The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 196: Trembling **** male 5

"Mother, Fusheng is sore, I want to cry."

The child's temper is always arrogant, especially the child who is loved by the **** like Jiang Li, who can cry a little bit with a little bit of pain, not to mention a serious fall injury.

Seeing that I cried for so long, my mother didn’t respond, and the river was sad. The original screaming changed to a small sob, pouting, touching the painful part, eyes licking tears, and looked at the grievances. Mother-in-law.

"Fu, Fusheng, don't be scared."

How can Jiang Miaoshi be unfamiliar with such a son? When he was a child, he used to be spoiled. He was a little bit screaming and yelling. He wanted to kiss, Jiang Miao’s also spoiled him, sometimes just a broken fingernail. She can give her son a small half day.

But that was also the son of a child. Since the child was a little older, after having other friends, she never had such a relative with her mother.

Jiang Miao's suspicion, perhaps the injury on his son's head caused him to stupid, and memories suddenly returned to childhood.

This makes Jiang Miao's helpless. Like the traditional woman, she is married from the father at home, husband and husband, and now the three sons are separated. She chooses the younger son to support the elderly. Everything in the future is pinned on the small. On the son, the younger son fell asleep, and her future has nowhere to rely on.

There is also Fusheng, what should her Fusheng do in the future? Jiang Miao couldn’t help but cry silently.

"Fusheng, no pain, we don't hurt, mother wants to help you."

Jiang Miao’s son, who is already a beggar, is thinking about the remaining money in her hand after the separation. The chickens in the house are sold enough for her to get the silver and the two sons to go to the county to see the doctor, maybe the son’s fall and Not so serious, the doctor can be cured with two drugs.

Now she can only comfort herself.

Compared with Jiang Miao's, Bai Lan's mood is much more complicated. If the river is really stupid, then...

Perhaps her eyes are too sharp, and the river flowing in the mother's arms can't help but look at her. When the two men's eyes are opposite, Jiang flow shyly puts his head in the mother's arms, after a while, Lifting his head, grinning at Bailan, then hiding his head in Jiang Mi's arms.

His behavior is like a cat and a cat. It is also a bit like because he doesn't know Bailan, so he is a bit shy.

Prior to this, Bai Lan was puzzled by the "stupidity" of the river. After all, she had had the experience of rebirth. The subconscious would also doubt whether the temperament changed after the fall of the river. Is it because he also had a similar The special experience, and a few days ago, her performance made the same reborn rivers realize that she is not right, deliberately mad and want to blind her.

Bailan quickly dismissed the idea.

The man has always been the only one in her life. In his eyes, she and her two children are dispensable, and they can also fight and fight, without having to be in the heart.

If the river is also born again, I am afraid that when he discovers her abnormality, he will reprimand her indiscriminately, instead of swearing and fooling him.

And the eyes of Jiangliu are too clean, just like the children who are still ignorant at the age of four or five. Such eyes are not owned by the river that she knows.

Therefore, Bai Lan also began to believe that Jiang Liu really stupid, and now he is no different from children.

If the river is stupid, how should she treat this man?


If it was the sorrow of the widow and the widow, she could ruthlessly torture him and retaliate against him, but now the river is stupid and becomes a child, not knowing a cockroach, not even The idiot who has done something wrong, does her revenge make sense?

Bai Lan is not a bad person, so she is a little bit soft at this moment.

Just let Bai Lan easily let go of the river, she is not reconciled, why she and her children have eaten so much suffering, so many sins, but can not be blamed for the culprit, then where is the significance of her rebirth?

"Mother, I am going to give Xianggong medicinal soup."

In a short time, Bai Lan did not know how to face this stupid man, excuses to leave the room.

Jiang Miao's arbitrarily waved his hand and did not notice the difference of Bailan.

The first step was successful, and Jiang Liuwo was spoiled in the arms of the old lady, and he was relieved in the place where no one saw it.


"It is estimated that it has hit the head and got mad."

On the second day, Jiang Miao and Bai Lan took the river to the county. The doctor who was sitting in the pharmacy carefully examined his wounds, closed his eyes to help him diagnose the pulse, and then set the cause of the river.

The current medical technology is underdeveloped, and the ability of the small city doctor is not so powerful. It is based on the wounds of the river and the answers given by Jiang Miao's description of the symptoms of the river.

