The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 46: Widow's No. 1

This evening, in addition to Jiangliu sleeping sweet, Hu Guirong and Meng Yuniang are blinking to the dawn, the room of the two separated by a wall of wood, it seems that they can hear each other's breathing.

Meng Yu Niang thought a lot, such as the unmarried and Hu Guirong's feelings, such as the husband who was married and honest but honest and honest...

Fanghua, in her twenties, has to live alone since then. Where can she be willing, especially when she knows that she has a man who has never forgotten, and that man is waiting for her.

But at this time, she would think of her premature husband, who was not good at words, but she was very good, but she gave her a good son, if she really remarried, it is indeed Sorry for him.

There are two voices in Meng Miniang’s heart that are contending.

A voice tells her that now her son does not stop her from remarriage, why she can't pursue the happiness she has missed.

Another person’s voice told her that if she remarried, she would be more filthy to her son’s ancestral ancestors.

These two voices were noisy in Meng Miniang’s mind, and no one could take the lead.

When the next day was bright, Meng Yu Niang was dressed and ready to go to the kitchen of the cabin to prepare breakfast for several of them. Unfortunately, when she opened the door and walked out of the room, Hu Guirong next door came out.

The two looked at each other and then quickly staggered their eyes.

The road to the kitchen is on the side of Hu Guirong, the walkway of the cabin is narrow, Hu Guirong will stick the whole body on the wall, and Meng Yu Niang can barely pass.

After Hu Guirong’s road in front of him, it was inevitable that the clothes would be rubbed. Hu Guirong raised his head and held his breath, for fear of offending his sweetheart.

The ingredients on board are simple, most of them are Jiang Xian caught by the crew. Fortunately, before the departure, Meng Yu Niang brought a lot of pickles to the meal, and barely matched it.

On the dining table, in addition to the river, from time to time will mediate the atmosphere to speak, the rest of the people are relatively quiet, of course, not no one to support, for example, before the departure, Jiang Chong sent to the river boy next to Jiangliu.

This is the orphan selected by Jiang Chong from the Jiang family. The mother-in-law is gone. The closest one is the aunt who has been married. No one wants to raise him. In these years, he relied on the clan to help the clan. Feelings are deep.

Jiang Chong sent such a person to the river, one is because a monk is a widow, and it is inconvenient to go out. Jiang Yu can help with some foreign affairs, and secondly, it is to deepen the relationship between the river and the clan. After not separating for too long, I forgot the relatives of my hometown.

Jiangliu had no opinion on the addition of such a book boy and errands. Even modern people did not achieve equality for everyone, let alone ancient times. For an orphan like Jiang Yu, he could follow the river. It is an opportunity that no one else can think of.

Jiangliu never looked down on the cohesiveness of the ancient clan. Instead of looking for a toothpaste to buy a small donkey, it is better to use Jiang Yu, who was born with the same clan, and after a few days of observation, Jiang Liu felt that Jiang Yu was a simple and honest people. There are still a few places worthy of training, and simply follow the wishes of the patriarch and leave him with him.

It seems that he is fortunate that he left the book boy, or he will suffocate to his mother and Hu Guirong.

Half a month later, the group finally arrived in the capital. There was no danger on this road. It was very peaceful. Jiang Sendao had already received letters from his disciples and sent people to wait at the dock.

It was the butler of the Chiang House. The other party did not take them directly to Chiang Mai. Instead, they took them to a house with a small courtyard.

"This is the house that the lord asked me to find. In the letter, he learned that Mrs. Jiang and Master Jiang were not willing to borrow the Jiang family. They asked the old slave to find a room for the young lady. The owner of this room was originally a As a result of the repeated trials, the seller is ready to return to his hometown to seek an errand. Because of the urgency of the trip, the house is cheap to sell, only eighty-two silver is needed."

The old housekeeper introduced the room that entered. "The front yard can raise chickens and grow vegetables. The two main houses are spacious, and there are four left and right wing rooms. Before Jiang Xiaogong’s relatives, it was enough, and this The location of the house is good, not far from the inner city. After Jiang Xiaogong went to our house for class, only one or two incense sticks are needed. If it is a carriage, it will be faster."

Meng Yu-Niang looked at this little room, and she was not satisfied with her heart. Originally, she thought that the house price in Beijing should not be cheap. I am afraid that when I first arrived in Beijing, they could not buy a house directly. They could only temporarily rent it. Now it seems that it is only Eighty-two, together, can still be assembled.

Jiang Liu is not as innocent as his mother. He guessed that he would definitely subsidize a part of his house when he bought the house. But now he really needs a place to stay. As for the kindness he owes, he will be able to return it sooner or later. .

