The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 185: Zombie King 17

Yang Sanhan will raise pigs, and he will also kill pigs. Yang Sanhan’s son inherited his skills and today he and Yang Jianghan gave a hand to Yang Sanhan.

"Hey, it’s not yet time to go out."

Looking at the chubby five-headed fat pig raised in the pigsty, Yang Sanhan’s heart can’t tell the uncomfortable feeling. How did this world become like this?

The pigs in his family are well-fed, and the number of pigs raised is not much, but because the price is high, the pigs can always have a lot of income by raising the pigs. Now the family earning money is gone, Yang Sanhan does not know him. You can still raise pigs in your lifetime.

Look at the environment where the outside heads are not born, the food can't be planted, and I don't know what to rely on when I eat the food at home. Compared with this, it doesn't seem to matter whether I can raise pigs.

Yang Sanhan sighed, then bury his head and grind the knife.

The pigs that I have carefully raised are also affectionate. Although this seems to be somewhat false, Yang Sanhan really hopes to sharpen the knife faster. At least, the pigs that I raise will not feel how long the pain will die, so I think, Yang Sanhan's action on sharpening the knife is even harder.

The villagers heard the news, perhaps because the sun had two more, the light reflected by the moon became more abundant. Even at night, the visibility was not low. Yang Sanhan just tied a flashlight on the pig shed. Bright up.

At this point he had killed two pigs, and the villagers looked at the beautiful fresh pork, tangled with which part of the meat to buy.

The price of different parts is definitely a little different. Yang Sanhan said that the average price of pork is good. Good parts such as pigs and five flowers are definitely more expensive. As for pork pigs, the price is slightly lower.

Jiang Liu had half a pork chops and two pairs of pig hind legs. In addition, he also had a pig lung liver and pig intestines. He also had one pig head.

Yang Sanhan's pigs are far from being slaughtered, so the weight is slightly lighter than that of adult pigs. Jiangliu bought nearly half of the pigs, and the total count is about 58 pounds. According to the different prices of different parts, the river gives Yang Sanhan 400 pounds of salt, less than expected before the river.

In fact, ordinary pork is far less expensive. Now the salt is more expensive than meat. The average breeding pig is only about two pounds of coarse salt. But Yang Sanhan’s pig is well raised, he is reluctant to sell, and the price is expensive. It’s outrageous.

In addition to the river flow, the rest of the village is not so generous, buy one or two pounds more, buy three or four to go home diced stew or stir fry with vegetables, taste the taste.

One night, Yang Sanhan sold two pigs, and the remaining three were not sold. Fortunately, the salt given by the river was enough to pickle the pork and put it in a cool cellar, at least for a year or two. It may take a long time to make bacon, and at least for a long time, the family does not have to worry about eating meat.

Jiangliu took the pork home, because he hadn't bought a solar generator yet. He hasn't moved to the pool house sister yet. At this time, the sun is already coming out, but because it is already a zombie body, the river does not feel hot and does not feel uncomfortable.

The pork is freshly processed, and the rivers simply produce the pork.

He has already thought about it. In addition to the amount of pork that has been eaten these days, the remaining half is made into bone residue and half is made into oil meat.

The practice of bone meat residue and oil meat meat is still known from the memory of the original body. The original grandmother is Nanyun, and these two dishes are also the famous dishes over there.

He cut the slightly fat pork into pieces and marinated it with salt, ginger, berry, and grass fruit powder, and put it aside.

Then he cut the ribs into pieces, and then placed the cut ginger, grass fruit powder, star anise powder, chili powder, pepper noodles, salt and rice wine in a row. After mixing, put them in the altar and then sprinkle them on top. The cooked rapeseed oil is sealed and sealed.

These cooked rapeseed oil is also the oil that was raped from the rapeseed that was grabbed before the village. Before the river helped the pool Da Yuan to grab the things in the ground, Chi Dayuan thanked him for sending him.

This is the bone residue. After this treatment, it can be stored in the shade for one or two years. The method of eating is also very simple, steaming or stir-fried, each with its own flavor.

After finishing the bone slag, the river began to deal with the fat and thin pork that had just been salted. He put the pork in the pot and boiled it with water. Then he took out the meat and put the pig oil in the pot to refine the lard.

The pigs raised by Yang Sanhan are really good. The lard that is refined is incredibly fragrant. It is a pity that the river is now a zombie. Although it smells like this, it can be tasteless when the fried crispy lard is put in the mouth.

