The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 36: Widow's No. 4

There is still a year and a half of time for Meng Mengniang to force himself to protect himself from self-defense. During this time, Jiangliu must upgrade his position in the family, at least let the family’s rulers think that he is useful. Otherwise, even if he can avoid the first disaster, he can't hide the second time, the third time...

At this time, the benefits of the strong concept of the clan are reflected.

Shi Nong Industrial and Commercial, the status of the priest is the most respected, if the river can reveal enough talent for study, let the clan think that he is a seed worthy of investment, then the life of the mother and son in the family will be much more comfortable.

Because once he developed, the benefits are not just his own, this is the glory of the entire clan.

I think that the Wang family is not because there is a scholar in the tribe, three people, and now the county magistrate respects the king's family. Every time the court recruits labor, the Wang clan has the fewest people.

From the small to the big, if a family can have a person who can speak in the government, how much benefit is there for the family.

In these years, the Jiang clan also attached great importance to the cultivation of the children of the ethnic group. There are too many poor people in the Nai family. The majority of the people who can't afford to read books are the majority. There are not many people who are willing to study for children and grandchildren, and there are few outstanding talents. Down, there are five scholars and nine children in the family. Three of them are still in the ranks of Jiang.

It is necessary to talk about the right to speak. One hundred scholars do not necessarily have a person to use.

Now the village has opened a book, and the two scholars who teach are the sons of the patriarchs. One is the poor scholars who have a poor family and need to repair and help. The river decided to start from the son of the patriarch.


Jiang Liu first went to the mill in the village, and he planned to say hello to the mother first. The other party in the province did not see him in a hurry.

The mill in the village is a clan industry. The money earned is used to maintain a series of expenses such as the repair of the temple. Because it is convenient for the people, the use of the stone mill is cheap, but it cannot be used because of the low cost. The nephew helps, all rely on their own people to polish.

Now in the early spring, the ordinary brawny has to wear two spring shirts to not feel cold, but Meng Xiaoniang, who has been grinding for half a minute, is only wearing a one-piece spring shirt, and she is already sweating. The hair sticks to the forehead, the sweat slides down the hair, some wet eyelashes smash into the eyes, the salty, thorny eyes have a burning pain, but Meng Mengniang can’t care for the sweat, and all the beans are going to be grinded. When you are finished, go back and prepare the tofu to be bought tomorrow.

In the mill, there are six stone mills. Except that Meng Yu Niang is grinding soy milk, the rest of the people are grinding flour, and these people are men as the main force of grinding, while the women in the house are helping to use the bag to be ground. The flour is put away.

In contrast, Meng Yu Niang is a bit miserable.

"Da Lang, how come you?"

Seeing that his son came to the mill, Meng Yu Niang quickly untied the rope that was tied to her body, soothed the tense shoulder muscles, and walked down to the son in three or two steps.

"Is there someone who goes to the house to find trouble?"

I don’t blame Meng Minang for thinking about it. During the time when her husband had just passed away, some people came to the door from time to time. She didn’t dare to go to the mill to grind the soymilk during the time. When she was afraid that she would not pay attention, her son was robbed. .

"Nobody came to the house, mother, I want to go to the book and find the uncle to play."

Jiang Shuxin, the full name of the uncle in the mouth of the river, is only two years older than him. His original body played well with him. Although he was a generation of seniors, he was no different from his friends.

"That's good, but you have to wait outside the book. If the teachers are in class, you must not rush into it. Also, don't go to the mountains or walk out of the village. If you meet someone who gives you candy." Eat, you will cry out loud and call out all the elders in the village."

Meng Yu Niang also knew that it was not a way to keep her son at home. After carefully swearing a few words, she agreed with her son’s request.

When leaving the mill, Jiang Liu looked at the re-tie of the rope, and the mother who kissed the stone-wood handle with his bow, felt that he had to speed up a little faster.


"At the beginning of the human race, the nature is good. The **** is similar, the Xi Xiangyuan... one to ten, ten and one hundred. One hundred thousand, one thousand."

Jiang Fangzheng came from home and was preparing to go to the book to teach, and was attracted by the childish voice from the apricot tree outside the book.

This is the student who is not in the school. Instead, he ran outside to endorse, and the voice sounded strange. He could not contact any of the students he taught.

