The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 204: Trembling **** male 13

"Huai, pregnant!"

Jiang Miao’s smashed, and a few silver tickets in his hand could not be taken.

Before her son became stupid, Jiang Miao had no obsession with her grandchildren, because as long as her son is still alive, she will not lack her grandchildren. But now the situation is different, the son becomes stupid, and now he is just like the four- and five-year-old children, and he does not understand what men and women are. And Jiang Miao does not know whether his son's stupid disease will be passed on to the next generation.

These days, Jiang Miao's has been guilty. She has too few sons and sons. She is such a seedling and seedlings. In the future, if anything is wrong, the incense of her son will be cut off.

Because of this worry, Jiang Dahu, the grandson of her grandson, climbed in her mind, second only to her baby son.

"Three months."

Jiang Miao's muttered to himself, counting time, was pregnant before his son fell his head.


Jiang Miao's face was a little more happy in the moment. "Lan, ah, what do you want to eat, mother to do it for you, pregnant people have to eat something good."

These days my daughter-in-law made a lot of money, plus the five hundred and two that were handed in today, enough for ordinary farmers to spend their lives in Shushutantan. Jiang Miao, who has money, naturally does not hesitate to eat chickens and ducks. The wife and the baby son make up the body.

"A while ago, I was busy and confused. After dinner, I went to your Linzizi and grabbed thirty chicks and came back. When you are a month, Dunton will give you chicken soup."

Since there is money, and this money is still earned by the daughter-in-law, it can't be saved. Jiang Miao's idea is to catch dozens of chickens and ducks. It is best to raise two more pigs. The pork bought by the butchers is always returned. There is no pig fat that you raise yourself.

"Mother, today is really a double happiness. First, I found out that I was pregnant for three months. Then I talked about becoming a big business. After that, the money for public medical treatment has fallen. Our family will always get better and better."

Bai Lan did not say that the child in her stomach was a lucky star. She said that she had half hidden in half and left enough room for Jiang Miao to think about herself. This effect is far better than she said.

This way of speaking is also learned from Hou Fu in the last generation of Bai Lan.

Sure enough, Jiang Miao couldn’t help but think deeply about Bailan’s words.

She has always been a very old-fashioned old lady. The reason why she loved the younger son was because the younger son had a happy event after the birth of the younger son. Later, she was spoiled with spoiled, even though she realized that her son was not as good as he thought. It has not changed.

Jiang Miao's eyes looked at the unborn child's stomach, and looked at the five silver tickets that were still hot in his eyes. He felt a little more good for the child who had not yet died.

Of course, this is only the first step of the Bailan plan. Next, she will let more and more happy events appear in her home, confirming the fact that she is pregnant with Xiaofuxing.


"Jiang Sanjia has killed chickens today? Are they not separated? It depends on Jiang Zizi and Bai Lan to do both."

"Who said that it is not, you see that Jiangda and the two are not better than Jiang's three conditions, but the two of them have not had the best of the three."

At lunch time, the Jiang family once again heard the rich flavor of the chicken soup. Many people in the village held the rice bowl and sat in the yard. While eating the wild vegetable porridge in the bowl, they sniffed the smell of chicken soup.

Everyone has heard about the news of Bailan's pregnancy, but there is no pregnant woman in the village. In addition to sitting in the moon, you may be worried about killing a chicken. No one will move this family important property on weekdays.

In particular, the hens that lay eggs are even more golden. If the children who are not sensible at home are chasing the chickens and ducks, they will be beaten by the family, for fear that they will scare the chickens and ducks.

The Jiang family is different. Since I heard about the news of Bai Lan’s pregnancy, I can smell the scent of the broth from Jiang’s kitchen every other day.

Sometimes it is chicken soup, sometimes it is big bone soup, and the rich meaty smells out the mites in everyone's stomach. Before the Ming Dynasty, a few daughter-in-law of the Jiang family were not as generous as Jiang Miao’s, and the village had speculated that Bailan went to the town to sell the cakes in the past time to make a lot of money, so he could support such a splurge.

It’s not that no one has ever beaten Jiang’s idea. Someone went to the Jiang family in the middle of the night and wanted to steal some valuable things. As a result, the Jiang’s waste, Jiang San, became stupid, and his hands and feet were extraordinarily flexible. The thief who turned over the wall hit the nose and swollen face.

This may be related to Jiang’s good food in these days. In the age when most people’s malnutrition was thin, the river was raised in vain, and even developed twice, and the man went up again. The next day the family of the thief went to the Jiang family to make trouble, the man who was the biggest man was lifted up by the river and thrown on the ground.

