The Atypical Young Lady Has Returned

Chapter 115: Drill the horns (2 more)

  Chapter 115 The horns (2 more)

Yin Jiu-jen, who smashed open the door, was dark in his eyes. Fortunately, he was trained and quickly adapted to the dark environment in front of him. With the faint moonlight, he saw that there was no one on the bed, and the bathroom The door was open again, and there was no one inside.

  In the dark environment, I couldn't see Yin Jiu-jin's expression clearly, but he wanted to turn on the light in the room, but he failed to turn on the light after pressing the switch three times in a row. It was enough to see that he was panicked at this time.

The   light turned on, and the sudden bright light made Yan Jinyu subconsciously raise his hand to cover his eyes.

  Behind the pink bed curtain, she could see Yin Jiu-jin standing by the door, but Yin Jiu-jin could not see her.

   The panic on Yin Jiujin's face and the panic in the bottom of his eyes all fell into her eyes.

  At that time, her eyes were still a bit unable to open due to the impact of the alternating light and dark light.

  The mood was already irritable, and Yan Jinyu was even more irritable when she saw Yin Jiu-jin's panic or even panic because of her showing such an inconsistent temperament with his temperament.

  Look, this is the person she easily suspects, he is Yin Jiujin, who ever saw him show such an expression?

  And his emotions that are not in line with his temperament are all because of her.

  So, why did she doubt him?

  He has become so unlike him for her, what else is not worthy of her wholehearted trust?

  What Yan Jinyu didn’t know was that she had turned her horns.

She would have doubts when Yin Jiu-jin asked Huo Siyu's questions. It was not that she did not trust Yin Jiu-jin enough, but... Yin Jiu-jin would care so much about Huo Siyu who was not important to him, and his temperament was very different. Inconsistent, it is inevitable that people will think too much.

  After all, who would have thought that Yin Jiu-jin would be a petty eye that even eats girls’ jealousy?

  Anyway, Yan Jinyu didn't expect this. As for Huo Siyu's later point, it was naturally ignored by Yan Jinyu. Her own emotions at the time had completely overshadowed the others.

  Yin Jiujin was angry, and she panicked.

  In this panic, the irritability that she could not control often appeared again. How could she have the mind to think about Huo Siyu's explanation?

  All she thought of was that she suspected that she had done something wrong with Yin Jiujin.

  Then why did she do it wrong? Naturally, she felt that she didn't trust Yin Jiujin enough. In addition, Yin Jiujin's anger made her feel a little at a loss, and things evolved like this.

  So Huo Siyu felt that this was caused by Yin Jiu-jin's being too stingy to eat a woman's vinegar, and it was not wrong.

  Yin Jiu-jin couldn't see Yan Jinyu in the room. Only he knew how anxious he was.

   Just then, a bell rang.

   is Yan Jinyu’s call, which rang again after a ten-second pause.

   is not a call, but a text message from "Afeng".

  The text message is very short, even if you don’t click it, Yan Jinyu can read the whole content: [Xiaoyu, you are probably a bit of a bullhorn now. 】

   Then there is another one: [The situation, Xiaoyu, told me, maybe Yin Jiujin treats you really differently. 】

  The third article: [The abnormality of Yin Jiu-jin in front of you may not be what you think. 】

  Article 4: [Think about what Xiaoyu said to you later. 】

  The four have known each other for many years. They have been born together and died countless times. They know each other very well.

  Min Rufeng obviously knew that Yan Jinyu would not turn on the phone to read the content of the text message, so she divided a paragraph into four text messages and sent it to ensure that she could see it.

  The three of them are also very clear that Yan Jinyu will only fail to answer their calls in one situation, that is, when her emotions are uncontrollable, her mood is extremely irritable, and she drinks a lot of yogurt to suppress her emotions.

  Huo Siyu told Min Rufeng what happened. Min Rufeng made so many calls and Yan Jinyu didn't answer. A little analysis can tell what Yan Jinyu is right now and what caused it.

   Seeing the text message, Yan Jinyu was taken aback.

  At this moment, Yin Jiu-jin had already followed the ringtone of his mobile phone.

  At the second he saw Yan Jinyu, Yin Jiujin's whole body stiffened.

  The little girl just sat on the ground.

  The phone was placed on the ground in front of her, and it was still ringing at this time, but he didn't pay attention to who was calling.

  All he could see in his eyes was that next to the little girl was a pot full of empty yogurt jars, and there were a few jars on the ground in front of her, besides, she still had an open jar in her hand.

