The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 176: Zombie King 8

During the day, the villagers were looking for comfort on TV. Many people didn't even care about cooking. They just took some ready-made biscuits and made a fool of their stomachs.

At seven o'clock, the sun finally began to go down. It was also from this point of time that everyone felt the temperature slow down. At around 10 o'clock in the evening, the temperature finally dropped to about 35 degrees, although it was still hot and unbearable, It also makes people go out normally.

"The thief, God, what the **** is this!"

"Two black, two black, oh."

"All dead, I have a chicken for half a year, I am reluctant to eat, all dead!"

With the first villagers who boldly went out, the tightly closed doors opened one after another, and many people looked at the desolate scene outside the house and couldn't help but scream on the floor.

The crops were completely destroyed. Some people only care about palpitation during the day, and they didn’t care about the livestock and dogs in the yard. In the hot weather, chickens and ducks couldn’t live, but some smart dogs looked for a relative The cool place to hide, barely saved a life, but even so, there are still several dogs in the village to die in such a harsh environment.

The weather is so hot, it's just a day's work, the bodies of poultry have begun to rot and stink, and can't eat at all.

For the villagers, the financial loss of today is enormous, and with the fear of fear of future life after seeing the three suns, the tight nerves are finally broken, and they are accused by crying. A natural disaster that does not know how long it will last.

"Looking for the village head! The village head is more knowledgeable than we are. We should know what to do afterwards."

"Yes, look for the village head."

The Chinese people are still very tough in their bones. Even under such natural disasters, crying is enough. If you vent enough, you will regain the courage of life and prepare to bite your teeth to face the difficulties.

I don't know who proposed it first. This proposal was unanimously endorsed by everyone. Soon every household sent several representatives to the village chief to inquire about the situation.

There are also some old-fashioned elderly women who have experienced the outdoor temperature and turned off the air-conditioning fans at home. Then they urged the family to take the flashlight and the whole family touched the village head Li Dongjia and went to Lijiatun to air-conditioner. .

The river flow also followed the crowd to the village chief's house, and the village chief seemed to have expected this, and waited in the yard early.

Suddenly there were so many people, but the living room of the village chief could not be accommodated. Fortunately, the room temperature is not unbearable now. Li Dong simply came to an outdoor meeting.

"Do people come together?"

Looking at the black and white people in the yard, Li Dong drank a cup of herbal tea with ice and asked.

"Look at everyone, there are no ones who come, and inform the notice."

There are so many things to do now, Li Dongke does not want to go to the people who have not come to see them separately.

"Should all come together?"

Hou'an Village is not too big. There are a total of 78 households. Many of them have lived in three generations. The brothers have not separated. Although there are only 78 households, there are nearly 700 people whose household registration is in Hou’an Village. Young people either go out to study or go out to work. Now the village is mostly elderly and children, with a resident population of about 350.

Because of the small number of people, every household is very familiar with each other. When you look at it, you can know who has not sent a representative.

The only thing to say about the face is the river family and the Tang family who used to rent a house in Houan Village. Jiang Liu saw Tang Yan standing behind the crowd, but did not see Tang’s parents. Obviously he came as a representative of the Tang family. of.

Because of the end of the world, Tang Yin’s instincts were very sharp, and he quickly noticed the sight of the river flowing on him. He turned his head and the two men stared at each other, and then they shifted their sights without any problems.

Don't look at Tang Yan's relaxed attitude at this time. In fact, his mind has long become a twine.

The end of the world is really different from what he remembers!

Although Tang Yu guessed that the end of the world might be different when he saw the overwhelming rumors on the Internet, Tang Yan couldn't help but be disappointed when the end of the world really came.

Different end times mean that the memories of his past are completely useless. At this time, he and others, like others, must survive in an unknown world.

However, what is very surprising to Tang Yin is that although the end of the world is different, the black of the family is still mutated. Although it is not as big as ten times as big as the previous one, it is still a lot bigger than before, and it still awakens. The lightning abilities.

When I first went out, Tang Yan observed that after the last life, the mutated cats and dogs of Ancun did not change like the black of his family.

Don Juan has some doubts, maybe the black variation is related to his rebirth, but he is still not sure whether this guess is correct.

But no matter what, the **** of the variation gave Tang Yan a lot of courage.

Now the Tang family and the second old man stayed at home and could not adapt to the **** of the power. Therefore, only Tang Yi is present in the village chief’s home and participates in the meeting of the villagers of Hou’an Village.

"Before you come, I let Daxie go to the ground and look at it."

Since everyone is here, Li Dong does not sell off, who knows when this ghost sun will rise again, after all three suns have appeared, day and night may not be distributed as before.

"The crops are all dead."

This is in the expectation of the villagers. After all, the rural people not only planted things in the fields, but also had yards in front of and behind the house, planting some vegetables and fruits. Now the vegetables in the land are all dead, and the crops in the fields are not good. .

"This ghost weather doesn't know when it will be good. We haven't planted rice seedlings this season. Where can I find the rations in the second half?"