Since then, everyone has had a more intuitive understanding of the force value of the river, and the smallness of the family's wealth in the river has also hampered the existence of the river, and did not dare to do it.

Everyone feels that Jiang Miao and Bai Lan’s luck is good. The good children in their homes are stupid. The children’s children fell into a wave and fell out of the house. Liang Zhu, even if his brain is stupid, it is not a bad thing.

In stark contrast to the Jiang family is the Meng widow.

Since the exposure of her and Jiang Dezhu, her family has been broken.

Everything worthy of the family was taken away by Jiang Dezhu’s daughter-in-law. Because of her pregnancy, she wanted to pick up some flesh-and-blood business. No man was willing to go to the door. Meng Widow was originally a person who didn’t produce anything. Now there is no man subsidy. Without a skill, naturally facing the dilemma of starvation.

The bad luck that made Meng and the widows resent the child in the stomach.

If she is not pregnant with this child, she will not go to the wrong course of the river, leading to a step wrong, step by step wrong, if there is no child in the stomach, even if she and Jiang Dezhu’s affairs are going on, the things that are worthy at home are taken by Jiang. The tigress is taken away, she can also earn silver, rouge gouache, cloth jewelry by selling the color...

All in all, as long as she does not have this child, she will not fall to the point where she is today.

In addition to resentment, Meng Jiao Niang is still faintly afraid of the child in her stomach.

At that time, the tigress of the Jiang family had actually poured a few bowls of abortion pills on her in the field, and those who used to make the aunts used ten percent of their strength to kick her belly.

At that time, Meng Jiaoniang crouched into a cooked shrimp, and the cold sweat on her body directly soaked the thin clothes, but the children in the stomach were still stubborn.

Meng Jiao Niang feels that this situation is too abnormal. She is not like a child, but a monster.

These days, Meng Jiao Niang tried a variety of methods to get rid of the meat in the belly, bonus, money, sputum, leeches, as long as she can think of the remedies, as long as she can find the raw materials, she all try However, the piece of meat in the belly is like sprouting in her body, and it can't be fixed in her belly.

Meng Jiao Niang also heard some rumors from the village. She also began to feel that she was pregnant with a debt collector. She owed the child to her life. In this life, he came to collect debts.

So since she was pregnant with her, she has been bad luck, and all the bad things are caused by this child.

With such an idea, how can Meng Jiao Niang like the child in her stomach?

However, all kinds of methods that can be used are exhausted. The children can't get rid of it. Meng Jiaoniang doesn't want to die. She can only live, rely on the gimmicks who have used it, and the wild grasses that she found every day. .

She comforted herself and waited for a few more months. When the child was born, everything was possible.


After a few months

After breakfast in the morning, Bai Lan felt that her amniotic fluid had broken. She kicked her toes and kicked the river with her son.

"When you call the mother, I will say that I am going to be born."

The midwife was contacted very early, and lived in the Jiang family not far away. The delivery period was also expected by Bailan, so everything went smoothly.

The consciousness of Jiangzhuhua began to wake up gradually. She felt that she was in a warm water, flowing down a long and narrow road, and faintly saw the light in the next second.


The true recovery consciousness of Jiangzhuhua has been a matter of dozens of days. In the first days, she was a little embarrassed, her eyes were blind, and the words she heard were vague. Now she is better, and she can barely see clearly.

This month, the most contact with Jiangzhuhua is the mother. According to the rules of the country, Jiangliu and Jiangdahu can not enter the delivery room this month. Every day, the food is from Jiang Miao's end. Until the end of the month, Jiangzhuhua See your own dregs and brother.

She has realized that she has returned to the first world. She is still the daughter of Jiang’s family and has not been sold to the wolf cave by her beloved relatives.

The fist of Jiang Zhuhua was pinched tightly. When she realized that she was coming back, the blood all over her body was clamoring for revenge.

She wants to punch the scum male and the ankle, and she wants the person who hurts herself to get retribution.

"Oh," the closed door was opened.

"Hey, my wife, my brother bullied me, he grabbed me sugar, stinky brother, bad brother, I don't want him."

Jiangzhuhua has not adapted to the light changes, and he saw a group of black shadows rushing over.

The river lingers on the edge of the bed, hands on the edge of the bed, looking up at the head like a big dog.

His mouth was stunned, his cheeks were bulging, and a childish angry childish expression. the dregs...

Jiang Zhuhua blinked and then quickly closed.

She felt that it must be the way she opened her eyes.