The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 164: Green hat 19

Jiang Tiancheng was rushed back by the latest flight. About 2:30 in the afternoon, he accompanied Hongmei back to Jiangjia.

"Are you prepared to discuss divorce with me?"

Yu Hongmei hit a belly draft, but because of the river that has long been waiting since the opening of the door, this sentence has no use.

"Yes, away."

Not in the hysterical imaginary of Hongmei and Jiang Tiancheng, the river is like discussing the air of today, saying the words from these two.

His attitude made Jiang Tiancheng feel uninteresting, just like the woman who was eager to get it.

You must know that before he came to Jiangjia, Jiang Tiancheng felt like a knight. He was about to take over the woman who regarded him as a treasure from Jiangliu. This is the inferiority of the man. He grabbed his treasure from the river. Let Jiang Tiancheng feel that his charm is unlimited.

The gas that is squatting is not leaking when it is released, and this taste can be uncomfortable.

But there is no way, who let Yu Hongmei harbor his child, Jiang Tian Orange has regained his emotions, is preparing to speak, and the river has spoken again.

"The house that I live in is repaired before marriage. The foundation is the ancestral home of the Jiang family, so I can't divide it. As for my 200,000 compensation, it is legally my own. The follow-up medical expenses must be paid from here. As for other things, if you want, you will give it to you."

Jiang's most valuable thing is the house and the 200,000 yuan. In addition, there are still less than 30,000 deposits in Yu Hongmei's account, but the money will not be recognized by Hongmei.

In the last life, Yu Hongmei was a net out of the house. Everyone praised her. She felt that she was a rare woman who was not greedy for money. This world rushed to divide the property before her, and generously expressed that in addition to the ancestral products and The remaining common assets outside the compensation are given to her. This is the generous and generous, not the generous Hongmei.

Apparently, Hongmei also heard the hidden meaning of Jiangliu’s words. It was because she was standing next to Jiang Tiancheng. She couldn’t say anything and could only endure a sly expression.

"As for children..."

"Children are willing to raise."

After waiting for the river to finish, Yu Hongmei interrupted him.

"Two children have grown up since I was a child. You have less time at home. The person who has the most children is me. Plus you are not in good health now, I am afraid I have no energy to take care of the children, so I think the children should follow my mother. ""

"I have less time at home, but why? Because I want to earn money, I have to raise you and my children. I sacrificed my time with my family. Is this my fault? Then you, go out with your husband. When I work at home with other men, is it that I have less time at home? Is this the reason for your derailment?"

Jiang Liu looked at her and said sarcastically: "You still have children in your stomach. Are you sure you have enough energy to take care of my two children?"

"How did you know."

Because Jiang Liu said that she and Jiang Tiancheng were derailed, Yu Hongmei felt a bit ashamed, but what surprised her even was that Jiang Liu actually knew the news of her pregnancy.

Who told him, who else knows about it?

Yu Hongmei is stupid and knows that she is now pregnant with a traitor. This shame will accompany her child for the rest of her life. She was prepared to take the news and declare that the child is born prematurely.

Unexpectedly, this plan of his own was actually smashed by the river in the first time.

"You don't care how I know, who the child chooses, who is willing to live with it, and no one can interfere with the child's own choice."

Jiang Liu did not mean to solve the red plum puzzle. He just looked at Hongmei coldly and then pointed to the direction of the gate: "Determine when to divorce, give me an exact time, now you and this Men can leave my house."

My family, not our home, from now on, Yu Hongmei has nothing to do with him.

"Red plum, go."

Jiang Tiancheng felt that Jiang’s attitude was a bit awkward. Who is he, isn’t he a disability? He thought that he would spend more than 200,000 yuan in his hand, and he would not be afraid of the future.

Yu Hongmei sobbed and leaned against Jiang Tiancheng's arm to leave.

"Hey, adulterer!"

"Hey, stinky shit!"

The people in the village are also open-minded. How does Yu Hongmei feel good to bring the adulterer to the Jiang family to negotiate with the river.

Is this a thick skin, or is it a shame?

Along the way, the two did not get a good face, in Hongmei comforting themselves, nothing, these people are jealous of her, and soon after, she is a multi-million wife, she will give birth to Jiang Tiancheng's heir, in the future she The life and the life of these mud legs will be the gap between the heavens.


An old lady swept the road with a broom. There were many roads in the country or mud roads. The brooms tied with bamboo branches brought a burst of dust. The expensive suit pants of Jiang Tiancheng were not full of dust.


"What are you, you don't have long eyes, you dirty my land and see how you pay."

