The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 198: Trembling, **** male 7

"Meng Widow, how do you run Jiangjia, who is this to look for?"

Meng Jiao Niang, wearing a pink skirt, was too conspicuous, and people living nearby quickly noticed her.

There is no shortage of peach-colored news about Meng Jiaoniang in the village, just because no one has ever caught Meng Jingniang’s current rumors. The rumors are still only rumors. At most, it is because these rumors have caused the women in the village to feel bad about her senses.

Calling Meng Jiao Niang is the Wang Jiaxiao daughter-in-law who lives next to the Jiang family. She is also a woman who loves gossip in the village.

At this moment, Meng Jia Niang was seen outside the Jiangjia courtyard. Her first reaction was that Meng Jiao Niang came to find a man. The man was not a river or a river.

Xiao Wang’s wife did not think about the river, because Jiangliu is the best-looking man in the village, but it is also the most mixed man in the village. A woman like Meng Jiao Niang does not see this man who has no ability. What's more, now Jiangliu has lost his heart and madness, even if he can't take care of himself, how can Meng Jiaoniang have a relationship with such a man?

"A few days ago, I went to the town and pulled a piece of cloth. I heard that Jiang Sanzi’s craftsmanship was good, so I wanted to come and pick it up."

Meng Jiao Niang is also a face, just find a reason to smother Xiao Wang's wife.

"You are looking for Bailan. She went to work in the field. You know, her family is not a good thing. She has to wait for her and her mother-in-law in the field."

Xiao Wang’s wife spit out the melon skin in her mouth, and she did not know whether she believed or not. She smiled and told Meng Xiangniang’s whereabouts.

"Since Jiang San's wife is not at home, then I will go back first."

The piece of silk in the hands of Meng Jiao Niang was almost not damaged by her. Unfortunately, she was dressed up today, and the rouge gouache on her face was worth at least a few pennies. The result was only a bed bug, Meng Jiao Niang. Don't be too worried about this.

Seeing that Meng Jiao Niang had gone far, Xiao Wang’s wife licked her mouth and finished the last sunflower seed. She clapped her hands and twisted her **** back to the house.

She does not believe that Meng Jiao Niang really came to find Bai Lan, the whole village can have the energy to spend on dressing up, she is a widow, she also needs to ask Bai Lan for the method of cutting clothes?

Really when she is an idiot!

But this is also good, then she can talk to others.


"Jiang Hai, what do I have to say, you are actually doing the same thing as Meng Jiao Niang!"

On this day, Jiang Hai just came back from the ground with his two sons. He was not greeted by a delicious dinner prepared by his wife, but a nine-yellow bone caught without a reason.

Jiang Hai was tired for a day, and there was no defense. The face soon had several scratches.

"Xu Xiaocao, what are you crazy about?"

The rivers and seas that have come back to the river feel the pain of the scratches on the cheeks and the back of the hand in front of the blocker, and the gas does not come out. He was exhausted and tired for this family. Xu Xiaocao didn't understand him. He even dared to beat his own man. It was against her.

"I am crazy, yeah, you are in a relationship with Meng Jiao Niang, can I not be crazy?"

Seeing the red and swollen scratches on Jiang Hai’s face, Xu Xiaocao’s heart was a little guilty for a moment. I could think of the next-door Xiao Wang’s wife and her words, and the guilty heart disappeared immediately.

The woman in the village who does not know Meng Jiao Niang's ability to seduce people, although these years have not caught her unruly handle, but women know women better, if there is no man to help her, then what is Mengjia Niang's ability to do Come on cloth rouge and enough food.

Xu Xiaocao looked at her man and looked at her impatiently, and her heart was wronged. Sure enough, he was abandoning her. She gave him two sons and a daughter, and he did housework for him. He and Meng Jiao Niang's private feelings, is it necessary to wait for Meng Tian Niang to go to the palace to let her give way, she knows that her man betrayed himself.

"What Meng Jia Niang, I have nothing to do with her."

I heard Xu Xiaocao put himself and Meng Jiao Niang together, Jiang Hai felt a little disgusting.

