The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 35: Widow's No. 3

However, this is only a speculation of the river, specifically, only the two parties are clear.

After moving to Fucheng, the original mother and son had lived a comfortable life. The original body was a person, and the future may not be able to go further, because the original body that had not been married for a long time became a good candidate in the eyes of some big families in Fucheng. It was just that the original teacher had a granddaughter in the word, and after the matchmaker said, Meng Yu Niang decided to kiss the pro, which contributed to this marriage.

The days that can be married are not the joy of coming to the family.

First of all, Meng Yu Niang spent the rest of her life guarding her son's life. Now she suddenly has a woman. Even if she is reasonable, she will not be confused with her mother-in-law. She will not be pleasing to her son.

The wife of the original body is a young lady who is a child, and she is spoiled by her childhood. In her habits, she is not in harmony with the original mother who had suffered a lot.

The original body is willing to accommodate his wife, but this touches the sensitive nerves of Meng Yu Niang. She feels that her son was taken away by her daughter-in-law. In this way, the contradiction between the mother and the daughter is increasing, and the original body is becoming a mother-in-law. Sandwich biscuits in the middle.

Every time Meng Mengniang and her daughter-in-law dispute, always have to come out to mediate, but he can only study a merit, low emotional intelligence, mouth licking, often failed to successfully annihilate the anger on both sides, but increase the contradiction between mother and daughter.

Also, because it took too much time to deal with the mother-in-law problem, his road to imperial examination stopped at the lifting point and no longer entered.

In order to study for his son in the early years, Meng Yu Niang spent a few hours a day grinding soymilk, body bones have fallen into the roots of the disease in those years, now the days are good, and because of the conflict between the daughter-in-law and the often sulking, the body is more corrupt, in old age Worried about bed, it is miserable.

At this time, for her, death is a relief, but because she is not worried about her daughter-in-law, she wants to care for her son with a sigh of relief. She is lying on the hospital bed for more than ten years. After she was born, she felt her son. Grow up and leave with confidence.

"Girls, it’s really the cutest creature in the world."

001 appeared in midair, exclaimed.

River flow: ...

He really didn't understand how 001 found out the cuteness of women from this story.

"But in ancient times, because of gender restrictions, women's life is often trapped in marriage, family, husband, children, just like the mother of the original, for the sake of his son's life without remarriage, is also like the wife of the original body, because of the mother-in-law Filial piety, sometimes it is reasonable to take care of, but also to apologize to the mother-in-law for the suppression of filial piety."

001 did not care about the eyes of the river, and continued to say.

However, his sentence is not false. After carefully reviewing the memory of the original body, Jiang Liu found that this dynasty seemed particularly harsh for widows.

First of all, this era does not support the remarriage of widows.

The widow's remarriage can't take away the husband's family. At the same time, the dowry when she marries has to stay in the husband's family. That is to say, the widow who is remarried does not have a little money, and it is lucky to meet a man who hurts. I met a Zhongshan wolf and it was ruined for the rest of my life.

And widows and young children have no better children. After all, some girls who are poor in family have no dowry for the first time, but if they have widows with children, it is impossible to remarriage with their children in the strong clan consciousness. Mothers can endure separation from their own flesh and blood. For the sake of children, many women can only choose to be widowed and spend the rest of their lives alone.

Some old-fashioned clan, even tough to refuse the remarriage of the widowed women in the family, there has been a widely spread rumor in the memory of the original, that is, a young widow wants to remarriage, and the result was the same evening The Chinese tied the stone to the sinking pond and finally settled the case with falling water.

The widow’s mother’s family is no longer a clan, and the idea of ​​not blaming the law has existed in many times. It is impossible for the local magistrate to punish hundreds of people who have died in the murder. Ordinary people, so the final result can only be the widow's death, even because of her remarriage, even the ancestral grave can not enter, can only be buried by her family, and after the death is no one to worship the ghosts .

In this rumor, few people sympathize with the young widow. Instead, they agree that the clan behavior is the majority. It is conceivable that this feudal society is not easy for women.

"Task One, to help the current world of at least 1,000 women, change the situation of their lives, complete the reward points of 1000, the failure will be deducted three times the bonus points, the score is zero when obscured."

"Task 2, to prevent Meng Yu Niang from disfiguring, let the rest of the life happy and rich, complete the bonus points of 1000, the failure will be deducted three times the bonus points, and the score will be erased when the score is zero."

After the sigh, 001 talked about serious things, it announced the two tasks of the current world.

