The Atypical Young Lady Has Returned

Chapter 160: Domineering short protection (2 more)

  Chapter 160 Domineering and short-term protection (2 more)

Is    appropriate?

  Naturally suitable!

  Here at Yan Jinyu, they are really guests. This still depends on the fact that they are Yin Jiujin's family. If they are not Yin Jiujin's family, she wouldn't even be considered a guest here.

  Of course, if there is no separation between them and Yin Jiu-jin, Min Qinglan, as Yin Jiu-jin’s mother, would not use that kind of unkind attitude to Yin Jiu-jin as soon as they met and even said that no family members stayed asleep until three poles in the sun.

   is another matter.

Today is Yin Jiu-jin’s birthday. As a mother, Min Qinglan came from the imperial capital all the way, and the first words she said to Yin Jiu-jin were so unpleasant. It also made Yin Jiu-jin’s mood change obvious for a moment. , She couldn't ignore it.

  Furthermore, Min Qinglan's dislike for her is so obvious that she is guilty of treating someone who dislikes or even dislikes her as her own or even as a family member?

  嘁, she is not a good person to retaliate with virtue.

  After her own parents treated her like that, she didn't even want them. Not to mention the Yin family who has no blood relationship with her.

  The most important thing is that they have obviously done something to irritate Yin Jiujin.

  This is the most unforgivable.

   "Look at what auntie said. I live in Jingshan, but you don't. As far as Jingshan is concerned, aren't you the guests?"

  "Also, since Auntie said that you are the closest person to Brother Nine, dare to ask, since she stepped into Jingshan, has she ever said a happy birthday to Brother Nine?"

   "No. Not only didn't, my aunt yelled at Brother Jiu as soon as they met."

   "Sleep until three poles? No matter how late you are at work every day, Brother Ji will get up on time at 6 o'clock the next day, but it's just one day late, or on his birthday."

"When my aunt met, I didn't ask Brother Nine where he was uncomfortable, nor did he care about whether Brother Nine was too tired to get up so late, and it was not happily saying Happy Birthday to Brother Nine. Is this what Auntie calls Brother Nine the closest People?"

  Who is Yan Jinyu?

  The number one killer in the killer world. He has been on the verge of life and death for countless times. He has never failed in the task and has countless lives on his hands.

  Even if she cares about Yin Jiu-jin, she will never make mistakes in front of others for the sake of Yin Jiu-jin. Even if those people are his family.

  That is not her character, nor is it her first killer style of doing things.

  What's more, she just couldn't see Min Qinglan being so against Yin Jiujin.

  Min Qinglan was speechless by her.

  "I..." Sitting there, Yin Jiujin's expression was as indifferent as before, looking at the emotionally indifferent Yin Jiujin, Min Qinglan moved her lips, she didn't know what to say for a while.

   Obviously not, not like this.

She is... because she saw Jin'er and Yan Jinyu only go downstairs at this time, her attitude is still so intimate, and she herself doesn't like Yan Jinyu, so she... just said those things, she didn't care about Jin'er …

  Merge, didn’t you care?

  Min Qinglan suddenly became uncertain.

  The anger at first made her ignore Jin'er and still understand it, but then, after so long, she didn't say happy birthday to Jin'er!

  Did you forget? still is…

  Don’t dare?

  Yes, I dare not.

  Dare not just say this happy birthday, there are many more.

  Many years ago, she didn't dare to meet Jin'er's eyes. He didn't even dare to stay in the same space with Jin'er.

  That was not eight years ago, but the second year after Jiner entered the army.

  I came back at the end of the New Year to buy new year goods and met a gangster. She saw with her own eyes how the ten-year-old Jiner killed the gangster with a sharp look. At that time, the gangster's blood was sprayed on her face.

  She knows that Jin'er is brave enough to do what is right, but that kind of Jin'er really scared her.

   Then, when Jin'er reached out to help her who had fallen into the field, she was frightened and avoided.

  She still remembers the look in Jin'er's eyes when she looked at her, and she was incredibly injured.

  She regretted it afterwards, but every time she saw Jin'er, she would think of his expressionless eyes, killing and unblinking.

  She is just timid, not aimed at Jin'er. She would be scared if anyone kills like this in front of her.

   "I...Jin'er, I..."

Yin Jiuzhin glanced at her, then glanced over the three people with complicated expressions at the table, and finally fixed on Yan Jinyu's face, "What do you say about this? I said that you are the hostess of Jingshan, you can decide who can set foot. Jingshan, who can't."

   "Don't plainly affect your mood."

  Yin Jiu-jin's words made the hearts of several people in the Yin family chill, especially Min Qinglan.

  Especially, after she noticed that the eyes of Yin Wuzhan and Yin Yuhan looked at her with some kind of emotions that she didn't understand.

  The heart is cold to the point where the whole body is cold.

  "Would you like to start making cakes now?"

  Yan Jinyu fixedly looked at him, then smiled at him slightly, “Don’t worry, it’s still early, we just had a meal, let’s go for a walk and digest.”

  Yin Jiujian was taken aback, then the expression in his eyes softened, and he raised his hand to rub the top of her hair, "Well, you will wait downstairs for a while. It's cold outside. I will go upstairs to get you a coat."