Unlike women, men always communicate some secret peaches in private, of course, this is limited to good brothers with very iron relationships. Jianghai has a good reputation in the village, and there are many good buddies, from those buddies. Jiang Hai also heard some things about Meng Jiao Niang in his mouth. He even knew that Meng Jiao Niang had a secret thing like a red dragonfly on her left chest.

In Jiang Hai's view, Meng Jiao Niang is a rotten person, long and good, and the bed is also a bad person.

Only he did not understand why his wife would think that he and Meng Jiao Niang had a leg.

"Xiao Wang's daughter-in-law saw it. In the past few days, Meng Jiao Niang was at the door of our house. If you didn't have a leg with her, Meng Jiao Niang ran to Jiangjia to do something."

The little monks didn't have a good time. In Xu Xiaocao's opinion, the only man in Jiang family who might be seen by Meng Jiao Niang was her home.

"She ran to our house?"

Jiang Hai is not angry with his wife, but he is so angry because he cares about him, but he is also very curious, why Meng Jia Niang will frequently appear near their Jiang family.

"Isn't Xiao Wang's wife lie to you, she can only believe half of what she said in her mouth."

"Impossible, this time the little king's wife said vowed."

If the other party said that it was so uncertain, Xu Xiaocao would not doubt that his man had a relationship with her.

"Is it the second child? Yes, it must be the second child. Losing his usual honesty in the week, I didn't expect that there was a woman with Meng Jiao Niang. Isn't he dirty?"

Jiang Hai determined that he and Meng Jiao Niang have nothing to do, since he and Meng Jiao Niang have nothing to do, then the person who is involved with her must be his second brother.

This younger brother does not show the mountain dew on weekdays, but Jiang Hai knows that he has saved a lot of money in these years.

Perhaps it is because he has not been valued since childhood, and he can still suffer from hardships. When the villagers went to the docks in the past, the rivers and villages could earn 12 or 3 yuan a day, and the rivers and lakes could earn 16 or 7 yuan a day. The caliber said that he only earned eight pennies a day. The money was handed over to the public, and the rest was squatting on his own.

Moreover, the reputation of rivers and lakes in the village is good, and the famous honest and honest hands and feet are clean. Some villages in the past have built houses, and the pig pens will ask for help from the rivers and lakes, and there are also money for help.

The rivers and lakes did not smoke, nor did they have the habit of drinking. The money they earned almost all collapsed. According to Jiang Hai’s guess, his brother’s family also had at least a dozen or so of silver.

If Meng Jiao Niang took a fancy to the money in her brother's hands, it is not impossible.

"A good Jiang Erji, actually not so honest."

Xu Xiaocao was convinced by Jiang Hai. The more he thought, the more honest and honest the rivers and lakes were than the other men.

"No, I have to say good things to my second brother and sister."

The more Xu Xiaocao wants to get angry, if it is not the woman who provoked Meng Jiaoniang, how could she misunderstand her man and beat him, so this is all the fault of the rivers and lakes.


Jiang Hai licked his teeth and touched the scratch on his face. He was also a bit indignant in his heart. He must let the culprit be smashed by his daughter-in-law, and the anger of his heart could be eliminated.


"What happened to you these days?"

Rivers and lakes look at these days into a gourd-like daughter-in-law, a little confused.

"Jianghu, I have a place that I am sorry for you in these years?"

Liu Cui thought about the words that Xu Xiaocao found her, and the gloating in the eyes of the eyes, the heart was like a knife cut.

"How do you suddenly say such a thing?"

The rivers and lakes are even more confused. "You are a good woman. I gave birth to a son who passed the incense to the three cows. Where else is there a place where I am sorry?"

I am still very satisfied with Liu Cuijiang Lake. Although it looks ordinary, the country people can pay attention to reality. Liu Cui can have children and can handle housework. This is a good woman.

"Since I am not sorry for your place, why do you want to mess with a woman like Meng Jiao Niang?"

Hearing the words of the rivers and lakes, Liu Cui was a little happy in his heart. In any case, at least her man would not retire for Meng Jiaoniang.

"Nonsense, where did you hear these words?"

Jianghu took the place to stand up. "What kind of woman is she, will I fool her?"

