The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 209: Autism 2

Wang Ruohe’s death was highly concerned because her identity was sensitive. After the murder, almost all of the first-line police force in Zhangzhou was dispatched to investigate the case.

Jiangjia’s old apartment has been in disrepair for a long time. Except for a few cameras that are privately installed by the owners, there is no useful surveillance video. All police officers began to focus on the monitoring of all sections near the community. For almost a few days, almost all of them The lunch break screened out the suspicious characters and suspicious vehicles in the video. In those days, the team members’ eyes were all red and the eyes were black.

With the efforts of all people, the case finally had a look, but no one expected that with the in-depth investigation of the case, in addition to Wang Ruohe’s death can be characterized as a revenge for drug dealers, the police also borrowed those few The drug dealer who ran away in a drug-sweeping operation found another gang that was drug-trafficking and drug-trafficking. It was only because of the previous experience of the pedestrian that the gang had been careful. The scorpion team crouched for three months before they The group was all over the net.

"The captain killed the murderer who killed the scorpion, just..."

The man did not shed tears, but he did not go to the sad place.

Lu Xiu’s embarrassment evoked the sadness of the **** men who were present. The black and strong youth who held the casket in his hand whimpered and had already burst into tears.

In fact, not only the captain, this anti-drug operation, they sacrificed a total of 7 comrades, 13 people were seriously injured, and the number of minor injuries was more, of which 13 of the 13 seriously injured in the ICU ward, there is always the possibility of breathing.

Lin Yong also hates, hates those who sell drugs, and hates those who use drugs. If there is no such two people in the world, their friends and brothers will not sacrifice.

Especially when I saw Mrs. Lu’s sadness, Lin Yong’s heart was a bit stunned. Will he and his brothers hold the ashes to his house? At that time, what should his parents do? What about grandparents?

Because of this concern, Lin Yong has been 31 this year, but he is afraid to marry. He is afraid that he will die and leave an orphan and widowed mother. He is afraid that he will be alive but dragging his wife and children. Wang Ruo’s death is even more He was alert to a blood, I am afraid that before he took off his life, he would not dare to consider life events.

But is this what they should sacrifice?

They are also human beings, and they also have seven passions and feelings. Why do they have to be scared, always worried about the comfort of their loved ones, fear that their work is tied to their families, they are all the same age, they are on a dark road, they understand that this road is For the sake of light, before the light comes, they have to bear the burdens of others and carry them forward.

A few days later, the police station will prepare a memorial service for these sacrificial police officers. The bodies of Jiang Cheng and others will also be cremated after the memorial service. At that time, their ashes will be placed in the urn of Lin Yong’s hands. in.

It can be said that it is a memorial service. In addition to sacrificing the close relatives of the police and the insiders of the police, other reporters and the masses cannot participate in this memorial service. This is also to protect the families of the vicious police officers who sacrificed. Because the drug dealers are extremely vicious, once the police officers are vicious. The identity is exposed, even if he is already dead, their family will still be subjected to ferocious ambitions.

Obviously they are heroes, but they can't have names. No one knows their sacrifices. The tombs of the martyrs don't have their tombstones. They are just unknown heroes, both before and after death.

When Lin Yong took up this position, they were well prepared, but they couldn't ask their relatives to be as unselfish as they were, and they were forgotten. Now they look at Lu Xiu's crying, Lin Yong. I don't even know how to comfort myself.

Tell the old lady Jiang Cheng’s glory to die?

Don't tease, I'm afraid they want their family to live in mediocrity, and don't want this glory that looks like glory, but they can't breathe.

The river is still wood, but his eyes are attracted by the five-star flag covered by the casket, and his eyes are staring at the casket.

He didn't know what the casket underneath the red cloth would be holding, and he didn't know how close the woman was in the pool of blood three months ago.

There may not be a concept of mom and dad in his mind, so when he loses them, there will be no sad emotions.

Lin Yong faintly thinks that perhaps as a child of the stars, this is his luck and his misfortune.


Two of the three endangered patients rescued in the ICU were not rescued, so nine black-and-white photographs and nine well-preserved remains were found at the memorial service.

The rest of the seriously injured patients, as long as they can get out of bed, all arrived.

And the sound of sorrow and sorrow, as well as the crying of the survivors' families, but Jiang Cheng’s body was quiet, and Lu Xiu and her husband Wang Yuandong stood beside the body, and their expressions were dull.

Although it is a memorial service for the son-in-law, Lu Xiu did not bring her grandson, because his physical condition is not suitable for such an occasion. Although some people think that his son’s failure to attend his father’s funeral is not good, it may be because Lu Xiu is now a river. The guardian also defaulted to her decision.

Compared with the families of several other victims, Lu Xiu and Wang Yuandong were too indifferent. This made some insiders who were involved in the memorial service somewhat dissatisfied, but those who knew the inside story felt that they were justifiable.

After all, the link between Lu Xiu and Jiang Cheng is only Wang Ruo, and Wang Ruo and Jiang Cheng died because the time of their death is too close. I am afraid that the tears of the old man have already drained. I can't cry too.

Soon it was the cremation step. Just as several uniformed police officers carried Jiang Cheng’s body to prepare for cremation, Lu Xiu suddenly moved.

She rushed over and opened the five-star red flag that was placed on Jiang Cheng, and then slaps him heavily.

The audience was stunned, and Lin Yong, who was closest to Mrs. Lu’s wife, did not want to rush to block.

"You get up, what do you sleep with, for your daughter is killed by you, you have not paid back debts, why do you die?"

Lu Xiu’s whole person slammed on Jiang Cheng’s body and beat his chest with both hands.

