The Apocalypse’s Great Merchant

Chapter 289: Crazy raging

The Promise Base has been completely messed up.

After the heterogeneous tidal devour of a large number of heterogeneous variants of the rose in the days of sleep, successively advanced, and now has become a level 3 plant.

The rapid promotion completely aroused the desire of his heart. When he noticed that the bean sprouts, Lancome and Jun Tianyi, which made him jealous, were not nearby, the desire for backlog of his heart suddenly exploded, completely revealing his ferocious side.

Not only does it want to swallow the mutant Maine cat and the mutant dog family, it also wants to swallow the entire base and make yourself stronger and stronger!

Therefore, after the emergence of the Promise team, it not only did not converge, but it even worsened.

The thick branches with spikes were pulled out instantly and entangled with the people of the Promise.

Every sharp barb on the branches is like a greedy little mouth. Once they are punctured by the skin, they will soon be cleaned.

At this time, there were not many people nearby. The only ones who came first were Bai Ling, Li Tianzuo and Feng Li. They have been training in the station, so they rushed out as soon as they heard the movement.

Wu Meng, who also heard the movement, stood in the floor-to-ceiling window with Fang Xiaoyu and looked at it with horror.

The physical strength of Bai Ling 3 people is not very good, the attack power is also very limited, seeing the spangled branches fiercely entangled, the three people do not know how to deal with, can only turn around and smash.

"I am going, isn't this stuff with us? How suddenly is it crazy?" Feng Li said as he ran, being frightened by the mad mutant season.

"Who knows what crazy this stuff is, or hurry to find a way. This stuff can't be done by us, we have to inform other people!" Bai Ling rushed to the ground, thinking about how to put this The matter is notified to others.

Li Tianzuo frowned slightly: "I don't know when Lanjie will come back, it will not go smoothly."

She is worried about the death of Li Tianyou, an uneasy brother.

It is said that the place to go this time is very dangerous. Li Tianyou may not have anything to do.

Bai Ling knew her worries and immediately comforted: "Don't be afraid, there are Lan sisters and Mr. Jun, Xiaoyou and Zheng sister will not have anything to do."

When I first said it, the two heard Feng Li shouting in horror: "Bai Ling, use your abilities, and you have to touch your legs!"

Just as he said this, the spangled branches slammed forward and looked at the white legs.

This branch has a thick finger, and the spike on it looks sharp and hard. It must be wrapped up by it. There are countless blood holes in the legs of Bai Ling!

"Ah!" Bai Ling was so scared that he screamed, and he had a set of gorgeous armor.

Feng Li and Li Tianzuo, who almost scared the heart out, saw this armor as a glimpse. This stuff is too familiar!

It is clearly the equipment in a famous game!

At this moment, the spiked thorns entangled Bai Ling's calf and quickly dragged her back.

Feng Li and Li Tianzuo were so scared that they subconsciously took Bai Ling’s hands and dragged her to death, and launched a tug-of-war with the mutant season.

This is too dangerous.

The two can have no armor protection. Once they are attacked by the mutated season, they will immediately be bloody.

The white spirit that was caught was equally painful. She felt that her calf was getting tighter and tighter by the branches, as if the bones had to be broken. At the same time, her hands were pulled by Feng Li and Li Tianzu, and the branches continued to pass. The huge pulling force made her feel that she would be pulled off soon.

What made the three people desperate was that two branches were wrapped around them, and they were wrapped around Li Tianzuo and Feng Li.

At this time they only have two choices.

Let go of Bai Ling to escape, or stay together and get caught in the branches.

Bai Ling did not want the two to die for themselves. Seeing that the branches were approaching, she said painfully: "Quickly let go! Come on! Let's escape and tell others about it, fast!"

Li Tianzuo and Feng Li are hesitating, they can't bear to throw Bai Ling to escape.

Bai Ling was anxious: "I can hold it for a while, you are running away!"

As if to prove herself, she just finished saying this, the whole head was wrapped up in armor.

In this way, she was wrapped in the armor and seemed to support it for a while.

Li Tianzuo and Feng Li just let go and turned and desperately flew. Behind them, Bai Lingxun, who was released, fell to the ground under the violent pull of the branches, and was towed cruelly by the branches.

The metal armor rubbed against the slate on the ground, making a harsh noise.

Li Tianzuo and Feng Li, who fled, heard the harsh voice as if they saw Bai Ling’s devastated appearance, and all eyes were red with anger and anger.

Suddenly, they heard an angry cat cry.

The next moment, a black shadow suddenly flashed past them.

Feng Li and Li Tianzuo were first glimpsed, and then they reacted. This is the variant Maine cat of Lancome! They don't know how the cat got out of trouble, but since it escaped, maybe it can be called to help!

Thinking of this possibility, the two suddenly became excited.

The Maine cats did not live up to their high hopes, and it really called the helper.

Just when Feng Li and Li Tianzuo were about to be caught by the mutated season, Li Shi, who was carrying a submachine gun, suddenly appeared. One wave of hands was an ice wall, which stopped the attack of the mutated rose.

Not long after, the other people of the Promise team also appeared one after another, except for Luo Luo and others who were still building the wall.

However, more and more people, the balance of victory did not shift towards them.

The strength gap between the two sides is too great.

The mutated Chinese rose madly, and everyone relied on gasoline and fire to barely block its crazy attack.

The two sides are in a stalemate.

Many people face each other, and the twinkling eyes are full of panic and uneasiness.

No one expected that the base still contained some terrible mutant plants.

This is the first time they realized the horror of mutant plants.

Especially the variegated plants of this vine, it is too difficult!

Seeing the mutated season after the fire is still swaying. Everyone has raised a strong fear in their hearts. They all think that if Lancome is there.

The burning flame rose and smoky, and it was far visible.

Luo Luo and Mo Ying, who were responsible for the construction of the wall, saw the smoke in the base rolling, and immediately realized that the situation was not good, and drove back.

At the same time, Lancome, who was driving back and driving back, saw the black smoke in the distance.

"Hey? Is this a fire?" Li Tianyou looked curiously at the black smoke in the distance, and did not realize that it was the direction of the base.

"The base is in trouble! They are all stable!" Lancome stepped on the gas pedal and the car suddenly rose to the highest.

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