The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 180: Zombie corpse 12

The blackout time is exactly four o'clock at noon. At this time, people who are forced to change because the biological clock is still asleep, because the weather is too hot, even if the air conditioner is turned to the lowest, the indoor temperature remains at 29-32 degrees during the day. Between, this temperature is not comfortable, but at least within the acceptance of ordinary people.

When the air conditioner and the electric fan stopped working, the indoor air-conditioning was quickly replaced by a constant stream of hot air. Everyone was warmed up in the heat at this day.

The first thing everyone wakes up is to check their own air conditioners and electric fans. They found that the appliances stopped working because they were not malfunctioning, but they immediately panicked after the power outage. They didn’t dare to brave the sun, just across the window. The neighbors asked.

"How is the power outage? Is it a trip or is there something wrong with the power supply bureau?"

"It should be a power outage, and my home's air conditioner can't be used."

In such hot weather, the air conditioner is just like the life-saving medicine. If the electricity is stopped, it is no different from the life.

"How can I lose power? What do people in the power supply bureau do? They are going to kill people!"

"I can't live, if the electricity stops, everyone will wipe the neck and die."

The nervous nerves of the past few days have broken down because of power outages, and they cry in the ear.

"Sister, power outage."

Chi Ruoyu opened a small slit in the curtain and carefully spoke through the window.

Power outages also have an impact on the pool home, but the impact is not large.

Before the village head Li Dongyu, everyone was drowning, Li Mei was filling all the containers in his house at the same time, and filled the container that could be used for water in the sister house next to the pool, because the pool was mutated. The ice abilities, after the power outage, she condensed the water in several buckets into ice, placed in the bedroom for cooling, and then frozen again after the hydration, so the temperature in the bedroom was cool.

And the ice water, the water becomes ice, this is the thing that can be recycled, plus the control of the icy ice abilities of Chi Ruo, the evaporation loss of water is not large.

"You stay at home, I send a few buckets of ice to the uncle."

Because of the power, Chi Ruojun is not afraid of this hot weather, but she still disguised herself, wrapped her bare skin, and then prepared to go out.


Chi Ruoyu stopped her sister, and her expression was a little hesitant.

She wants to say whether she can go to the Jiang family to send a few buckets of ice to the river. I can think of the power as the biggest secret of my sister, and I am embarrassed to speak.

Although I have never experienced too many sinister things, Chi Ruoyu understands what can be done and what can be said. It is like she never intended to tell her sister that space is not her own. Rivers also have half the keys of space. This incident involved the river, she could not reveal the secrets of the river.

So until now, my sister Chi Ruoxi only knows that her sister, Ruo Yu, has space power, but she does not know that this space is shared by her sister and the river.

In the same way, Chi Ruoyu will not tell Jiangliu that his sister has ice abilities.

"Now the sun is already falling, the temperature is not high enough to be unacceptable, you can rest assured that the river is not hot, and we can help him this time, can not help him next time, he has to find a way to pass through this world."

In the eight years of the last days, I’ve been tempted by the tempering swords of Chi Ruoqiang. In addition to my sister and the uncle who died in the last life to save the sister in the city, Chi Ruoxi consciously does not treat anyone, nor will she For anyone to take risks.

Power is her biggest secret, she will never be exposed.

After all, Chi Ruoyi left the bucket and left, she naturally did not miss the loss in her sister's eyes, but she still managed to ignore it.

"If you come, is this ice?"

Chi Dayuan’s lips are somewhat dry and cracked. Li Mei is a shrewd woman who is in danger of being safe. After the arrival of the change, she began to plan the daily usage of all the items in the house.

Although a lot of water is being used, the daily drinking water of the pool family is only one cup size, and the daily washing has long been banned by Li Mei. These days she racked her brains to add a container of water to her home. They are all large and small barrels, pots, bowls and dishes. Even if the tap water is getting less and less water, it will not be able to fill a bucket of water in one day. Li Mei is still looking for a new container. , vowed to save enough drinking water.

Li Mei’s practice has suffered from both Dai Yuan and Chi Sheng’s father and son. When the weather is hot, the water is already consumed quickly. A cup of water a day can not meet the needs of the pool and father.