"Are you not the best? How many drug dealers have you caught? How many families have you saved? Why can't you save your wife, why can't you think about your son! You become a martyr, but who remembers you, five years, ten In the years and twenty years, you don’t even have a blockbuster. Who will really remember you for a lifetime besides us?"

Three months ago, when she saw her daughter's body, Lu Xiu hated this son-in-law. She had repented countless times when her attitude was not strong enough to prevent her daughter from being with him.

But this kind of emotion is just an irrational idea that people are excited. In addition to being somewhat picky about the work of the son-in-law, Lu Xiu really has no dissatisfaction with Jiang Cheng.

"Jiang Cheng, you get up, how old your son is, have you ever thought about how old I am with your dad, we can protect him for a few years, Anan hasn’t called you a dad, how are you willing? Lying here."

Lu Xiu dragged her long nose and her eyes were muddy. She asked her who couldn’t move, let Lin Yong and Wang Yuandong drag and drop. She struggled to stand by Jiang’s body and refused to leave. .

"Wife, enough, let Xiaojiang go well."

Wang Yuandong looked at his wife pleadingly.

Lin Yong also reacted. The reaction of the old two indifferent was not because they were not sad, but because they were so sad that they did not know what to do.

Now Lu Xiu’s reaction to this madness is just proof of this.

"Not enough, I have to ask him, how can he be willing to let go of An An, how can we leave our two old ones, we have no problem, how can we, how can I let him go again?"

Lu Xiu felt that it was too unfair. Her daughter played a small and kind gentle, an ant was reluctant to step on her death, and often rescued stray cats and dogs. Lu Xiu did not ask for a blessing, but it didn't make sense to end up like that.

And her son-in-law, she is an ordinary old lady, but she also knows that the anti-drug policeman is a hero. All he does is a great good thing to save thousands of families. As a result, the good guys have no good news, and now they are lying coldly in front of her eyes. Soon, it will be sent to the incinerator.

"Women, let Xiaojiang Anan go with your heart."

Wang Yuandong grabbed his wife's arm and looked at her with a straight eye, increasing the volume.

"Xiaojiang went to the following to accompany him. You know, our girls are courageous. They are likely to be bullied below. If Xiaojiang goes down, they can protect the prostitute. He is a hero and a people's police. This time, he will Protect the prostitute."

It seems to comfort his wife, but also seems to comfort himself.

"Jiang Cheng, let's go with peace of mind, my mother and I are accompanying Anan. You can rest assured that our two old ones will teach him to call Mom and Dad. You and I will wait for you." There must be that day."

Wang Yuandong said in a difficult voice, he did not dare to cry, did not dare to cry, because he lost his daughter-in-law, he was the last pillar of the family. If he even collapsed, who can protect his wife, who else? Can protect his Anan?


Wang Yuandong clung to the struggling wife and nodded to the police officers who were carrying the remains.

Jiang Cheng’s body was sent to the incinerator until it was completely invisible. Lu Xiu ran completely, sat on the ground and could not stop crying.


"Lv Auntie, you don't have to worry, in fact, ordinary schools can also recruit children like Anan, but he must have enough interventional treatment before he is eight years old. If his recovery situation is expected, we also suggest that children can go here. Ordinary schools, this is also more conducive to his integration into ordinary children, and his condition is also improved."

Because he moved from Chenzhou City to Xuzhou City, Lu Xiu has re-selected a good treatment institution for his grandson after many investigations.

Now An An is almost seven years old. His month is small, and he can go to the age of elementary school in a year and a half. On this issue, Lu Xiu is very entangled. I don’t know if my grandson can attend ordinary primary schools. I don't know how to choose between ordinary primary schools and special primary schools.

Fortunately, the teacher of the treatment institution is good, and after answering Lu Xiu’s troubles, he gave an answer.

"However, if An An is going to attend a normal elementary school, it is necessary to tell the teacher about the child's situation before entering the school. This will also help the teacher to adopt a more reasonable approach in the subsequent education process. In general, ordinary schools are obliged to accept autism. For special children, each school has a number of places, and the children are randomly assigned to the class by lottery. No one can deprive the child of the right to go to school normally."

Unless the child's autism is very serious, many doctors and teachers who specialize in treating children with autism will advise the child to go to the ordinary school to study as much as possible to integrate him into the life of ordinary children.

Because the contact time is short, the teacher still does not know the specific situation of the river flow and the changes after the intervention treatment, and can only give Lu Xiu some advice on what he knows.

"To Lu Auntie, can you take the trouble to ask An An's father and mother? These days it seems that you and your uncle have been picking up and going to Anan to go to school."

The family atmosphere of autistic children is very important, which is why teachers take the liberty to ask.

"An An's parents died unexpectedly."

Lu Xiu's eyes flashed a trace of pain, because of the special status of the son-in-law, she could not even tell the people around them the real cause of death, can only cover up with two words of accident.


The teacher apologized in a panic, Lu Xiu waved her hand, she knew that the teacher was not intentional.

After communicating with the teacher about the situation of the grandson, Lu Xiu gave a speech to the teacher, ready to go to the nearby vegetable market to buy food. After the grandson finished class, he just came over to pick him up.

After the teacher sent Lu Xiu, he went to the classroom and was ready to observe the newly transferred child.

In an empty classroom, six or seven children each occupy a position, silently doing what they love to do.

There are three teachers in the classroom, staring at these children to prevent accidents.

At a glance, I saw the newly transferred child. The other party did not play with any toys, but stared at a corner of the classroom.

She walked quietly to the child and looked down at him, where there was a keyboard.

Is it interested in the piano?

I think that a very small number of autistic children have a great talent in some respects.