  Where does the little girl want to go for a walk and digest, she clearly sees that he doesn't want to face the Yin family now, so she specifically finds a reason to let him go out for a break, which is a bit annoying.

   "Okay, I'll wait for you in the living room. Hurry up."

  Yin Jiujin glanced at a few people again, then led Yan Jinyu out of the dining room, and personally led her to the living room, "Just wait for me here."

  The Yin family members who saw this scene in their eyes were extremely complicated.

  No matter how stupid they are, they can see that Yin Jiu-jin is guarding them, for fear that they will bully Yan Jinyu if he leaves for a while.

  They are so unreliable in his heart?

  Especially Qin Jianjia, after seeing Yin Jiujin's thoughts, the corners of his mouth twitched.

  She felt that she was particularly miserable, and she was completely exhausted by the Yin family.

  Think about how much Jiner trusted her when she was not married into the Yin family?

  So cold temperament, they all called her sister Jian Jia "obediently".

  If she does not marry into the Yin family, Jin'er will not disbelieve her.

  Thinking about it, he glared at Yin Yuhan fiercely.

  Yin Yuhan was in a complicated mood, so Qin Jianjia glared so fiercely.

  I was still a little confused for a while.

  He didn’t speak again, so what did he stare at?

  Qin Juanjia glared at him again, then snorted coldly, got up, "I'll talk to Yuer."

  While hesitated, she turned her gaze to Min Qinglan who was sitting there, "Mom, don't blame me for talking too much, this time you are really wrong."

   "You know exactly what kind of temperament Jin'er is. He gave up his comfortable life at the age of eight and went into his own life despite the opposition of his family. He also made a name for himself, although later..."

"After Jin'er turned to business, he also broke his own sky. None of this came in vain. No matter how genius Jin'er is, it is impossible for Jin'er to come into contact with a brand new industry in a few years and still have all of this. To the point."

"During this period, no one knows how much Jin'er has suffered. Even if I don't live with Jin'er often, I know that Jin'er must go out early and return late every day. It is rare for him to relax and take a good day's rest as a family member. , We should be happy, mom you..."

  "I’m a junior, it’s really inappropriate for me to say these things to you, but I really treat Jin’er as my own brother, even if I’m not married to the Yin family."

   "Seriously, I feel sorry for him."

"Never mind Dad and Yuhan. They are not the ones who express their emotions. You are different. You are Jin'er's mother. On his birthday, since you are willing to come over from the Imperial Capital, why bother with that? What about a happy birthday?"

  Even if she seeks the opportunity to say happy birthday to Jin’er, but she is a sister-in-law, how can a mother weigh?

  "And Yuer... Mom, anyone with eyes can see that Jiner values ​​Yuer. The two have a marriage contract, and the marriage is still determined by the grandmother. You still... don't worry about it."

   "Speaking of rebelliousness, if you continue to do it, you are afraid that you will lose the son Jin'er forever. It does not matter if you lose a son, but don't let the Yin family lose a second youngster."

  When Qin Juanjia first spoke, Min Qinglan was in a complicated mood and did not respond much, and she even felt that she was making some sense.

  But, the more she heard from behind, the darker her face became, not only because of these words, but also because it was her eldest daughter-in-law who said these words to her!


"Okay." Yin Wuzhan raised his eyes lightly and looked at Min Qinglan, "I said before coming to Beicheng, don't worry about it, quietly give Jin'er back after his birthday, you have to make Jin'er never go home. Willing?"

"How do you make trouble in the imperial capital, and which daughter you fancy, I won't take care, as long as you don't bring the person you fancy to Jin'er to make him unhappy. It's just that you are bored. , Find a younger person who is close to your eyes to talk."

   "But now it's in Jin'er's place. Jin'er is obviously interested in that little girl, so you can't wince? Or do you want mother and son to become strangers?"

  Qin Jianjia nodded slightly to Yin Wuzhan, and walked to the living room.

  Min Qinglan didn't want to pay more attention to her, but after hearing what Yin Wuzhan said, her face turned red and white, and finally she said what she wanted to say.

   "But the daughter of the Yan family is not worthy of Jin'er at all! Not to mention her family background, if she is a person who grew up in a rural junior high school, how can she be the second wife of the Yin family?"

  "Well, leaving aside these things, after all, she would have such a past and it is beyond her own control. But whose well-behaved daughter would move to someone else's house to live together without getting married?"

"Okay, we won't be held accountable for cohabitation. I also know that after she returned to Yan's house, her parents didn't wait to see her. There was a marriage contract. It's OK for Jin'er to take care of her, but you see, only she and Jin'er... "

   "I'm ashamed to say, you don't really think that they slept until noon because they were busy with work and tired?"

   "Normal it, we came from the imperial capital today, they haven't gotten up yet, what are you talking about!"

   "Jin'er used to be a self-disciplined person. Look now, most of them are bewitched. The daughter of the Yan family looks pure and beautiful, inside..."

  Yin Wuzhan couldn’t listen anymore, and interrupted her angrily, “Min Qinglan, you are really good, you are in charge of your son’s private affairs!”

   "Do you want your son to be uninterested in women and bachelor for a lifetime? Or bring you a male daughter-in-law back?"

  (End of this chapter)