There is nothing wrong with Li Mei’s approach, so Chi Dayuan’s father and son can only endure.

"You will get back these ice cubes."

Ikegawa’s Yuanyuan wanted to stay with the prostitute at home, but the wife was not happy. The two prostitutes also wanted to live in the old house left by their parents, and it was useless to let the pool Dayuan say that the mouth was broken.

Fortunately, the two brothers built the house on the basis of the old foundation. The two families were separated by a wall. The next door could be heard by the mobile pool. In the repeated request of the prostitute, Chi Dayuan can only agreed.

For this reason, Dai Yuanyuan has always felt sorry for the two prostitutes. In his opinion, Chi Ruoxi’s sisters must choose to live next door in order not to cause conflicts between him and his wife. Where does he know that Chi Ruoqi and Chi Ruoyu choose and He lived separately, only because the two sisters had too many secrets and it was inconvenient to live.

"Da Bo, these ice cubes you accept, now power outage, the home freezer can not be used, these ice you do not want the final ending is also turned into water, it is better to take the summer to cool down."

When Ichikawa sent ice cubes, I thought about it for a reason: "Yes, I don't know when this electricity will be restored, will it be restored, you let the aunts quickly make things that are not easy to save in the refrigerator. The cooked food, if you can't make cooked foods that are easy to store, also quickly eat them before they deteriorate."

Chi Ruoxi reminded the uncle that at this time she was somewhat fortunate that the time in her sister's space was forbidden, the items would not rot and deteriorate, and there was no such thing as expiration. Apart from her power, the sister's space was their living. The biggest reliance.

After listening to Chi Ruojun’s explanation, Chi Dayuan did not push back.

"Right, are you enough food for Ruo Yu?"

"Enough, my and Ruo Yu's appetite is not big, those things are enough for us to eat for a long time, and the salted fish that was marinated some time ago and the dried vegetables in the ground can also last for a long time."

Chi Ruoxi was afraid that he would leave his uncle to let him have dinner at his house, so he left the bucket directly and then left in the hot sun.

"If you leave?"

After Chi Ruoyan left, Li Mei quietly came out of the other room.

Her status is not much better than that of Ikegami. Li Mei is more harsh on herself. The amount of drinking water per day is even less than a glass of water. Because of her long-term lack of water, her skin is in poor condition, but Li Mei can’t care so much. It is.

"These ice are going to the victory house. His house is small. With these ice cubes, it will cool faster."

Li Mei looked at the two barrels of ice that Chi Ruoqi brought, and she was really happy. Without air conditioning, she was really unable to hold it. Now it is almost five o'clock, but the temperature in the room is still 47, 8 degrees. The hot head screams and the consciousness is somewhat unclear.

Li Mei gave a comfortable sigh when he hugged the two barrels of ice, and his brain was awake.

"If you still remember us, how can you not tolerate their sisters?"

Chi Dayuan looked at the delighted wife and couldn't help but ask.

"How can I not let them down!"

Li Mei, who was just delighted, was like a cat who was stepped on the tail. "Chi Da Yuan, you have to talk about conscience. What a ghost day, I want my son to be good, OK, you will be a me." A bad woman, I can’t be a man.”

Is a good person so good? How much food did the husband’s niece bring back? After eating the food, they didn’t want to move their food. Li Mei only knew that the two sisters had one more, and the son ate two. For the son’s ability to live longer, she would rather I am treated as a wicked person.

But even though she thought so, when her husband accused himself, Li Mei was still somewhat intolerable.

"If Ruo and Ruoyu are good children, we will win a child. In the future, he will have two sisters to protect him."

Chi Dayuan sighed and then took the bucket of ice to his son's room.

Li Mei licked her lips and didn't talk, biting her teeth and going up.


After 8 o'clock, the temperature finally dropped a little. The hot and dehydrated villagers concentrated in the village chief Li Dong's home and proposed to let Li Dong go to the power supply station to ask about the blackout.

Li Dong did not refuse. In fact, he couldn't stand it anymore. If the power supply does not recover, the hottest time at noon tomorrow, how can everyone get past it? This matter must be asked clearly.