The old lady took a look at Jiang Tiancheng: "Why, I want to beat me, I tell you, I am seventy years old this year. If you dare to do it, I will lie down immediately. Coincidentally, the old lady is sick and wants to go to the hospital. How long do you live?"

This is too arrogant, Jiang Tiancheng sighed with anger and took the red plum forward.


A burst of water splashed from a height.

Yu Hongmei and Jiang Tiancheng were soaked and wet, and the two men looked up fiercely. Man Chunyi stood on the second floor balcony with a washbasin in his hand.

"Hand slippery, it may be water impulse, want to wash dirty things."

The old lady had a hand on her hips and was not convinced to fight her. Although her second son was not at home in the forestry, she still had her eldest son and grandson. The two peasants had a lot of strength, and Yan Hongmei and Jiang Tiancheng also Not like the chicken scorpion.

"Go and go."

When Jiang Tiancheng was so big, he was so wronged. "It really is that the poor mountains and rivers are out of the public."

This sentence can be broken into the red plum, her face is green and white, but can not be as arrogant as the river, or even softly comfort Jiang Tiancheng.

It doesn't matter, just wait for the birth of a child, and give birth to a child, her position in the Jiang family will be stable.

Yu Hongmei comforted himself.


At night, Jiang Fu and Jiang Hua came back from school and got news that their parents were going to divorce.

"Not that Dad is not willing to give mom a chance, but that her mother's heart is not here. She will have a new family, a new child. You have a night to think about whether to follow me or live with your mother. ”

This time, it was useless to let Jiang Fu and Jiang Hua refuse to cry, because the person who proposed the divorce is not in Jiangjia, and her heart is hard, and she will never give up the opportunity to fly high because of the child’s unwillingness.

"Brother, father and mother really want to be separated?"

Jiang Hua was a little nervous, she was very afraid, the same class was because the parents divorced, and Dad once again married his stepmother from a little princess at home to a little maid.

Her stepmother came with a son, perhaps she could not understand the child of her husband's ex-wife, perhaps to separate her and her father's feelings, so that everything in the family would be left to her own children. The stepmother did a lot of things and led to the blind. The days are getting worse and worse, and the body often suffers injuries, and the results have plummeted.

In Jiang Hua’s heart, my stepmother is a terrible person. Now my father and mother are divorced. Will my father marry his stepmother?

"Brother, I want my mother."

The time spent at home was too little, and the time spent at home until the end of the year was not even more than two months.

It is difficult for children of this age to understand the work of the father who works outside the home. They only know that the mother who spends the most time with her is the mother, and the closest person is also the mother.

Moreover, before the river flowed out, Yu Hongmei was a relatively competent mother.

She is very generous and willing to spend money to dress up two children, especially her daughter Jiang Hua. She lived in the life of a small princess in the country. All the students envied her to have a gentle and beautiful mother. Jiang Hua has always been like this. Proud of a mother.

Even now that the scandal has been heard in Hongmei, in such a short period of time, the impact of the scandal has not yet fermented to affect the children, so Jiang Hua feels no difference.

At this time, if she must choose Jiang Hua, she would like to live with her mother.

On the other hand, if you want to say that you are not willing to give up your father, you are definitely not willing. After all, Dad is also very good. Although the time spent together is short, every time I go home, I will prepare a beautiful little gift for her, which will let her ride on him. On the neck, she will hold his arm and let him experience the feeling of flying.

Jiang Hua is very embarrassed, why mother and mother must be separated.

Jiang Fu did not speak, but as a silent listener, he slowly thought about it.


"What, rich, are you sure to talk to your father?"

Yu Hongmei looked at the two children, and her daughter Jiang Hua’s choice was in her expectation. After all, on the relationship, her daughter must be closer to her, but her son’s choice made her somewhat surprised. He actually chose Jiang’s father.

Although this answer is what Hongmei wants, I can't think of my own son who has raised her family. In Hongmei's heart, I still feel a little unhappy.

"Mom decided to leave Dad, my sister chose her mother, then Dad, Dad only has me."

Jiang Fu’s eyes are black and white, and the adult’s world is too complicated. He only knows that if he chooses his mother, then his father is too poor and too lonely.

"Flower blossoms, you have to be embarrassed in the future, your brother is not around, you have to eat on time, you can't picky eaters, don't kick the quilt at night, because you will catch a cold."

Jiang Fu touched his sister's head and then stood on the edge of his father's river.

From today, he is not a child, his father must rely on him to protect, he finally became an adult, but the taste of adults is really uncomfortable.

Jiang Fu turned his back and quickly wiped his eyes, then turned his head and smiled at his sister.

The flow of the river is a bit sour, this scene is similar.