This year's crazy stupid memory has been attributed to heartless madness. This disease is not good or bad. The original Jiang Miao has a little expectation. When the doctor really said these three words, he still couldn’t stand it. A black spot almost didn't faint.

"Doctor, what do you do, is there a cure? My son is still young, and he has a daughter-in-law to take care of."

Jiang Miao's directly fell, holding the doctor's thigh and crying.

"Being out of heart is not good, I see that your conditions are not good, or don't waste money, and this disease is not good. Before, some patients went to their heads and forgot the past. After a few years, they remembered." of."

His ability can only help to open some **** and phlegm medicines, but he sees that the family's clothes are also covered with patches, and the accent is still in the nearby countryside. The money for dispensing soup should be no small burden for them. The old doctor is a bit conscience and straightforwardly understands the words.

"What to do, what can I do?"

Jiang Miao's loosened the hands holding the doctor's thighs, and fell to the ground with a soft body, crying out in despair.

"Mother, where is the pain, whirring."

Jiangliu seems to be unable to understand the situation. She saw the sadness of the old lady crying. She only thought that she was as painful as herself. She sat down on the ground and cleverly wanted to help her mother to kiss the place where she was hurting. It was like Jiang Miao's. It was like when he was.

The son's well-behaved filial piety makes Jiang Miao's heart more sad. What happened to her son's mistakes, God wants to punish him like this, she would rather lose her heart and be a self, and not want her son to suffer such a crime.

"Old lady, although your son has forgotten a lot of things, the age is like a child of four or five years old, but he is not crazy, you can teach him well, just raise a child again."

The old doctor saw the river flowing and speaking clearly, and the organization was clear. What is more valuable is that even if he stupid his head, he still maintains filial piety. He obviously has a cure compared with other patients who are heartless.

On the side of Bai Lan heard the words of the old doctor.

Yes, now that the river is stupid, when the memory returns to the age of four or five, she can completely teach the river as a son.

The current river flow is just a blank piece of paper. What does she write on it, what will the river flow look like? She can't let go of the hatred of her last life, let the rivers of this life compensate her.

She wants to teach this child a child who is very obedient. In the past, he asked himself and his children to be horses for him. In this life, she wants to be willing to do the horse for her and her children.

Anyway, he is her man, but also the shackles of the big tiger and the bamboo flower. It is his responsibility to take care of his wife and children to take care of the family. He just let him begin to take this responsibility.

I figured it all out, and the big stone of Bai Lan’s heart finally fell.


"Fusheng, this is your wife, Bailan."

Jiang Miao's preparation to re-teach the son as the doctor said, the first thing she has to do is to teach him to recognize people.

"Women are you?"

Jiang Liu took the sugar in his hand and saw the little bean Ding Jiang on the side of the big tiger staring at him, thinking that this little bean would want to eat the sugar in his hand, and quickly put the candy into his mouth, still very childish. Spread his hand in front of Jiang Dahu, indicating that the candy is gone, let him not stare at him again.

Jiang Dahu looked at the father in front of him. Now he really believes that he is stupid. If he is not stupid, he can’t do this kind of behavior.

"A daughter-in-law is a woman who lives with you, a woman who has children, you and your wife are like a mother and a mother."

Jiang Miao's look at her son was even more sour. She grabbed her son's hand and explained patiently.

"That's not a wife, mother, she is jealous of me."

The mouth of the river contains sugar, and the speech is vague.

"Your wife will not marry you."

Jiang Miao's temper burst, she often licked her own man, and she was a little embarrassed when she was pointed out by her son in the presence of her daughter-in-law.

"There is this, your son is a big tiger, two and a half years old this year."

Jiang Miao's did not entangle the daughter-in-law. Anyway, the time is long, and the son understands the benefits of having a wife.

"Little brother."

Jiang Liu sat in a chair, shaking his feet, a pair of me very smart, you don't lie to my proud expression.

He is only four years old this year. The two-and-a-half-year-old child is obviously his brother.

"Fusheng, this is your son, you can't be a poor person."

This younger brother can not shout, the big tiger will not say life, and people will be jokes and blessed when they pass out.

"Brother, younger brother!"

Jiangliu shouted twice.

Jiang Dahu looked at the relatives who pointed to his younger brother. The revenge plan that originally wanted a stomach was directly dead, and what is the meaning of revenge against this big fool.

What should he do with this fool? After Bai Lan, Jiang Dahu also began to think about this problem.