The Atypical Young Lady Has Returned

Chapter 497: Birthday is coming (2 more)

  Chapter 497 Birthday is coming (2 more)

  Leaving Qin Hao’s base, Chu Ling asked for a day off to return to Chu’s house, and Yan Jinyu naturally agreed.

  So Chu Xiaohuan and Chu Ling returned to Chu's house, and Yan Jinyu drove back to Xishan Villa...

  It is she who drives the car, but she is not going back alone.

  Yin Jiujin waited for her outside Qin Hao's base.

  As soon as I left the base, I saw Yin Jiu-jin standing there. Yan Jinyu was originally a little complicated because of the end of the kidnapping that year, but it disappeared in an instant.

   "Little Yuer."

  Yin Jiujin stood there, looking at her, bending her lips and smiling.

   "I'll take you home."

  It seems that he has been standing here for a while.

  Yan Jinyu at this time, in addition to the slight complex emotions dissipating, she was also a little moved.

  He opened his arms to her, and Yan Jinyu threw directly into his arms.

   "Brother Nine, why are you here?"

  Hugged her around her for a while, then raised her hand and rubbed her long hair, "Didn’t I say that, I’ll take you home."

   "When I drove the car, I will go back by myself."

   "I want to come to pick you up, can't you?" In fact, he will come, and there is no special reason, but there is a kind of intuition that he should come.

  As soon as he finished speaking, the little girl smiled and said, "Of course."

   Then he raised his head and kissed it.

   Yin Jiujin said in his heart, the little girl must have done it herself again.

  Followed her first, gave her the dominance, and then took the dominance back.

  This kiss lasted a long time.

  Chu Ling and Chu Xiaohuan did not leave, they were undoubtedly shocked to see this scene.

  Chu Xiaohuan was shocked that Yin Jiu-jin was completely different from the rumors. He didn't look like any indifferent killer at all. He was clearly a good man who favored his fiancee very much.

  Chu Ling is more shocked by Yan Jinyu.

   Yan Jinyu like this completely subverted her cognition.

  Which is a big boss who kills people without blinking, she is obviously an ordinary girl who can rely on people.

  It was the first time she saw that Miss Yu showed such a totally dependent and trusting expression in front of a person.

  The two left silently with mixed feelings.

  As for Yan Jinyu and Yin Jiujin, after the long kiss, the two drove back to the Xishan Villa.

  Yan Jinyu wants to drive, Yin Jiu-jin consciously takes the co-pilot.

  Don't fight with her either.


  A few more days passed.

  On this day, Xishan Villa is especially lively.

  Yan Jinyu’s birthday is here.

  There was no big deal, but many people came.

  Even Feng Xiangxiang and Feng Qin from the Feng family came.

Before coming to Xishan Villa, Feng Qin and Feng Xiangxiang didn't know that Xi Mao was still alive and that they were in Xishan Villa.

  They simply came to celebrate Yan Jinyu’s birthday.

  Just as soon as he entered the gate of Xishan Villa, he was led away by Xi Fengling.

   "Sister, where are you taking us? We just got here. Is it better to go and say hello to the host first?"

   "It doesn't matter, poppies are not outsiders, so I won't mind these."

  "As for the second master Yin, he wouldn't mind." I guess he wouldn't pay attention to them at all.

   "I will take you and mom to meet someone first."

   "See who?" Feng Qin was puzzled.

  This is the territory of Jiuye, she didn't dare to look around after she came in, she didn't think anyone would want to see them here.

  Actually, they were very worried when they came here to attend Yan Jinyu’s birthday party.

Just thinking that they can now get rid of the Feng family's control and gain freedom. Yan Jinyu contributed a lot. Together with the relationship between Yan Jinyu and Xi Fengling, they learned that today is Yan Jinyu’s birthday, and they will hold a small banquet to celebrate. It would not be good for them not to be there.

  I just came here.

   "When you see someone, you will know it naturally."

  Xi Fengling led them to the small building next to the main building.

   Seeing Min Rufeng standing outside the small building, Feng Xiangxiang and Feng Qin were taken aback at the same time.

  See Min Er Shao?

  But during this time, haven't they seen it many times?

   "Auntie Feng." Min Rufeng said hello.

  "You, hello." Despite seeing him several times, Feng Xiangxiang faced Min Rufeng, but still couldn't treat him as an ordinary junior.

  Feng Xiangxiang and Feng Qin came to live in the Imperial Capital for a while after the accident at Feng's family.

  Fengqin is a star and lives in high-end apartments, where most of the residents are successful people.

