The Bald Monk in the City

v1 Chapter 120: Blood Vessel Concentration




  The enthusiastic cooking of adventurers is far from here, except for the sound of the gurgling water of Qingxinchi, the hall is quiet.

   "The remaining time to generate the arm: 10 minutes..."

  Yi Qiu was sitting on the round stage, sweat on his face kept flowing out, but his expression was very calm.

   The pain of 20 days is a double test of the spirit and the body, which makes his body very uncomfortable.

   But for the patience of physical pain, Yi Qiu has enough experience.

   There are refreshing energies constantly gushing out of the Qingxin Pool, and they are constantly washing away the negative emotions in Yi Qiu's mind.

   With the help of Qingxin Chi and the strengthened heart, such as stopping water, Yi Qiu's mentality is very peaceful, and his physical pain can't bother him.

   With the improvement of Xin Ru Zhishui and the polishing of the battle, Yi Qiu's will has become extremely tough.

   Lorewalkers are squatting outside the round table curiously, looking at the meat bun on Yi Qiu's left shoulder.



   "The remaining time to generate the arm: 5 minutes..."

   As time went by, Yi Qiu felt that the blood energy in his body began to agitate for some reason. This was a situation he did not encounter when he generated his first arm.

   Gradually, Yi Qiu felt an excited and fiery mood in his heart!

   Under the influence of Xin Ruzhi Shui, this emotion was quickly suppressed.

   But with the boiling of blood energy, this exuberant emotion becomes more and more intense...


   Lorewalker was watching, suddenly he let out a surprise, then frowned:

   "Could it be..."

   Lorewalker's expression became serious.

   I saw him suddenly get up, then his round body lightly stepped in the air and quickly moved to the side of Yi Qiu.

   He did not interfere with Yi Qiu, but observed it in a special way.

   "No, it's not it..."

   Lorewalker touched its beard and murmured.

   It seems that the change in Yi Qiu's body has reached a certain critical moment, and the lorewalker uses his furry palm to face Yi Qiu.


   A stream of green air currents emanated from the palm of the lorewalker, and then headed towards Yi Qiuyong in the air.

   As the green air flow poured into his body, Yi Qiu instantly felt that the heat in his body was dispersed a lot.

   The flesh on the left shoulder was constantly squirming, and Yi Qiu began to have some vague feelings for the fourth arm.

   "The remaining time to generate the arm: 1 minute..."

   Green reminders were constantly refreshed on the retina, and Yi Qiu's pain was greatly weakened with the help of Lorewalkers.

   At this time, the blood energy in Yi Qiu's body is close to boiling, and hearing voices continue to appear in Yi Qiu's ears:

   There are the roar of beasts, the cry of girls, the sound of a sharp weapon piercing the flesh, and more, the sound of metal striking...

   "The remaining time to generate the arm: 3 seconds..."

   "The remaining time to generate the arm: 2 seconds..."

   "The remaining time to generate the arm: 1 second..."

   The prompt message on Yi Qiu's retina is constantly refreshed. When the prompt message reaches the last 1 second, the meat bun on Yi Qiu's left shoulder suddenly explodes:


   Pork buns burst!

   Yi Qiu's fourth arm suddenly stretched out of the meat bun!

   At this time, Yi Qiu felt that the bones throughout his body were constantly ringing, and the abnormality of blood energy became more and more obvious!

   "The second arm is generated."

   "The six-arm ability has reached 30% completion, and your body shape has changed."

   Yi Qiu felt that his vision had suddenly become higher, and his shoulders on both sides felt much wider.

   The trousers of the same material of the Hulk changed with the expansion of Yi Qiu's body, and it seemed that there was no sign of being broken.

   "The blood vein concentration meets the requirements, and the power of the totem is improved..."

  "The implicit information contained in your bloodline provides you with three advanced directions. You must choose one of the advanced directions as the power of totem:

  1, Baibinglv1:

   You have an instinctive desire for all weapons used for killing. When making these weapons, your efficiency is increased by 50%. "

  2, Tyrannical Chaos lv1:

   After entering the combat state, every time you kill an enemy, you will get a layer of chaos effect.

   Each layer of Chaos effect provides an additional 10% chaos damage bonus, but at the same time it also increases the damage you suffer from Order Strike by 10%.

   When the chaos effect is superimposed to 5 layers, the chaos effect turns into a tyrannical chaos. The character will perform a chaos check every 10 seconds. After the check fails, he will fall into a state of irrational frenzy.

   In this state, the character can get an additional 50% chaotic damage bonus, and the damage you suffer from orderly blows is increased to 50%.

  Ps: This advanced direction will cause the character's camp aura to deviate a lot from chaos.

  3, boiling warfare lv1:

   After entering the combat state, every 60 seconds (this time will be shortened when facing powerful enemies and multiple enemies) you will get 1 layer of boiling warfare effect, and there will be a probability of an additional layer of lv1 boiling warfare when taking damage.

Each layer of Boiling Intent will provide you with a 5% slowdown reduction (based on Boiling Intent Level). Currently, Boiling Intent can stack up to 5 Every 60 seconds after the character tries to leave the battle The character will lose 1 layer of boiling fighting spirit.


   Yi Qiu took a deep breath, the boiling blood energy has subsided, and the auditory hallucinations in his ears also disappeared.

   A golden dialog box refreshed on his retina, and Yi Qiu looked at it.

   In addition to the Blood Vessel Enhancement Scroll, the Blood Vein Ability will also be improved as the blood Vein concentration increases.

   This kind of improvement occurs in the basic bloodline ability of the bloodline template. The basic bloodline ability is the cornerstone of the bloodline template, which runs through the bloodline template with a vein that seems to be like nothing.

   Yi Qiu looked at the three advanced directions of Totem Power, and Bai Bing was the first one to give up.

  His support skills are sufficient, whether it is daily cooking skills or tattoos that need to be improved, it takes a certain amount of time.

   And he didn't have the idea of ​​learning weapon manufacturing, it was all mixed and useless for his career or personal development trend.

   As for the tyrannical chaos and the boiling fighting spirit, let alone the abandoning effect, the tyrannical chaos Yi Qiu would not choose.

  Because monks follow the order of existence, tyrannical chaos does not conform to the professional characteristics of monks.

   Then, the only three advanced directions are the boiling fighting spirit.

   Yi Qiu carefully read the description of the boiling fighting spirit, and he felt that it was also more practical.

   Although deceleration is a "soft" control, it is still a very disgusting existence in real combat, and it is not bad to be able to obtain additional deceleration reduction.

   "Whether to choose boiling warfare as the advanced direction of totem power?"


   "Your totem power has been improved."

