The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 161: Green hat 16

"Dad, why aren't my mother still going home?"

Jiang Hua looked uncomfortably at the twin brothers on the side, then turned his head and looked at the dad in front of him and asked softly.

She still can't understand what it means to be a mother and other men's affair. It is only vaguely aware that this should not be a good thing. The atmosphere at home is too oppressive, and the child who has been loved by Jiang Hua has become a child. Quiet.

"You are rich, flowers, if one day your father and mother are separated, who do you choose?"

Jiang Liu did not answer this question from her daughter, but looked at the two children and asked in a loud voice.

"Dad, are you not forgiving your mother?"

Jiang Fu Meng looked up.

The child of this age is vague about the boundaries between good and evil. Even a child who is precocious like Jiang Fu asks him if he wants to do something wrong with his mother one day, so whether he wants to be separated from his mother is willing or not. His answer is definitely negative.

For children, there are fathers and mothers. This is a complete home.

Now when I hear Dad ask such a question, Jiang Fu will notice that his home is going to be scattered.

“The teacher said that it is not terrible to make mistakes, just admit mistakes and repent in time.”

Jiang Fuqi tightly put his eyes on his eyes and looked at his father. He said: "Mom does something wrong, but as long as we teach our mother well, let the mother know that she is wrong, and that it is not correct?"

The little boy’s eyes looked at him straight, his lips squatting tightly, and he couldn’t cry.

Jiang Hua was a little confused. He looked at his brother and looked at his father. "I don't want to be separated from my parents and my brother."

Why choose Dad or choose Mom? Is it not good to live together as before?

"I gave your mother a chance, but the problem now is not that I am willing to forgive her, but your mother's mind, already out of this family, not on me."

The daughter is more difficult to teach than her son. Jiangliu has another educational method. It is a son. Jiang Liu feels that he can take the opportunity to make him more sensible and mature.

"No, no, my mother will change."

Jiang Fu even shook his head. Although his mother had done something sorry for his father, it seems to him that his mother loves him and his sister. Even for them, my mother will stay in this house.

At that time, he will be optimistic about his mother, will educate his mother, and will never let his mother make mistakes again.

Jiang Fu’s heart was awkward, but he still insisted on his position.

"Dad, don't separate, okay."

Jiang Hua didn't like this kind of atmosphere at all. She shed tears in her eyes and asked her hand to cry with her father's hand.

After a long while, the river nodded.

He didn't think about it all at once. Today is just a stepping stone. It is right for the children. It has only just begun.


Going home is a popular vocabulary in Fengyang County and surrounding areas. Many people use this short sentence to make interesting paragraphs, making the story behind this word more and more widely.

Everyone knows that there is a woman named Yumei in Sanlin Village, Fengyang County. When her husband went out to work, he was better off with other men. He was beaten up by the man’s serious girlfriend.

In this story, there is a heroine who does not play the role of water-based poplar, a male No. 2 with a boat that leads to a boat trip, a female No. 2 who is betrayed by her boyfriend and thus tears the scum, and a willingness to wear green to call his wife home. Affectionate man.

In fact, the TV series dare to shoot this way. Such a story is ups and downs, and people can't guess what will happen after the dog blood story, naturally attracting a lot of people's attention.

Now everyone is guessing, after the husband yells home, the party of the story, that is, the woman who is derailed in marriage will choose to go home, or will choose the wrong one, simply divorce and derailed objects. .

Yu Hongmei was ashamed to go home. She had been hiding in a small hotel all these days, but she was not really isolated from the world. Naturally, she also saw the news content broadcast on television.

In the eyes of others, the forgiveness of showing affection has not been touched by Hongmei. In her view, this is an inevitable choice for the river.

He likes himself. Do you like a person who should not accept a small mistake? And he gave him a pair of dragons and babies, and for the sake of the child, the other party should also forgive her.

What's more, when I heard the people who didn't know when I was dressed up to buy materials, I was faintly irritated in the heart of Yu Hongmei.

Jiangliu is a disability. Without her in Hongmei, there is another fool who is willing to marry him. Don't look at the deep feelings he has shown at this time. It is difficult to protect him from dragging her to suffer.

The more I think, the more I feel that the river is deep and sinister, and I feel moved when I am in Hongmei. She has not hated the river.