Li Dong opened his mouth to the center of the problem. "Not only that, such a big sun, I am afraid it will be difficult to plant food in the future."

Every household in the rural area has some grain storage. However, these food reserves are limited. After eating up the grain, what should be used to fill the stomach?

"There is water, the water level in the river and the reservoir has dropped." Li Dongyu smoked a cigarette. He thought of the pile of white-bellied fish in his fish pond. Some of them were distressed.

"Chairman, what can I do?"

"Li Sanchun, I haven't finished with you. When I said that I would not let you sell food, you are greedy for a little money and sold out the food at home. Now, all the old people are starving to death. How is God? Don't take you away."

Just when someone asked Li Dong's countermeasures in a panic, a conflict broke out in the crowd.

It turned out that it was caused by the people in the city who came to the countryside to collect food. Now the crops in the land are obviously inactive. If there is enough food in the house, at least a little more time, but those who did not listen to Li Dong at the beginning. There is basically no food left in the home of persuasion, how long can these people last?

Therefore, after hearing the words of Li Dong, many families broke out in a fierce conflict. Under desperation, the husband and wife/father and son were smashed together, and the ears were insulting and desperate crying.

"It’s as if you were not happy when you were selling money. If you can persuade me at the beginning, can the food be sold, you are the star of the fun, how can I squint at you."

"Oh, don't make a noise, have something to say."

"Yeah, everyone is a relative, it is really impossible to make a grain of food for each family, and to put this in the past."

This is only the first day of change. The hearts of the people are not cold enough. Therefore, when seeing the mourning friends and relatives, most people are soft.

Anyway, there is still enough food in their homes. Every one of them will not hurt if they get a few pounds. Then, maybe the three suns that will be killed tomorrow will become a sun?

I have never been hungry, I have never experienced true despair, and the people in Hou’an Village are still very naive.

Sure enough, after those people opened up, the originally noisy villagers gradually calmed down. Don Juan looked at the scene and lowered his eyes. I don’t know if these people who borrowed food would regret the good deeds of today.

"Today's TV everyone should have seen it too."

Seeing the calmness of the scene, Li Dong continued to open: "If you still believe in me as the village head, I will say three things. The first thing, I just went to the ground and saw the crops all die, but these dead The crops are not all that can't be used. The rapeseed has been harvested. This exposure is just drying the rapeseed. The sun is not coming out, how many things can be grabbed, and the dried cabbage vegetables are too big. Just when the dishes are dry, although they are not yet mature, they can’t take care of them now."

"The second thing is water. The water level drops too much. I don't know when it will stop. When everyone goes back, they should use all the containers in the house as much as possible. How much water can be loaded?"

"The third thing, and the most important thing, is that there are three suns in the sky. After that, everyone's work will be changed, sleeping during the day, and activities at night. I propose to set up a patrol team every night in the village. Around the patrol, the plants are now dead. Once we have to guard against the beasts that have nothing to eat on the mountain, we must also guard against people. The people in the city are not as rich as we are, so hungry, people can do anything. ""

Li Dong's organization is very clear. At first, the river was also badly impressed by the fact that Li Dong was rented out by Li Dong. Today, when he saw Li Dong's performance, he couldn't help but admire him.

These three proposals seem simple, but when everyone is panicked, he can maintain such a sober mind, which is really commendable.

The restless villagers need Li Dong’s main heart. After he spoke, the villagers’ minds calmed down a lot.

"My two nieces are still in the city. I just contacted the children. I will drive to the city to pick them up later. By the way, look at the situation in the city. Who wants to go with me?"

Chi Dayuan eventually persuaded his wife Li Mei, and later he drove his Wuling Hongguang into the city to pick up people. The prostitute said that she still had a lot of food there, and then she moved back to the village.

"My son is still studying in the capital. He was frightened on the phone and didn't know what was going on."

"My niece is also, I don't know if I can still take the plane train now."

Many people in the village who are working outside the school, so when they heard that Chi Dayuan was going to pick up a prostitute, those who stayed in the village could not help but worry about their loved ones far away.

But if you want to think about it, no one should go with him to pick up people.

"Da, I am going with you."

Jiangliu went to the side of Chi Dayuan and said.

"Stream, Dabo thank you."

Chi Dayuan took a picture of the shoulders of the river, and it was difficult to separate for five years. The tribute still remembers the friendship of the year.

"I am coming too."

There is a reason why Tang Yin stood up. First, he was a foreign household in the village. If he wanted to live in the village, he had to have good feelings with the villagers. Secondly, he really wanted to go to the city to see if he could get it. Other useful news.

"Okay, let's go later."

Self and son plus two young adults, enough to form a deterrent, Chi Dayuan is in a good mood, can not wait to fly to the two prostitutes.

As early as the opening of the river, the son of the village chief, Li Wei, was in his arms, and the siberian Husky, who was named and named, raised his ears!

This voice is so kind, as if I have heard it.