The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 77: National husband 11

The official awards came two days later than the time that Jiang Liu knew. When the National High School Mathematics League scored, the entire middle school was shocked.

It’s no surprise that Gao Ruru’s full score is the first prize. Everyone is used to it.

It’s not surprising that the river is in a state of mind. After all, in the third year of high school, there are many students who want to start working hard.

It is not surprising that Jiang Liu has successively tested mathematics scores in several monthly exams and even mid-term exams. It is just an ordinary exam. His desk is still Gao Ruru, and it is not a strange thing to catch up with the progress of the study.

But it is different now. This is not an ordinary exam. This is the national high school mathematics league. The national mathematics elites are gathered in this exam. Jiang Li won the first prize, but he still got the same score as Gao Ruru. Waiting for the prize, can you prove that he is as strong as Gao Ruru?

Not only did the students look at the eyes of the river, but Xiao Changming, who recognized himself as a dusty mathematical pearl, looked softer in these days and wanted to squeeze out the water.

This time, the National High School Mathematics League awarded a total of ten first prizes, second prizes and third prizes. Candidates who won first and second prizes and some third prizes can participate in the winter camp after the winter camp. Competing for six places to participate in the CMO.

Dong Chengfeng won the second prize and naturally can participate in the winter camp, but he is not very happy. Compared with Gao Ruru, who has always been stronger than him, Jiangliu has achieved better results than him, which makes him really unwilling.


As one of the most authoritative competitions in the high school stage, the awarding ceremony of the National High School Mathematics League is naturally not ordinary. There are also many reporters present to interview these award-winning students.

Lin Biao was a reporter who turned from the financial column to the human column. When she saw the winners of several first prizes being awarded at this time, she could not help but swear.

The tall, thin boy on the stage always felt familiar and seemed to have seen it.

It is reasonable to say that the competition of high school students is unlikely to show the talents she knows or is familiar with.

Lin Biao is a more real person. After the interview went back, she opened her own computer and flipped through a lot of information she had saved in the net. When she quickly flipped through the saved photos, she suddenly stopped her hand. One face, just right with the boy who made her feel familiar at the awards ceremony today.

Looking at the shooting time of these photos, Lin Biao recalled that this was taken while she was still on the financial channel.

At that time, during the summer vacation of students, a predator of Xiangjiang hosted a private dinner. It is said that many mainland and Hong Kong and Taiwan rich people will participate.

As a reporter for the financial channel, she naturally rushed to the news, but unfortunately this dinner was not open to the public, she just took a few photos outside the hotel.

This boy was photographed outside the dinner party and saw the other party enter the evening banquet.

Those who can participate in that level of dinner are not simple, not predators, or the family of the predators. Lin Biao is not excited. If he can publish an article that combines Fu II and Xue Ba, I am afraid that the sales of newspapers and the clicks of the Internet Will greatly increase.

But now she still doesn't know who the son of this boy is, and can only continually rummage on the Internet and in the circle of contacts.

Although under the control of the richest man, the exposure rate of the original is not high, in the Internet age, it is difficult to have absolute ** and secrets. After working hard for a few days, Lin Biao finally found the true identity of the river.

Jiang Zhongmin, now the second richest man on the wealth list, was still in the first position not long ago, and he thought it would not be long before he could climb up.

Speaking of the other side is also a legendary figure, the second generation of the county seat, the father is the county magistrate, when he was a teenager, he dared to buy and sell, almost accidentally lost his dad.

After smashing the first fund, I started to do business. I bought a few mines before the coal price surged. The net worth suddenly rose to more than one billion. At that time, the traffic gradually improved, and the prince had no future.

Later, Jiang Zhongmin felt that the real estate was good, and the minerals were sold to enter the real estate. The mining industry went downhill, and the housing market soared.

Now Jiang Zhongmin's Tianyi Group has started testing the Internet and the entertainment industry. Everyone has speculated that this is not a sign that real estate is about to start to slump.