In the last world, Jiangliu received a total of 137 people since the donation of many primary schools and wells, so he added the points he earned in the first world and the points after the completion of the previous world mission. A total of 9,400 points remain.

In other words, as long as he does not spend more than 3,400 points in the system store, even if the mission of the world fails, he does not have to accept punishment.

The mind was a little bit determined, and the river began to study the task of the world.

Task 2 is relatively good to complete some. Now that he has arrived, it will definitely not let the disfigurement of the mother-in-law happen again. As for the mother-in-law’s good old age, the former is very simple, and the latter seems to just mediate the contradiction between the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law. Yes.

Meng Yu Niang itself is a more traditional woman, married to husband, husband died from the child, her happiness is mostly derived from her son.

Therefore, Jiangliu did not worry too much about this task, but instead it was task one, which made him feel a little confused.

The scope of this task seems to be broader. Jiang does not understand that this is a way to improve women's lives. It is not an improvement to give them money. If it is counted, is it that if he earns a little more money, he will give 1,000 women so that they can Going through a more prosperous life than before, this task is complete.

"The host does not want to be opportunistic. The task is to improve the living conditions of women, especially in the social class. That is to say, the host must help at least 1,000 women and break away from the constraints imposed on them by feudal society, such as promoting women. Their status allows them to have the same rights as men to read and literate, and to change the situation of widows, so that those who want to remarriage can adapt to their hearts and start a new life."

The interpretation of 001 makes the river difficult. Don't say that he is now, even if it is the original body of the future, there is no such ability. Let the girl and the boy study the same. This will directly challenge the feudal society, let alone him. Such a small person, after the end of the world, men and women can study equally, it is also the blood of countless revolutionary ancestors.

Fortunately, the Lord God also considered the difficulty when he asked for the task. He did not define the main help women as all. The number of 1,000 people, although difficult, is not really impossible. Just want to do this, his status must be improved, at the very least, he must also be admitted to the scholar, become the emperor's favorite or power.

Jiangliu has some headaches. He has not been able to test the Chinese scholars in his previous life. If he has a junior high school diploma, even if he has the original memory, how can he test the champion?

I don’t think that Jiangliu used to be a man who earns money to study English. In fact, his essence is still learning scum. When he thinks about studying, it is still an ancient article about the mouth, and the river is one big and two big.

Besides, knowledge is something that you can use without knowing it. It is as if you know the norms and techniques of writing poetry, but you can't be a poetry of Li Bai Du Fu, even if you have the original body left for the river. Those memories are not necessarily that he can use them flexibly.

Is fate finally going to start with his poor child? The river rolled a few laps on the bed and couldn’t think of a solution.

"Friendly reminder, the puzzle of the system mall is on the shelves, an 800 points, can not buy can not buy a loss, reading exams must be Shen Dan."

When the river was in a headache, 001 friendship reminded him of it.

“Is this the legendary medicine that can be remembered when you eat it?”

Jiangliu came to the spirit, he opened the system mall, and sure enough, the original "Super Lucky Star" has changed the shelf, and now the system sells the goods into [Ed. Dan], the price is as the system prompts, only need 800 points.

"The system does not provide the cheat level of the drug, the role of the puzzle Dan is only to improve the IQ of the host, the specific circumstances, but also according to the original IQ level of the host."

001 was silent for a while and gave the answer.

Jiang Liu understands the meaning of the system, which means that even with the bonus of Yidan Dan, he needs to study hard, but this is also a good thing for wisdom. Jiang Liu did not want to buy one, and quickly Swallowing belly.

If it is not the commodity, the drug is only valid once, and Jiangliu wants to buy a few more and see where his IQ is.

"I was originally a small genius. Now I should be a big genius after eating the puzzle Dan."

After eating the medicinal herbs, Jiangliu did not intuitively identify the way his IQ rose, but asked him with enthusiasm.


I really don't understand the self-confidence of the host.

"001, why don't you talk?"

Looking at the silent system, the river is a little angry.

"If you don't talk, I will be your default. Sure enough, I am a genius."

Jiang Liu made another round and began to ponder the way to complete the task.

Just as 001 was about to disappear, the river suddenly shouted at it.

"Right, not only girls, but our boys are also very cute!"

Holding his own small round face, Jiangliu squinted his head and smiled and glared at the system.


In any case, this mentally retarded host can adapt to the child's body so quickly, it is also a good thing for it, 001 is not sure about it.