No matter what, the family still has to return.

Yu Hongmei had no money. When she left the police station, Jiang Tiancheng gave her a handful of money to let her temporarily avoid the limelight. After the money was over, Jiang Tiancheng disappeared. The other party can bear the big news and feel the news on this matter. Losing your face can fly directly to the outside to avoid a period of time, waiting for the limelight of this matter to pass, and then come back.

It can't be done in Hongmei. Jiang Tiancheng doesn't give her much money. I have to spend money in the hotel for a few days. I have to spend money to eat and drink. Because she can't go home, she has to buy some toiletries and changing underwear. .

On the fourth day, she couldn't get the money to stay at the hotel, so Yu Hongmei could only rush to pack things and go home.

Don't look at Hongmei's heart and feel that he did not make a mistake. It was because she couldn't resist the pressure to force her to derail. In fact, she was still guilty. Therefore, when she returned to the village, she made a special disguise.

A pair of sunglasses bought from a small vendor for ten dollars, a disposable mask provided by a hospital hall. These days, Hongmei relies on these two pieces of equipment to buy living materials.

But she forgot that the people in Sanlin Village were not strangers who had only seen her partial mosaic photos on TV. At this time, she was also a sunglasses and a mask, but attracted the attention of others.


Just as the red plum copy road came home, a splash of water was poured into the face. This basin of water should have been washed with fish, with a strong fishy smell.

Yu Hongmei’s luck was relatively good. The pot of water was not directly poured on her, but was poured in front of her, only sporadic splashes on her shoes and trouser legs.

"Sorry, I really can't help it."

The hostess who poured the water almost fell into the person, and quickly said sorry.

There are not many people walking at the door of her house. In addition, Yu Hongmei is afraid of attracting the attention of others, especially to lower the sound of walking. Therefore, those who splashed water outside the door did not even think that someone passed by.

"Yes, no, wait, you are in Hongmei!"

The hostess of this house is saying sorry, while preparing to use the non-circle around her waist to help the red plum to clean the water stains on the upper. This has not been rubbed yet, she recognized the red plum.

"Hey, who am I?"

The woman stood up and looked guilty in her eyes. When Hongmei had not returned to God, she swayed home and then slammed the door in front of Hongmei.

"What is this attitude!"

Yu Hongmei gritted his teeth and looked at the closed door. He thought of his current situation and could only recognize this dumb loss.

Just didn't wait for her to walk a few steps, just listen to the bang, the door of the house opened again, Yu Hongmei turned back, this time, it was really a bucket of water splashing on the face, pouring the heart of Hongmei cool.

"It’s a sigh of relief. I will flush a few buckets of water later, so I can clean up the dirty things at the door."

The woman who splashed the water just like not seeing her, splashed the water and closed the door again.

Yu Hongmei trembled, she knew that this person must be deliberate.

She rushed to the door in a few steps, raising her hand to prepare to knock on the door, and finally stopped the action. She took a few deep breaths and turned away. This time she accelerated the speed of walking, lowered her head and squinted her face. The direction of the home.

Her body is constantly falling, leaving a trail of imprints.

The man who just took the water and splashed her, and then used his ears to stick to the door, listening to the movement outside the door.

To tell the truth, just taking water and splashing in Hongmei is also her impulsive move. After pouring her heart, she is also a little scared. After all, it is really reasonable to say that she is doing something wrong. If Yumei is entangled, her family may be afraid. I can't stop it.

But I have to say that the feeling of taking water splashing in red plum is really refreshing, especially when I think about the expression of Hongmei’s just wrong, just like eating popsicles in the sky, the heart is flying and the heart is flying.

"It seems to be gone."

Did not hear the movement, the woman whispered a word.

"Oh, it must be a guilty conscience. She also knows that she is humiliating."

The woman pouted, and couldn’t care about the fish that had just been killed. She rushed back to the living room, picked up the microphone of the plane, and planned to talk to her sisters and tell them about the return of Hongmei. My own feat.

One pass ten, ten pass hundred, when Hongmei just arrived home, the people in the village also received news of her return home.

At the end of the Spring Festival, there was a river hang, and it was one of the few families closest to the Jiang family. Naturally, when he heard the news, he rushed to the Jiang family.