The Apocalyptic Boss Raises Buns In the Interstellar

Chapter 219: Self-made children’s songs are release

  Chapter 219 Self-made nursery rhymes are released

  I visited the front yard in the morning, and Si Lingling took the child directly into the house this time.



As soon as the mother and son three opened the front door and entered the house, they heard the lively bird song from the main room.

  I looked up and saw that there was a nest of swallows on the left and right sides of the hall. In the nest, a mother swallow was feeding insects to the suckling swallow.

   Seeing this scene, Si Lingling was stunned.

  In my mind, I unconsciously came up with the situation when I was living in my hometown with my grandparents during the summer vacation when I was a child.

  At that time, there were two nests of swallows living in the house.

  Every morning, as soon as it gets brighter, Mother Yan flies out of the small square holes on both sides of the main entrance of the main house to catch insects for the suckling swallows.

  At this moment, it is the early morning time of another day.

  Obviously, these two mothers have just returned from catching insects in the bamboo forest and are feeding their children.

  Si Lingling mechanically turned his head.

  Sure enough, above the gate, on the walls on the left and right sides, I saw the small square holes that Grandpa opened for the swallows to enter and exit.

  This discovery made Si Lingling's eyes hot, and crystal clear tears fell silently.

In a trance, she seemed to see her grandma wearing a black robe, coming out from the front door with hot water, and calling her to wash.

  Vaguely, it seemed to hear grandpa reminding grandma: "The baby's noodles are tender, give her warm water, don't be too hot, and don't be greedy for cold."


  The sweet cry of her children called her back from the memory.

  Si Lingling took a deep breath, and hurriedly ran the water system ability to take away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

   Then he smiled and looked at the two little babies in front of him.

  Bent over and kissed the little faces of the children.

   excitedly said: "Good boy, let's go home."

  "This is our real home. No matter what the outside is, this will always be the safest harbor for our mother and child, you know?"

  Although, there is no grandfather in this family, and no grandmother can be seen.

  Yes, but here are the most precious memories of her childhood.

   "Mom, look."

  Although the two children are smarter than their peers, they still haven’t noticed the emotional changes in their mothers.

  Since the siblings entered the house, they were attracted by the swallows on the wall.

   At this moment, she raised her little finger and pointed at the swallow's nest, full of curiosity and yearning.

  Si Lingling said softly to the children's science spectrum: "Yoye, have you seen it? This bird is called Yanzi."

  "They have black and white feathers and a tail like scissors."

  At this time, the two mothers swallows fed the swallows, then turned and flew out of the small square hole.

  Si Lingling picked up the child and chased to the door to watch what the flying swallow looked like.

  "Did you see it? They have wings to fly freely, and their tails are like scissors."

   "Swallows, swallows."

  Yao and tweeting listening to the mother's science scores, looking at the fast and agile figure, could not help clapping and cheering with joy.

  Si Lingling: "Mom sings you a nursery rhyme about swallows, okay?"


  The brothers and sisters blinked big eyes, waiting expectantly.

  If the children are so supportive, Si Lingling will certainly not let them down.

   So he dropped a kiss on the baby’s face, and then cleared his throat and sang:

  "The swallows flew and flew, the worms were piled up in piles, and my mother opened her mouth cleverly, feeding the baby with the worms.

  Feed the baby, eat it in your mouth, happy mouth, the insects are so delicious, so delicious, mother eat quickly, don’t be too tired. "

  Si Lingling finished singing, looking forward to her children: "Do you like this song?"

  The two brothers and sisters clapped their little hands: "I like it."

   "Does it sound good?"

  Getting the child’s approval, Si Lingling is very happy, "When you get older, my mother will teach you to sing, okay?"

  (End of this chapter)