The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 186: Zombie King 18

"Oh, this place is cracking."

This evening, Li Dong organized a team of people to go into the mountains to see if there was any leak in the mountains.

The feng shui of Hou'an Village is very good. Before the disaster, the products are rich, and there is plenty of precipitation here. Together with the abundant groundwater system, the soil feels very fertile and moist.

But now, the vegetation has withered, and the surface is sunk out of a cracked pattern, just take a piece of soil in the palm of your hand, hard like a stone, will be turned into a silt with a force, no water vapor . How can such soil grow crops?

"This money tree was already one meter thick when I was a child. Now it is three or four people who are surrounded by it. I originally thought that this tree could live for hundreds of thousands of years, but it seems to be mysterious now."

Talking to an old hunter in the village, Jiangliu looked in the direction of his fingers. Because of the problem of light at night, he also took a flashlight and pointed the direction of the old hunter.

I saw that it was an extremely tall and strong old tree, but it was a pity that it was dying because of the sun and the lack of water. Originally, because the dense eucalyptus leaves fell off, most of the eucalyptus leaves hanging on the branches were also very yellow.

Not only is this money tree in poor condition, most of the trees in the forest have died or are on the verge of death, and the shrubs and grasses are the first to be sun-dried, and one foot can only hear the rustling on those withered grass. The smashing sound.

"Pheasant, there are pheasants here!"

Just listening to the exclamation from the front, Jiang Liu and others rushed over.

"It’s been a long time since I died. It’s all dried up.”

I saw two dead pheasants on the ground. The body had already been hard-baked, and it felt like a stone. These pheasants were estimated to have been hungry for a long time and died. There was almost no meat on the body. The dried meat sticks to the bones, just like the shelf.

"Do you say that this dead pheasant can still eat?"

I found out that the two pheasants swallowed.

It’s realized that the households in the house still have some bacon and bacon that have not been eaten, but those good things are now reluctant to eat. Occasionally, a few pieces of thin, fluffy meat are cooked, just to add some flavor to the dishes. Most of the meat will enter the child's stomach.

Everyone’s meat was broken, so when they saw the two pheasants, their eyes were red.

"Should I eat?"

Everyone is not sure. After all, they have never eaten such pheasant meat. If there is any germ, after all, no one knows how long the pheasant has died, and will not have problems.

"Do you want to let the stray dog ​​try it first?"

Hou'ancun is a true love dog, and since the disaster has come, everyone needs more spiritual support. The incense of the dog temple in the village is getting better. Even if it is very hungry, the villagers don’t dare to kill their own dogs. Eat dog meat.

They all say that offending dog gods will be condemned. Now they respect the dog god. In the future, the dog **** will protect them, but if they anger the dog god, they will not be able to wake up the next day and the sun will become Four.

Of course, most of these devout people are old people in the village. Young people, especially those who go out to read books, don’t believe the old people’s legends about dog gods. In their view, when people can’t live. What is the dog?

So when the man proposed taking the stray dog ​​in the village as an experimental product, no one spoke.

Jiang Liu did not join their conversation. His gaze was attracted by the faint greenness from the inside of a hollow tree in the center. If he did not read it wrong, it seemed to be a seedling that had just sprouted.

Although I don't know what kind of plant the seedling is, it is a miracle that there is a seedling sprouting in such a hay environment.

Jiangliu didn’t dare to speak. There were too many people present. He was afraid that because of the seedlings’ time, he would take the attention of others to make the dead tree in the center when they were on the two pheasants. Cover up, prepare to choose the right time to transplant this seedling.


The villagers soon took down the wild game and went down the mountain. They treated the game with a little bit, and then fed the head of the meat to the wild dogs in the village.

The vitality of these wild dogs is also very tenacious. It has been nearly two months since the beginning of the change. It is still alive and well, only a little thinner, and the hair is sparse because of the sun exposure, just like the fur-skinned dog.

These wild dogs gorged on the game that the villagers fed them, because they still kept the closeness of the past. After eating the game, several stray dogs smashed the villagers who were feeding, and sent out in the throat. Screaming and snoring, so the villagers who used them as guinea pigs were a bit shy and their cheeks were hot. The original thought of waiting for these wild dogs to starve and then eat dog meat was lighter.

"It seems like nothing."

After observing for a few hours, the stray dogs who ate the game without knowing whether they were sunburned or starved to death did not show symptoms of discomfort. The villagers who discovered the pheasants were excited.

Game can be eaten = there is still a lot of meat on the mountain = they have a huge mineral deposit.

Whether it is meat or not, I want to give more food to my family. For a time, the villagers have to smash their heads and have to go to the back hills. But when they find the dried wild game, they will hide at home.

Li Dong was very upset because the stray dogs in the village were still alive, indicating that none of the animals on the mountain might have died. You should know that there are wolves and bears in the mountains of Hou’an Village, but those animals will not Come out in the mountains.

But now, the herbivores in the mountains have no food. When the herbivores die in large quantities, the carnivores will continue to expand because there are not enough food sources. It is easy to go into the mountains without a brain. Something went wrong.

Besides, everyone is running in the mountains. What about the safety of the village?

It’s a pity that the interest is touching, and Li Dong’s words are not good at this moment. What makes him even more anxious is that the stupid son’s yin’s yang yin is against him, and the stinky boy is actually looking at him with his dog and grandson. The game has gone.

Li Dong has a heart to marry a stupid son, but his stupid son is not too small to gain the harvest. He relies on the sensitive smell of the dog and the son of the two to bring home a lot of dried sparrow hare. The wife and daughter-in-law of the family are protecting this. The stupid son, who also turned his back on this person, had no foresight.

Anyway, because of the game, the original patrol defense in the village weakened a lot. Many night patrolmen who should have been on duty also sneaked up the mountain. Li Dongzhan couldn’t stop it. Instead, he was blamed for dragging the hind legs.

Perhaps it was the heart that was broken, and Li Dong simply ignored it. When he waited for the big trouble, these people came back and asked for mercy.

However, this is also a very angry idea. If you can, Li Dong certainly hopes that bad things will not happen.

Of course, there are also smart people in the village. These people do not blindly follow the trend. Instead, they are more vigilant when the villagers run their brains on the mountain.


At this time, Jiangliu was staying in the cellar of Jiangjia.

In addition to the few tanks left by Jiang’s wife, the Jiang’s cellar was empty, and Jiangliu was doing experiments.

He also went up the mountain a few days ago, but he was not looking for dried game, but to find plants that sprouted in harsh environments.

Heaven has paid off, and in these days, Jiangliu has found four live seedlings.

One of them made a mark and stayed in the same place. Another one was transplanted into the yard. The remaining two were raised in the cellar. For comparison, the river also planted some vegetable seeds in the cellar. Water them on time.

This is also unintentionally thought of by the river, because the sun is fierce, the plants can not grow outdoors, but if the plants are planted under the ground, the temperature is moderate, and occasionally borrow a mirror to refract some sunlight, whether the plants are likely to grow normally in this environment. .

Of course, it is impossible to dig a large mantle only by the strength of the villagers. After all, this is a construction project. If the method of breeding plants in the mantle is feasible, at least some vegetable sweet potatoes can be planted in the small cellars of every household. Food source.

Because there was no experiment, Jiangliu did not tell his own thoughts to other people in the village. He planned to wait for his own experiment to succeed, and then tell everyone the news.

However, Jiangliu is not the first person to think of this method. At this time, an underground planting plan called underground spring has already started experimenting at a secret institution in the capital.