Meng Yu Niang happily bought this small house, leaving a little money, and was able to add some furniture to the house, perhaps because of a big event that came to her mind when she came, Meng Mengniang’s mood was much more cheerful. The ambiguity between the eyebrows also cleared most of the time.

With such a kind of kindness, Jiangliu must go to the teacher's office to be grateful.

Meng Yu Niang is a widow. She is not good enough to visit. So the two decided to stay at home and set the rules of their courtesy. By the way, if there are any omissions, I will buy them in the daytime, and one will go to the Jiang family. Visit, to the full number of gifts.


"This is your apprentice!"

Mrs. Jiang saw that the river was shocked. She thought that her disciples had at least a dozen or twenty years of disciples in the invigilation. I didn’t think it was a seven-year-old doll.

However, the child is really good, his skin is white and clear, his eyes are big and round, his eyes are clear, and his appearance is not much different from that of the little fairy child around her Guanyin Bodhisattva, which is enshrined in the Little Buddha Hall.

Mrs. Jiang was not allowed to eat for a while, and her husband’s husband was because the other’s literary talents had moved the hearts of the disciples, or simply because of the appearance of the child, and suddenly fainted.

"Ha ha ha, my wife can hear that this time a southern government house tried a child prodigy who was even seven yuan at the age of seven. The rumored child prodigy was a disciple of the husband."

Jiang Sendao is very proud, but now the apprentice is still there, he is still very decent.

Mrs. Jiang heard the words and felt relieved. It seems that her husband has not yet reached the point where he is faint.

However, as a result, she looked at Jiangliu’s eyes even more rare. The seven-year-old Xiao Sanyuan had never heard of the Jin Dynasty. When the news just arrived in Beijing, they were privately I also talked about it for a while, thinking about the child prodigy that was carefully cultivated by the family of the family, and it was not surprising to learn from the youngest in the most rigorous way.

But she knows that the apprentice chosen by her husband is a family. In the case of a farmer’s family, there are still such achievements, which can only be said to be talented.

Can such a child really be as good as a husband? Is it not a champion?

Mrs. Jiang is aware of her husband’s obsession, and when she looks at the river, she can’t help but grin.

But laughing and laughing, she still did not forget the serious things. As the teacher of this child, she sent a bunch of gifts, the most conspicuous of which was a few porcelain boxes filled with facial fat. The facial fat inside was Jiang Shendao. Developed, good things that can not be bought by the outside fat powder shop.

Mrs. Jiang did not stay for a long time. After a few words of chilling, she returned to the inner house, leaving Jiang Sendao and Jiangliu to speak in the front hall.

"These are all good things that your master has carefully selected. Don't let it go."

Jiang Shendao pointed at the pile of gifts and touched the beard.


Jiangliu quickly nodded. He didn't expect the teacher to be so careful. He actually prepared the face fat for his mother. It was also his carelessness as a son. He forgot that his mother had a filial period and could start dressing up.

He didn't think about himself at all. If he is such a cute boy with natural beauty, where is the need for foreign things?

Seeing the disciple is well-behaved, Jiang Sendao is very pleased.


"Mother, is the disciple of the rumored child prodigy at the age of seven?"

In the backyard, Chiang Kai-shek’s six-year-old daughter, Jiang Fuqi, asked her mother’s hand curiously.

Because of the deep squatting, Jiang Fujun's skin is fair and delicate, like a good white porcelain. This is also her greatest advantage. Besides, her facial features can only be called upright and combined. It is a beautiful girl who looks good and looks good.


Mrs. Jiang smiled and nodded, touching the hair of her daughter's head.

Her appearance can only be regarded as a delicate show. Although the husband of Jiang Jundao feels good about himself, his appearance can only be attributed to ordinary people. Two people who are not outstanding in appearance are naturally not beautiful.

It’s just that the couple attaches great importance to the cultivation of their children. Even if they are daughters, they must learn the same homework. They all say that there is a book in the abdomen. The young girl of Mrs. Jiang is the most talented in the Jiang family. Although she looks ordinary, this can be At the end of the day, it has revealed an impressive style.

The world loves beauty, and Mrs. Jiang’s biggest concern is the future marriage of the young girl. In particular, this daughter looks a bit like a husband. Jiang Sendao thinks that his daughter is generally beautiful with him. Mrs. Jiang feels that after her daughter said When you are in person, there are still some troubles.

I don't know why, Mrs. Jiang’s mind flashed the face of the river.

If the husband is a smart and beautiful disciple, the husband should be satisfied.