The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 219: Solitary disease 12

Lin Yong did not know how many times he picked up his antique mobile phone that can only send text messages.

His number is top secret. Except for some teammates who can entrust their lives, even his parents don’t know the existence of this number. In one day, this mobile phone received a text message and the text message was written next Sunday. The state's old poisonous yak old assembly went to Binjiang to conduct drug trafficking, and both sides of the transaction may carry anti-personnel weapons.

The news came too suddenly. Lin Yong did not hear the slightest wind before, and Lin Yong was very surprised. The news of the person who sent this text message from the end, how to know his secret number, he looked for a professional colleague to investigate. The source of this text message, but the means of hiding the other party is too high, it is simply not where the text message was sent from.

Therefore, these Tianlin bravely hesitated. He worried that this was a trap for the anti-drug brigade, and he was afraid that he would miss the opportunity to take the drug dealer because he was too careful.

Thinking about it, Lin Yong decided to find someone, a person who might well inquire about some intelligence.


"What is there in Xu Guangyao?"

Lin Yong disguised himself in the box of the hot pot restaurant. The house was filled with the scent of hot air and spicy hot pot, but obviously the two people sitting in this box didn't mean to eat hot pot.

"How come suddenly to find me?"

Sitting opposite Lin Yong is a glamorous woman wearing a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses. She looks like she is in her early thirties, but Lin Yong, who knows the other side, knows that sitting opposite him is more than four years ago. Ten, just a middle-aged woman who looks good and looks fine.

This person's name is Lin Shufen, one of the four informants that Jiangcheng left for Lin Yong.

Lin Shufen is a small town girl born on the border between China and Burma. Her parents are only her daughter. She was favored from a young age. However, a gun battle between drug dealers changed her life. Lin Shufen’s parents were broken into the drug dealers who wanted to avoid the enemy. After shooting and killing, Lin Shufen was guarded by her parents. Although she was seriously injured, she was lucky enough to save her life.

Witnessing the tragic death of the parents, Lin Shufen hated the drug dealers and determined to kill all the drug traffickers. She volunteered to become a police informant.

Lin Shufen did not continue to study after graduating from high school. Because she was beautiful, she successfully became a magnificent waitress. She occasionally revealed some intelligence to the police, just because she could not reach too many central figures, so Jiangcheng would not See her frequently.

But ten years ago, it began to be different. Lin Shufen was spotted by Xu Guangyao and became one of Xu Guangyao's mistresses. The news she was able to reach was much more, and Lin Yong and her contacts began to rise frequently.

Xu Guangyao is different from ordinary men. He doesn't like those young and beautiful girls. He likes the mature women who are the most mature women in the 30s and 40s. Lin Shufen's looks are not protruding, but she has the 80s. The unique style of Hong Kong-style beauty, even if Xu Guangyao has a lot of women, Lin Shufen is still one of the most favored women.

Unfortunately, Xu Guangyao seems to be awkward and practical. Even though Lin Shufen is his favorite woman, there is no way to find out from his mouth that it is too useful.

For example, the specific industries of the Xu brothers, such as their hidden secret books...

However, Lin Shufen did not gain anything in these years. Her news helped the police to annihilate two small drug-making gangs, which is also an outstanding contribution.

"Have you heard of the cow boss from Xu Guangyao's mouth?"

Lin Yong opened the door.

"Niu Boss? Are you talking about the cow?"

Lin Shufen thought for a moment and asked.


Lin Yong nodded. The outsiders called the man the boss. They could stand on Xu Guohui’s position and call the other party a slap in the face.

"I heard it once, what happened?"

Lin Shufen wore sunglasses, Lin Yong could not see her expression.

"Nothing, the recent winds are tight, Xu Guohui's two brothers are becoming more cautious about doing things. You don't have any big moves with Xu Guangyao, no matter what, safety first."

Lin Yong did not ask, he already had some considerations in his own heart.

Binjiang is the site of Xu Guohui's Ma Zilong, if the bull boss really wants to come to Binjiang, it proves that the other party's transaction is related to the gang of Xu Guohui, because at the riverside, Xu Guohui will not allow the second gang to **** his business. Even if it’s a small fight, it’s not good.

Thinking of Xu Guohui’s Ma Zi’s one-eyed dragon, Lin Yong was somewhat guilty. Xu Guohui’s two brothers were like muddy. Whatever the fate was done by the people underneath, even if the police caught the people, there was not enough evidence to show that everything was their brother. Both instructions.

In the past two decades, Xu Guohui has been committed to whitewashing his own industry. Now his Xuhui Group has paid nearly one billion yuan in taxes a year, and he is also keen on charity in the bright spot. He will arrest people without any evidence. I am afraid The Xu Guohui brothers will be bitten back and let the unidentified people doubt the credibility of the police.