  She was still wearing the same outfit she was wearing today, and she was sitting there. Although she was not embarrassed, her face was very pale, and she knew it was not very good at first glance.

  Since we met on the first day, he had seen her love for yogurt and drank several cans in one breath.

  Seeing this scene before him, he would not believe that she was drinking so indifferently because of her love of yogurt!

   knows that she likes it, so after Aunt Cheng asked to send the yogurt to Jingshan, he went to open the refrigerator to see it.

  There are more than twenty cans of yogurt in the refrigerator, and she obviously brought them all.

   Put it in the refrigerator, and it’s cold when taken out. Even if it’s summer, the cold things a girl drinks during the night is not good for her health, not to mention that she drank so much in a row.

   Not to mention whether the yogurt is cold or not, it is said that if she drinks so much, her stomach can't stand it.

  Yin Jiujin's heart was blocked, so he looked at her like that, and couldn't speak for a long time.

  Undoubtedly, he regretted it, very regretful.

  If he didn’t leave her alone after returning to Jingshan, this wouldn’t happen!

   Yan Jinyu found out as soon as he came over, and looked up at him.

   looked at the emotions in his eyes.

   Self-blame, regret, distressed, helpless...

  Many emotions gathered together. How could such Yin Jiu-jin be the fearsome "business killer" Jiuye from the outside world!


  For a long time, Yin Jiu-jin finally spoke, but as soon as he uttered, he saw Yan Jinyu stand up and stumble into the bathroom, holding his lips.

Maybe it was Min Rufeng's few text messages that awakened her, or maybe it was seeing Yin Jiuzhin let her tension relax. Yan Jinyu could no longer bear the discomfort in her stomach, and she vomited dimly while holding on to the sink. .

Yin Jiujin was stunned for a while before he walked with difficulty towards the bathroom. Standing outside the bathroom door, he saw Yan Jinyu who was crying. Yin Jiujin felt that he had lived for twenty-four years. My heart has never hurt so much.

  He took her to his side to take good care of her.

  He, is that how to take care of her?

  Her phone is still ringing...

  He was angry because she didn't trust him, and because he felt that he was less important in her heart than others.

  But this is someone else who cares about her more than him.

  He didn't even notice that something was wrong with her.

  What qualifications does he have to ask her to put him first?

  Regardless of the phone that continued to ring, Yin Jiu-jin finally took a step towards Yan Jinyu and patted her on the back lightly.

  She vomited, he guarded.

  People who have always been hygienic, at this moment, there is nothing else except distress and regret.

  Yan Jinyu vomited for ten minutes. She stopped vomiting so much that she could no longer vomit. Then, when she washed her face with the water from the faucet, she was groggy.

  Fortunately, the irritability in my heart slowly dissipated.

  This made her smile inwardly.

  She is really...

  It's just a trivial matter, why is it so complicated by her? It was clear that Xiaoyu explained to her at that time.

  If it wasn't for Afeng to send her these few text messages to wake her up, would she keep going on like this?

  Sure enough, you still have to move your mind frequently, otherwise people will easily become stupid.

  Of course, this may also be related to her inexplicable irritability, so she has no time to calm down and think seriously.

  Alas, she also asked Yan Jinyun to keep a cool head no matter what happened, she didn't do it herself.

   However, after this, it made her understand two things.

  One, Yin Jiu-jin is very possessive of her, and he is very careful, and even eats the jealousy of Xiao Yu, a girl;

  Secondly, she knew that Yin Jiu-jin's weight in her heart was really heavy.

Yan Jinyu washed her face and rinsed her mouth. She looked at Yin Jiu-jin weakly while holding on to the sink, and smiled at him, "Nine brothers don’t worry, I’m fine. Just sleep."

  Seeing her smile, Yin Jiu-jin felt even more uncomfortable.

   fixed a glance at her, then reached out and took her into his arms.

   didn't say anything, just hugged her so tightly.

  I didn’t say it, but I said to myself in my heart, there will never be another thing like this!

  Yan Jinyu was uncomfortable at first, being so hugged by him almost leaned on him.

  It suddenly occurred to her that she hadn't changed her clothes. She wore this suit for a day and was still stained with blood. Now she was wearing it and vomiting embarrassingly. She raised her hand and gently pushed him away.

   is really just a light push, she has no energy now.

  Yin Jiujin released her, but he obviously didn't want to release her.

  He just wants to follow her in everything now.

  (End of this chapter)