"you are?"

When I walked in and looked at it, facing the completely strange and delicate childish face, Jiang Fang was even more convinced of which student was this.

"Jiangzu uncle."

Seeing the goal came, Jiangliu stopped endorsing, and Lisuo stood up and politely bowed.

"Who are you a child, what are you doing outside the book?"

Upon hearing the name of the river, Jiang Fangzheng realized that this is not his own student, but the family of the family, but he is very curious, how can the other person be able to recite the three-character fluently, he looks like five or six As a result of the age, it is necessary to know that the age of enlightenment received by the school is also six years old. The students can only recite the three characters before and can not be as fluent as him.

Is it the elder of the family who was enlightened?

There are only a few of the scholars in the family, and they are all familiar with Jiang Fang. If the other party’s family has such a bright child, he does not know why.

"I passed away, my mother called her tofu lady."

The name of the elders who called the elders was a taboo. Fortunately, the young and old, the ignorant appearance of his mother’s nickname, no one would think that he was not sensible.

"Mother kisses the beans in the mill, I am bored, just waiting outside the book to wait for my letter to go to school to play with me."

The river refers to the direction of the book, indicating that he is not free to appear outside the book.

When he said the tofu woman, Jiang Fangzheng knew who Jiang is the son. After all, the only family in the village who would make tofu was Jiang Dachun. After his death, his hand was passed to his wife. Jiang Erchun’s family did not run the patriarch for this incident. Home, as the patriarch of the most important, as the son of the next patriarch, Jiang Fangzheng also heard.

But if he remembers correctly, Jiang Dachun doesn't know one big word, and he can't enlighten his son. So, where did the three-character scriptures of Jiangliu learn from?

"What are you just doing?"

Jiang Fangzheng bent down and asked him to swindle the child.

"I don't know, I listen to the people inside, I just learn."

The river shook his head and his face was very innocent.

"What do you want to learn?"

Jiang Fangzheng was excited and shocked: "In addition to learning the few paragraphs, what have you learned?"

There is a faint guess in his heart, but he is not sure.

"What else?"

Jiang Liu looked at his head and thought: "Dr. discipline, saint training... parents teach, you must listen...the things are small, don't hide, and some don't listen, don't remember."

He didn't dare to show too much, and he kept his disciples back to half and pretended to stop remembering.

Even if it is just like this, it is enough for Jiang Fang to look up and down with the look of rare treasures.

Never forget, not right, it is too much to forget.

In the past, Jiang Fangzheng had only heard of such a genius in the words and rumors. This kind of person should pick one. If it is cultivated well, let alone show the talents. It is also a matter of time before the examination.

Jiang Fang was cultivated as the next patriarch. His heart is open-minded. He will not hate him because he is better than him. He even killed this little genius in the cradle. Jiang Fang is thinking about cultivating the river. If he can be a high school, how good the benefits will be to the Jiang clan.

Far away, as long as the Jiangliu test is in the middle, the Jiang’s clan’s right to speak in this film is not comparable.

Jiang Fangzheng took a few deep breaths, but now he did not dare to sneak out what he thought and thought. He was pleased to touch the head of Jiangliu and planned to discuss his father with him at night.


Although there was no immediate and satisfactory result, Jiang Liu knew that everything would develop as he guessed. After dinner at night, when the river was lying on the bed and was about to sleep, 001 ran out.

"Is the host not going to study hard?"

It floated in midair and looked at the river.

Today, Jiang Fang is fooling over. The hope for Jiang Fangzheng is greater. His expectations for the river must be higher. Now, although Jiangliu has the memory of the original, it is difficult to use it flexibly.

For example, the ancient fonts and the simplified words used by the rivers are quite different. The inertia makes it easy. When the river is writing, it is easy to appear the situation of lack of arms and broken legs. According to the idea of ​​001, from now on, the river should be used and used. New text.

"Think of the lovely girls, they are waiting for you to save."

001 is working hard for the river.

Listening to the words of 001, Jiang Liu finally got down from the bed, and took a bowl from the kitchen, filled the water back to the room, and took a piece of tree branch on the stone floor.

For the lovely girls, is this cute boy destined to endure the wreck of fate?