  While walking in the community, Feng Xiangxiang occasionally chatted with some neighbors. From the neighbors, he realized more clearly what kind of existence the Emperor Min family was, and what a powerful character the young head of the Emperor Min family was.

Feng Xiangxiang was very cautious in front of him, and Min Rufeng naturally felt it too.

  But he didn't care.

  The only person he cares about is Xi Fengling. For the others, he can be courteous, and he doesn't care about the others.

  At this point, Min Rufeng and Yan Jinyu are somewhat similar.

  Xi Fengling understands Min Rufeng, and her feelings for Feng Xiangxiang are not so deep. She and Feng Xiangxiang are not very close, so naturally she would not ask for Min Rufeng.

  Min Rufeng also nodded to Fengqin as a greeting, and walked over to hold Xi Fengling, "People are waiting upstairs, but he probably doesn't know you will bring someone to see him."

  Xi Fengling brought Feng Xiangxiang and Feng Qin over. It was a temporary decision. She didn't know that they would come to celebrate Yan Jinyu's birthday.

   also didn't tell Xi Mao about this in advance.

   "It's okay, I'll see you sooner or later, today I decided to come here temporarily, and it would be nice to take this opportunity to see it." It was even more tormenting to hear the news but not to see it right away.

  I was going to go upstairs. As soon as I entered the room, I saw that Xi Mao was already on the first floor, sitting in a wheelchair, and was about to push the wheelchair out.

  Min Rufeng didn't know about his going downstairs.

  He had been waiting outside for Xi Fengling just now, and did not step into the house first.

  It seems that Xi Mao let the servant help him downstairs and sit in a wheelchair.

   did not ask the servant to help push the wheelchair.

  Using Min Rufeng’s medical skills, as long as it can rescue people, no matter how severe the injury is, it can be cured, but it’s just a matter of time.

  Like Xi Mao, with such a serious injury, he can get out of bed within a few days after waking up, and now he can go downstairs and go out in a wheelchair. It is clear that Min Rufeng is so powerful.

  One person is about to push the wheelchair out, and a group of people are stepping in the door.

   just hit it.

  The biggest reaction is undoubtedly Xi Mao and Feng Xiangxiang.

  It’s been a long while, or Feng Xiangxiang was uncertain: "Xi, Brother Xi?"

  It's not that she couldn't recognize Xi Mao, who was already completely unrecognizable, but that she couldn't believe it was true. I was afraid that if she believed it, reality would strike her a fatal blow in the next second.

   Xi Mao was full of bitter heart, moved his lips, and it took a long time to make a sound, "Xiangxiang, I'm back."

  Feng Xiangxiang heard a familiar voice, his figure shook, almost unable to stand firm.

  Xi Fengling reached out to support her in time.

"you you……"

   "I'm back, sorry for keeping you waiting."

   is indeed waiting.

  Back then, he just asked Feng Xiangxiang to wait for him, saying that he would come back when he left.

  Unexpectedly, I went and never came back.

  This time, I have been waiting for sixteen years!

  Feng Xiangxiang has been married, but she is beautiful. The Feng family took her and Feng Qin back. It was an idea of ​​using them for good. How could she have not touched Feng Xiangxiang's mind.

  It means that every time Feng Xiangxiang is forced to die, and Fengqin is sensible at a young age, saying that if the Feng family dares to move Feng Xiangxiang, she will immediately scratch her face. She had a firm attitude, not like a joke at all, the Feng family slowly regressed, and she never hit Feng Xiangxiang's idea again.

  However, regardless of whether Feng's family has played Feng Xiangxiang's idea or not, Feng Xiangxiang has been difficult all these years.

  The husband does not know his life or death, the whereabouts of the elder daughter is unknown, and he is unable to protect the younger daughter...

   So after hearing Xi Mao's words, Feng Xiangxiang covered his lips and cried.

  But never stepped forward. It was Xi Mao who pushed the wheelchair towards her and held her hand, "Sorry, I worried you."

  Feng Xiangxiang jumped into his arms, "Xi, Brother Xi, is it really you? I'm not dreaming, am I?"

   "It's really me, Xiangxiang, I'm back."

  Feng Xiangxiang could not cry.

  Fengqin was taken aback, "Dad, Dad?"

Xi Mao gently patted Feng Xiangxiang on the back, raised his head when he heard the sound, and saw Feng Qin, squeezed out a smile. It was probably a long time since he had laughed, and his laugh was a little stiff. Up."