Sure enough, there is a certain loss, this zombie body makes him not afraid of hot, but also let him have a taste of food.

Jiang Liu took out the fried yellow lard slag, and then called Chi Ruoyu to let her go to the space to receive the delicious food. The lard should be eaten hot.

The lard residue that has been drained of oil is not greasy, but it is crispy and delicious. Whether it is salt or sugar, the taste is excellent.

After doing this, Jiang Liu put the previously cooked pork in the hot pot that had just been smelted pork until the surface of the pork was smelted to golden and then the pot was placed in the altar. After the oil in the pot was cooled, The pot of fried lard was poured into the altar, drowned, and then covered.

The oil on the altar is heavy and oily, but the taste is excellent. Because of the fat and thinness of the meat, you can eat it with simple cooking, especially the fat part. The color is like a crystal agate. At a glance, you can cut through the mouth, full of the mellow aroma of pork and the rich flavor of the seasoning.

The oil altar meat can be preserved for a long time like bone slag, and there is a lot of lard in the oil altar meat with a piece of pork. These lard will condense into a building in the cool cellar, occasionally when the cooking is not oily. Dig a spoonful of lard from the jar to cook, so that ordinary dishes can also eat the smell of meat.

The Jiang family also has a cellar. Now the temperature of the mantle is still low, probably around 20 degrees. If the air in the cellar is thin, you can't look forward to it. The people in the village want to move to the ground to live.

The river can completely put the good bone **** and lard residue into the mantle, but he has a cheat like space. Compared with the mantle, it is obvious that the space storage is more convenient.

After thinking about it, Jiang Liu still put the bones of the altar and the meat of the altar and the fresh pork that has not been processed into the space.

After doing this, he was relieved to go to bed.

Strictly speaking, as a zombie, he does not need to sleep. However, Jiang Li feels that he is still an individual, and the ceremony of sleeping is always indispensable.


“Where is the lard?”

When the pool was too late to prevent a sister from stuffing a lard of slag, in the taste of the crispy aroma of lard, Chi Ruoqi also raised doubts.

She didn't remember that she had licked the lard when she was licking the materials, and the pig **** used in the taste of the lard was definitely not the pig oil on the ordinary pig. The taste was similar to the one she had just made. The white cut pork pieces bought by Yang Sanhan.

At home, she and her sister, two people, did not reason, the sister secretly fried the lard, but she did not know.

Chi Ruoxi’s heart raised his vigilance and began to doubt the origin of the pig **** in Chi Ruoyu’s hands.

"Yes Yes……"

This is indeed Chi Ruoyu's care. In fact, when Jiangliu was ready to move to Chijia, he and Chi Ruoyu passed the gas. On the day when he couldn't go down, Chi Ruoyu could confess with his sister Chi Ruohe. She shared the matter of that dimension space.

After all, I have to live under one roof in the future. Some secrets are unstoppable. It’s just that Chi Ruoyu feels that she is sorry for the river and has never told her sister about it.

Now because of her sloppy intentions, the secrets that she wanted to hide seem to be hidden, and Chi Ruoyu’s heart is also annoyed and regretted.

"It's actually like this..."

She can only tell her sister the secret that she had concealed before: "I didn't wake up the space power at all, but because of the half jade that Xiao Jiang Ge gave me, I accidentally opened the space of Yu Peili. Xiao Jiang Ge and I, They are the masters of that space."

“Did we not have a lot of materials in the space at the beginning? Xiao Jiang Ge also saved a lot of things in the space, and now the space is basically full.”

This secret brought a lot of shock to Chi Ruojun. She couldn’t think of it. There was such a connection between her sister and Jiangliu.

"Sister, Xiao Jiang Ge is really good."

Chi Ruoyu gently pulled the sister's clothes, and Ai Ai said: "Look, he also specially gave me lard to eat."

Chi Ruoxi is a little bit smirking, I am afraid that in the heart of her sister, she can cook, and those who are willing to give her food are not bad people. However, the character of Jiangliu does not seem to have any problems at present, and the reason why the sister can have space is also the cheaper of Jiangjia.

Pondering on the relationship between the sister and the river, this shared space, Chi Ruoxi thinks that he should consider the attitude of the river afterwards.

Perhaps as Jiang proposed before, it is not an unacceptable thing to let him live at home. At least the other person lives under his own eyes, and she can also investigate and examine each other.

The author has something to say: Chi Ruoxi: I have to look at you well.

Jiang. Du Miao Zombie King. Flow: shivering