Jiang Zhongmin's wife, Ning Lan, was born and was born. He and Jiang Zhongmin were university students. They took a fancy to the potential of Jiang Zhongmin. Jiang Zhongmin's Tianyi Group was able to have today's results, and could not do without the help of his wife's family.

It’s just that Ning Lan is also a woman with great ambitions. She doesn’t like to mix her husband’s business. She has created several clothing and jewelry brands. She acquired several luxury companies abroad and owned three diamond mines in Africa. Not as good as a husband, but also a top female entrepreneur on the Chinese Fortune List.

It is rumored that Jiang Zhongmin and his wife Ning Lan have only one son, but because the couple do not like the son's exposure in the spotlight of the media, there is not much information on the son of Jiang Zhongmin circulating on the Internet. Lin Biao is also found evidence under the wrong error. .

Jiang Liu, Jiang Zhongmin, now even surnames are on, Lin Biao has already thought about what he should write.


#首富之喜喜Abstract National High School Mathematics League First Prize#

#some people have money than you, he is still harder than you#

After a day of fermentation, the news that Jiang Zhongmin, the son of the richest man, Jiang Zhongmin, won the first prize in the national high school mathematics competition spread throughout the network. The first reaction of everyone was unbelief.

There are countless evidences in front of us, and it seems that we must not believe it.

The first is a vague picture. The Jiangzhong people in front of the face are clear, but the teenagers not far from him are a bit fuzzy, but when the blurred photos and the high-resolution photos of the rivers are placed together, everyone is clear. I can recognize that this is the same person.

Secondly, Jiangliu participated in a dinner hosted by Xiangjiang rich merchants. According to Xiangjiang’s news report, on the same day, Jiang Zhongmin, the richest man in China, was represented. Jiangliu is his son, and it seems that there is no problem.

Plus the original appearance is the combination of Jiang Zhongmin and Ning Lan, three photos put together, absolutely no one doubts their father/son/mother identity, all kinds of evidence put one, the identity of the river is basically done.

[I thought that the rich second generation was mixed and died, I didn’t expect people to have more money than me, but also to work harder than me]

[Ah, ah, rich and smart, isn’t this my husband? 】

[The woman upstairs is really good at worshiping gold. Isn't there a few stinky money, can you use it? If you don't know who you are, you will call your husband? I am different. I don't like money. I like boys with good maths, husband and husband.

[Hehehe, upstairs and upstairs upstairs, shouting a 17-year-old boy husband, are you so embarrassed? How can you be sure that the younger brothers like girls, I am a man, I like men, my husband, I am waiting for you]

Netizens are all looking at the excitement, and these rumors are not necessarily their true thoughts. They just feel interesting and follow the brush.

It’s just that if the news on the Internet is true, the birth is good, the family is extremely wealthy, I am smart and wise, and I don’t look like Wu Yanzu, but I also have a long eyebrows, such a boy, it’s hard not to let people like it.

Of course, the voice of opposition is indispensable regardless of the topic.

For example, questioning the achievements of the river, such as questioning his identity, there are many people who agree with this kind of answer.


Tianyi Group has a public relations department that pays special attention to network trends. The hot topic on the network involves their chairman. Naturally, they came to the secretary of Jiang Zhongmin in the first time.

"Oh, impossible.

Jiang Zhongmin listened to the news and smiled and shook his head.

His son is still unclear? He is embarrassed to admit that this is the son of his Jiang Zhongmin.

Nowadays, the media reporters are really no more fucking, and all the fake news reports that they don’t want to face even a click.

"Jiang Dong, I see the photo, it seems really a young master."

Jiang Zhongmin’s secretary naturally saw the river. He looked at the photos of the award ceremony. The people standing on the stage and the rivers were indeed similar.


Jiang Zhongmin looked at his photos and still insisted on his position.

He felt that the boy in the photo was just very similar to his son.

Perhaps it is too similar, Jiang Zhongmin could not help but look a little more.

How can people’s embarrassment be so good? If his child can compete for half of his family, he will be willing to live for ten years.

The author has something to say: Jiang Liu: Live less than ten years?

Jiang Zhongmin after learning the truth: I am not, I have not