  Fengqin couldn't believe it and choked her lips.

   is actually true!

  She wanted to see her father again, especially when she first arrived at Feng's house and Feng's family forced her mother to do things that her mother didn't like. How much she wished her father to be by her side.

  But she never dared to think about it.

  Because once you think about it, you have a dependency in your heart, and you will become weak.

  She must strengthen herself to protect her mother and herself.

  Fengqin grabbed Xi Fengling’s arm excitedly, “Sister, I’m not mistaken, it’s really Dad, right?”

  Xi Fengling's mood fluctuates little, but she sees this scene, how can she feel better in her heart?

  Just won’t cry like them.

   "Yes, it's him."

   After a pause, Xi Fengling raised her hand and patted the back of her hand, “Don’t cry, isn’t it a pleasure to show up in front of you well?”

   "Yes, it's a pleasure."

  Xi Fengling patted her shoulder to comfort her.

  Min Rufeng's hand was about to stretch out, and then slowly retracted it.

   Lightly clenched into a fist.

  He also loves his people.

  But she still has to comfort others.

  So, he said first: "If you have something to say, go to the house."

  He spoke, and several people slowly calmed their emotions, especially the two elders, Xi Mao and Feng Xiangxiang.

  Feng Xiangxiang withdrew from Xi Mao's arms. Although the cry stopped, he still pumped.

  When she saw Xi Mao sitting in a wheelchair, and then saw Xi Mao’s face, she trembled: "Brother Xi, you, how, how can you..."

   "Has it become ugly?"

Feng Xiangxiang shook his head vigorously, "No! No! No matter what you become, you will always be the best and most handsome man in my heart."

  After finishing speaking, only to remember that there are juniors there, Feng Xiangxiang is a little uncomfortable.

  But this is indeed what she said in her heart.

   Seeing her embarrassment, Xi Mao relieved, "I have encountered something, go and sit down and say."

   After finishing speaking, he looked at the three people standing there, "You guys come and sit."

  Seeing that he was going to push the wheelchair forward by himself, Feng Xiangxiang said hurriedly: "I'm coming!"

   pushed him to the living room.

Feng Qin still didn't slow down very much, holding Xi Fengling's arm red eyes again, "Sister, you really got my dad back! You really got him back! I'm so happy, I'm not here. Dreaming?"

   "No, it's real."

   "Go into the room, sit down and say."

  As soon as Fengqin released her hand, Xi Fengling's waist was embraced by an arm, and she embraced her for a while without saying anything.

  Fengqin, who was walking in front, did not see the two embracing behind him.

  When she looked back, Min Rufeng had already released Xi Fengling.

  It's Min Rufeng's comfort, which is very useful to Xi Fengling.

   walked over and sat down, Min Rufeng also sat beside Xi Fengling.

   did not speak, so he held her hand in his hand and accompany her quietly.

  Xi Mao did not tell Feng Xiangxiang and Feng Qin of the specific events that had happened over the years, only that he fell into the hands of his enemies and was rescued by Yan Jinyu and Yin Jiuzin not long ago.

  This narration undoubtedly made another wave of tears.

  But after crying, Feng Xiangxiang and Feng Qin were both happy.

   Very happy.

   Knowing that it was Yan Jinyu and Yin Jiuzhin who rescued Xi Mao, there was no delay. After washing their faces, they had to go to the banquet hall in the main building next door to thank them in person, and celebrate Yan Jinyu's birthday by the way.

  Xi Mao was about to push his wheelchair out just now. Actually, he heard that today is Yan Jinyu’s birthday, and he wants to take a look in person.

   Even if there is no gift to give, it seems more sincere to be there in person.

  Xi Mao is grateful to Yan Jinyu and Yin Jiujin.

  Without them, he still doesn’t know whether he is alive or dead.

  It was just because of his character, Xi Mao couldn't say anything too sensational, so he was relieved by this gratitude.

  When a few people arrived at the banquet hall in the main building, everyone was there.

  Not many people came.

  In addition to them, Min Ting, Qin Hao, Huo Siyu, and the Yin family came.

  Of course, Chu Ling and Yan Jinyun came together, so Chu Ling was also there.

  Chu Ling is there, and Chu Xiaohuan is also there.

  Feng Yuan has been following Yan Jinyun.

  Huo Xuan was also there, and he was sitting in the rest area at this time.


  Yan Jinyu just heard the sound when she saw a figure rushing towards her.

   was hugged by Xi Fengling.

   Yin Jiujin was squeezed away.

  The face went black in an instant.

  (End of this chapter)