In order to win the beheads of the two drug cartels, the police have sacrificed too much undercover and police power over the past decade. On several occasions, the Xu Guohui brothers are about to retire, and because of the lack of evidence, and the loyal younger brothers of Xu Guohui. The scapegoat fell short.

Thinking of those who sacrificed, Lin Yong clenched his fists. In his lifetime, he must bring these two uninhabited beasts to justice.

The secret message received this time allowed Lin Yong to see a little hope. If the other party is credible, will the person standing in the dark give him more surprises.

After being separated from Lin Shufen, Lin Yong kept going to a crowded place like the past, and then removed some of his disguise from different places. He also drilled a lot of positions to monitor the dead ends, and determined to track himself and find his own. After the real identity, I rushed to the anti-drug corps.

On the other hand, Lin Shufen took her latest car, then opened the red drapery bag and took out the latest strawberry phone.

"Yao Ge, you and your eldest brother are not going to trade with the cows in the near future. The police seem to have received the report, and the connector person asked me about the cow's third day."

"Well, if it's important, you still let the one-eyed dragon trade again."

Lin Shufen said a few words to the other end of the phone, then hang up the phone and look at himself in the rearview mirror of the car.

Chestnut brown curly hair, every week to the high-end salon to do nearly 10,000 pieces of care packages, painted with a delicate face, these are the use of Lepini, the mystery of the blue and the waves of water, water and light The needles are piled up.

There are also hundreds of thousands of diamond earrings on her ear, which seem inconspicuous on the neck. The actual price is nearly one million marble-sized high-ice emeralds...

These things gradually eroded her hatred of drug dealers. Lin Shufen has been inseparable from such a life, especially after seeing how Xu Guohui and others dealt with the tragic scenes of those found by the informants, she felt that if her parents still Living, she certainly does not want her living person to take risks in order to die.

Yes, Lin Shufen has long been rebellious. The line reports she provided to the police in these years were given under the instructions of Xu Guohui and others. Most of them were against small and medium-sized drug-making gangs that did not deal with the Xu Guohui brothers. .

Jiang Cheng was betrayed by her because the other party did not know from whom the line newspaper was obtained, which annihilated Xu Guohui’s stronghold, and Xu Guohui’s younger brother had taken all the sins for him and ate the gun.

In order to express his position to the brothers underneath, Xu Guohui asked someone to ask for the life of Jiang Cheng’s wife and children. This is a warning.

At that time, Lin Shufen was a bit embarrassed. After all, Jiang Cheng was a good person. It took a long time to do more wrong things. These cockroaches disappeared. Lin Shufen was very satisfied with the current life. The only regret was the identity of her double-faced spy. She can't have her own children. The Xu Guohui brothers won't let her be born, because once she is pregnant, the police will doubt the reliability of her informant. She can't get useful information from the connector person. It may be the best of both worlds, and it is precisely because of this identity that Xu Guangyao’s love for her has never faded. Lin Shufen feels that she should also be satisfied.


After the whole team discussion, the upper level finally decided to control the trading location in the text message, but until the next day the sun rose, Lin Yong and others did not wait for the drug dealer's cattle boss and one-eyed dragon.

Lin Yong was very disappointed. Did he be cheated?


The team returned to the anti-drug brigade, Lin Yong’s cell phone received a text message, and the mysterious person sent the message.

"The first dark pile was removed, Lin Shufen, waste!"

There is no word in the head, and other people may not understand the meaning of this sentence. After all, the entire anti-drug brigade knows that Lin Shufen only has Lin Yong.

Seeing this message, Lin Yong was directly in the same place as the Thunder.

He understood it, just because he understood it, he would be shocked to take a breath.

"Three days later, at one o'clock in the morning, Kathy International Underground Garage, the transaction will be held as usual."

This is the second text message received by the phone.

Lin Yong stared at the phone and didn't know if he should believe the mysterious person.


The first informant has rebelled!

Jiang Liu drank a cola. He only had the memory left by his original body. He didn’t know who was behind the scenes who killed his original family. He didn’t know who was the big drug lord behind Lu Hao’s life. These all require him to explore a little bit.

Moreover, the traders of the drug dealers are different from the general transactions. They are the people who put their heads on the waistband. They are careful and do not believe in the modern equipment that can be monitored and monitored. Even if he has the top hacking skills, he can’t catch it. Xu Guohui and others have real handles.

In these years, he only found out the identity of several informants who might sell his dad, as well as some drug networks. As for the books of these drug lords and the dens of drug production, Jiang Li knows very little.

It seems that he still has to be close to these people, so that there is an opportunity for investigation.

Jiangliu pinched the Coke bottle and threw it into the trash can, then broke the zero-time communicator in his hand three or two, assembled them into some electric toys, and then went out blankly, as usual, sitting In front of the piano, start the daily piano practice step by step.