and they guarded the old hen. The chicken is the same.

"What is wrong with Yu Hongmei is not a vagrant. You should go to Hongmei to ask if she has thought about the husband who made money outside when she did these shameless things. Have you ever thought about two innocence? cute child."

The old lady said that Jiangliu wanted to give her a compliment.

But now he can't do this. This scene is far from the end.

"What about that..."

Several reporters were a little embarrassed. The interview was a task given by Taichung. They also worked for work.

"Mr. Jiang, can you say a few words?"

When I was older, the reporters who had experienced more things were thick enough. He bypassed the Spring Festival and lifted the microphone to the front of the river. He thought that he had a few words about the peach-colored news. They are going through a process. Just a few words, they can also make a difference.

Everyone is quiet, and they want to know what the river will say at the end.

Is it a pain in Hongmei, or is it...

The mood of the full spring is the most complicated. On the one hand, she hates Hongmei. On the one hand, she understands how much the child likes Jiang, and there are two children. Do you really want the two children to be children without a mother?

"To tell the truth, I am still dizzy in my mind."

The river rushed, and the son who looked at him and the daughter who did not dare to come out behind the door, spoke for a long time.

"Just go home."

One word and one sentence, spit out from the mouth.

There are numbness in his eyes, pain, shame, and a bit of unclear love.

After saying this, Jiang Liu turned and walked back to the house, and this short four words also showed his attitude.

Even if he could not accept the fact that his wife had an affair, he was also angry and annoyed at the same time, but finally Jiangliu chose to forgive.

Everyone present was shocked.

Although Manchun had already prepared himself, he was still wronged by the river, and Fan Fang was completely surprised. She did not look at the wrong river. This boy loves her niece and loves to die.


The daytime interviews appeared in the evening news of local TV stations, because it is known that there will be follow-up interviews of the news the next day. At night, many local families are watching TV sets, ready to watch the emotional news that happened to them. .

When you see Jiangliu’s saying that he is going home, the women are inevitably embarrassed.

Don't look at the rapid development of this era, but men and women are still very unequal. It is the willingness of many women to adjust their status.

In the family, when men are derailed, women are more likely to choose forgiveness. Even for men who are stalking, they only close their eyes. But women’s derailment is different. Sluts, scorpions, and words are hard to hear. What, not only men, but also women, and the vast majority of women were found to be divorced after being derailed.

Of course, regardless of men and women, the derailment is definitely wrong, but the different levels of criticism that have been taken after the two sexes have been derailed have always been a real problem.

It is different now. There is actually a man who says that he is going home in front of so many people. He can't help but forgive him when he wears green. He can imagine how much he loves his wife. The emotional woman is naturally envious.

Although men can't understand the somewhat weak choice of Jiangliu, they can imagine that a man who likes a woman will choose to endure such a shame.

In addition to the very few voices that degrade the river, the attack on Yu Hongmei is unprecedentedly powerful.

I am afraid that Fan Fang does not understand. It is clear that the rivers have chosen to forgive, but why her daughter’s nickname is getting bigger and bigger.

At this time, she was tired of dealing with relatives and friends who kept bombing her hometown and explained to her that her daughter was not derailed. Everything was misunderstood. At the same time, she was still anxiously waiting for her daughter's return.

Jiangliu is sitting on the bed in the second floor room. He is opposite to Jiang Fu and Jiang Hua.

001 once asked him, really want to spread these cruel things to the air in front of these two children? It is clear that he has countless ways to reduce the impact of this matter on children to a minimum.

But the river finally chose the former.

Mother and daughter, father and son, have been in a constant relationship since ancient times. Even if it is modern, don’t look at some people on the Internet who casually sever the relationship. This is not allowed, the law does not allow it, in China. As long as you are a parent, you are already standing at the moral high ground.

Parents can be uncomfortable, children can't be unfilial, and the grace of being born is too big. These are the educational concepts that Chinese people accept from small to large. Some shackles are worn when everyone is born. Jiang Liu didn't want to whitewash Taiping to beautify their mother's behavior in front of two children. He just wanted two children to know what kind of mother they were. He didn't want to raise two children hard and then red. Mei came to pick the fruit when she was old and lonely.

He wants the two children to be hurt deeper, at least once, the pain is too much, the wound is slowly crusted, and there may be scars left, at least not life-threatening.

He did not want to teach them to be tolerant and weak, and then the woman was taken care of her mother, wounded twice, wounded three times, and once in a while, the wound would be fatal.

It’s not a mistake that is worthy of being forgiven. Jiang Wei looked at the restless children and hardened his heart. He felt that he was right.