Meng Jiao Niang's long and delicate, and there are other ordinary women in the village, so there are many men in the village, although the rivers and lakes are not willing to admit, but his heart is also a little thought for Meng Jiao Niang.

Just thinking of the idea, Jianghu also understands that Meng Jiao Niang does not look at him, that woman is willing to have something to do with him, the purpose is definitely for his money.

Understand this point, the heart of the rivers and lakes will naturally disappear.

"You really have nothing to do with her?"

Xu Xiaocui’s expression of the rivers and lakes is not like a fake, and his heart is relieved.

"Where did you hear these messages?"

Rivers and lakes asked Xu Xiaocui.

"It’s what Da Yu said. These Tian Meng Jiao Niang always wander around our house and seem to be looking for someone."

The woman in the village is smelling dissatisfied. When she saw Meng Jiao Niang, she could not wait to put her man on the belt. She was afraid that the woman would hook her finger and the man would follow Meng Jiao Niang.

Therefore, the frequent appearance of Meng Jiaoniang in the vicinity of Jiangjia will naturally lead to the panic of Jiangjia women.

"I see Meng Jiao Niang not coming to me, but to find the big brother."

Jianghu feels that he is backing for the big brother Jianghai. "Do you think that I am the kind of woman who will provoke Mengjiao Niang? But the big brother is different. He is a wilderness. He often goes to the town to have a drink with friends. The wine color is always one. It’s not surprising that he and Meng Jiao Niang are better."

"I see, it is the big brother who is guilty of guilty. I pushed this matter to me. I am too stupid to listen to the big brother's words. I think that the man who has the head and tail with Meng Jiaoniang is me."

The rivers and lakes snorted, and the more they thought, the more they felt that their guess was correct.

"That big sorrow is too pitiful?"

Liu Cuizhen said twice, if her mouth is not so up at this time, her words can be more convincing.

Obviously, she was definitely not sympathetic to Xu Xiaocao, but a state of optimistic drama.

She couldn't wait to see the day when Big Brother and Meng Jiao Niang were on the scene. At that time, Xu Xiaocao would know how ridiculous her gloating was.

It is not her Liu Cui who is pitiful from beginning to end, but her Xu Xiaocao.

The two families have different minds and are waiting to see each other's jokes.

Can be no matter whether it is thick and medium-sized rivers, or the appearance of the savvy inside the rivers and lakes have not thought that Meng Jiao Niang really want to find someone is the river.

What is their brother who became a fool?

In addition to the care of the aging mother, he has nothing, neither will work, nor will he earn money, and there is a pair of skins that can still be handed.

What kind of woman can Meng Mengniang be, she is greedy for vanity, a man can climb up to her bed as long as she has money, and she will be a couple of nights, such a woman will be convinced for the man's skin.

The river without money is in the heart of Meng Jiao Niang, like a mud on the roadside. He grows well, at most, it is a relatively fresh mud.

It is said that Meng Jiaoniang will not only be the brothers of Jianghai, Jianghu, but also the majority of people in the village will not believe for the rivers and rivers.

Because of this, Jiangliu was not involved in the rumors, but his two brothers took this big pot for him.

At this time, the river still didn't know about it. If he knew it, he wouldn't care too much. After all, he also had a big pot for his original body.


"Mother, I want to make money."

At the dinner table, Bai Lan suddenly mentioned the money to make money.

"Who doesn't want to make money, I think in my heart, can money be so earned?"

Jiang Miao's smirk said, her baby son is now stunned, obviously a sly person, and talking about things is similar to the two-and-a-half-year-old child of the big tiger. Jiang Miao thinks that if she can give more sons At the end of the family, the son can have a dependence in the future.

And Jiang Miao's always remembers what the doctor said at the time. Her son is not without medicine. He has a symptomatic medicine for this disease, but the medicine is not effective, and the price of the medicine is relatively high. Get it up.

Jiang Miao's knows that she is mad and refractory, but she still has a glimmer of hope in her heart. If her son is lucky, those medicines will have an effect on him. Unfortunately, she does not have enough money in her hands. I hope that there is no way to try, I can only help my son to treat the disease by knowing if there is any useful foot bath.

"Mother knows that you are kind, but now this situation, our mother can understand the three acres of land to understand I am satisfied."

Jiang Miao's sighed. She felt that her daughter-in-law was still too young. Otherwise, she would not be so light in the matter of making money. She is so profitable as a silver, is it that you can earn if you want to earn?

"Mother, you listen to me."

Bai Lan knows Jiang Miao's scruples, but she has long thought about it.

"Do you know my aunt?"

Bailan has a mother-in-law. When she was young, she was in a big family. When she was in her twenties, she went home and married a coward.

After all, her aunt is older, and being able to marry a coward is a good marriage. Who knows that the coward is not a long-lived one, and he died a few years later.

The son of the first husband of the widower inherited the family business. The son was biased towards his own home. He listened to the aunt's mother and drove Bailan's aunt back to her family.

Since then, Bai Lan's aunt has not married again, but stayed at her parents' care of the children of the brothers, and Bailan's grandfather and her sister have the best feelings. All the chores after the death of the other party are responsible for their house.

When Jiang Miao's first look at her son, she also inquired about the family situation of Bai Lan. Her widowed aunt Jiang Miao also knew. It’s just that Jiang Miao’s does not understand what her aunt has to do with their money.

"My aunt was helping a chef in a big family when I was young. I learned some cakes and cakes. When I was at home, my relationship with my aunt was the best. She passed these recipes to me. I never thought about it before. What do you do with a few recipes, but now that you need money for this disease, I wonder if I want to make some pastries to sell in the town during the slack season."

Bai Lan is not afraid of her mother-in-law's suspicion, because her aunt has indeed been a shackle in a large family, and she does help the kitchen in the kitchen.

Only her aunt had never learned any pastry crafts. She was fancy by the family. It was purely because she was physically strong. In the years when she helped the kitchen in the kitchen, she only helped the firewood to pick up the water.

But there are very few people who know this, and no one can stipulate that the kitchen's chopping wood can't steal a few cakes, so Bai Lan's Ding Jiang Miao's can't poke her.

But Bai Lan ignored his son. Jiang Dahu knew that his mother had no cakes at all.

His heart was shocked, did he have a similar experience with him.

"Don't think about it, one of the pastries made by the country folks will be willing to buy it."

Jiang Miao's hand waved, and her daughter-in-law's craftsmanship was the same. Even if there were cakes made by Fang Zi, it would not be delicious. In Jiang Miao's view, this sale is definitely owed.

"Mother, let me try, so tomorrow, I will steam a cage of red bean cake for the mother to taste. If the mother feels good, I think someone will buy it. I will try to do a cage and go to the town to try it out, just in case. If you make money, the money you pay for medical treatment will fall."

Bai Lan said with sincerity, a gesture of a good wife who was anxious.

Sure enough, when talking about his weakness, Jiang Miao's is not meant to move.

"Mother, eat cakes."

Jiang flowed out his tongue and rubbed his lips, shaking his mother's arm to help.

The shake of the heart of Jiang Zi's heart disappeared completely.

"Okay, you can try it, but don't do too much."

Jiang Miao's thought is that if it is a big deal, it will be a snack for Fusheng, and it will not be wasted.

"But if you really want to go to the town to sell pastries, can you have a woman?"

Jiang Miao's is a bit unreliable. In her opinion, it is always bad for a woman to show her face.

"Mother, let Fusheng go with me, just as I take him out and walk more, maybe I can help him recall the old things."

Bai Lan looked at the little fool on the side of her eyes, and she still had to retaliate against him. At that time, let the scum man pick the pastry and go to the town. In short, let the man’s every effort be made on their mother and child, let him Bear the responsibility of a man.

She will never let him go because he became a little fool.

Jiang Liu grinned at Bai Lan and smiled. The face of Bai Nen Junxiu was a bit more innocent.

Will not let him go!

Bai Lan opened her eyes and emphasized it again in her heart.

Thinking of this suggestion made by Bai Lan, Jiang Miao couldn't pick up any problems. Looking at the stupid son, she finally agreed to it.