The Ball at Your Feet

~: 166 The Wonderful Pass

Butterfly Ball.

Zhao Yaning couldn't help sighing when he saw the goal just now. He remembers very clearly that Juninho said that this style of play was only used after 2006, but now, he used it in this game. Obviously, when Juninho was preparing, He should have seen his footwork of kicking a free kick, and with his free kick skills, as long as he saw it, he could naturally imitate it.

Juninho is a very hard-working man, and he has a high interest in free kicks. He should have thought of it a long time ago. He might have learned this style of play, but he forgot to tell Rome to guard. a bit.

As a result, Rome was teased and Monaco's gate fell.

"I should have thought of it long ago." Zhao Yaning couldn't help shaking his head and complaining.

"Stop talking nonsense, just make another one." Jiuli slapped him in the back. He was a little frustrated by scoring, but this is not the time to be discouraged. "There are still twenty minutes. Let's work hard. The victory will definitely is ours."

Zhao Yaning also agrees with this statement. Although Lyon scored a goal, Monaco still leads 2:1 after all, and with only 20 minutes left, the possibility of Monaco victory will only increase.

But such conceding still made Zhao Yaning very uncomfortable.

However, this goal also made Zhao Yaning more calm. Obviously, for a strong team like Lyon, the plan of belief is essential. If you can't confidently plan an offense, you will definitely be impossible to win.

After getting the ball again, Zhao Yaning used a change of direction to throw away Edmilson, while receiving the ball, after deceiving Diarra with a turning motion, he passed the ball to Jiuli.

Jiuli ran two steps forward and passed the ball to the front of the penalty area. Zhao Yaning was already in that position, but Edmilson arrived at almost the same time. As soon as Zhao Yaning got the ball, he was killed by Edmilson. After getting close and starting to press, Zhao Yaning adjusted his pace twice, but he was still squeezed into a skewed position. He quickly made a half-turn and gave the ball to Evra who was inserted on the left.

Evra took the ball two steps forward and suddenly kicked the goal, but it was a pity that the ball went wide.

Zhao Yaning frowned, he was not satisfied with the handling of this ball.

It’s still an old problem. I can advance to the forefront of the penalty area, but the problem is that when I get here, facing the thick defense in the penalty area, my passing starts to have problems. It is difficult for me to find a suitable route to pass the ball in. If you commit the old problem of hesitation, you will be robbed again.

It’s just that, compared with when the ball can’t be passed out on the wing, my problem now is that I can’t pass a threatening ball. This situation has been improved, at least now I will not deal with mistakes in a hurry. The ball was intercepted and hit back. But this situation is still unsatisfactory.

What Zhao Yaning is doing now is relying on his own running to tear open the opponent's line of defense. But if he can't pass the ball to the shooter himself, then he must also be able to pass the ball to a suitable person for him to pass the ball in. This job is similar to Zidane's playing style, attracting the opponent's defense by himself, then making an excellent setter, and then letting others pass the final blow.

If Zhao Yaning wants to play like this now, all he needs to do is to attract the opponent's defense, pull the defense away, and hand the ball to Jiuli or Roten to handle it.

But what Zhao Yaning wants to do now is to try to dribble by himself, while also trying to pass a beautiful assist from the penalty area.

After all, this is the first time he has played in the midfield. He still couldn't help but feel a little excited. In addition, the overall situation of the game is basically set. Now that the victory is determined, Zhao Yaning dared to splurge and make some bolder attempts. Up.

It's just a pity that I haven't succeeded until now.

These guys always start to press tight as soon as they get the ball. Obviously they understand their weaknesses well. And they will always have someone stuck on the line of their turn. If they want to change direction or turn, they will attract the intervention of the defense players, so that it is too troublesome to carry the ball...

Suddenly, Zhao Yaning thought of something.

If one person is always on his side to press, and there is another person on the other side who is ready to make up for defense at any time, then maybe he can use this to gain a certain amount of space for himself.

When he stretched out his hand again, Zhao Yaning had already begun to make calculations.

Once again got the ball, Zhao Yaning started running towards the front right. When there was still a lot of distance from the penalty area, he had already caused Edmilson's close defense, and at the same time, Juninho was also with him. The other side leaned over.

Sure enough, they are this way of thinking. The strong side sticking defense for owning the ball makes it impossible for me to handle the ball smoothly. On the other hand, I monitor my weak side at all times, and if I turn around, I will make up the defense...

Zhao Yaning suddenly handed the ball to his right foot, and at the same time he took a step to the right, the center of gravity of the whole person also shifted, Edmilson was about to follow, but when Zhao Yaning landed on his left foot, Cruyff turned around. With his right foot guarding the ball, he swept past Edmilson and started running to the left.

Edmilson wanted to foul, but at this time he was afraid of Zhao Yaning's free kick and didn't dare to go crazy, but at such a moment, Zhao Yaning had already started running across the penalty area. He was afraid that Zhao Yaning would shoot again and immediately followed.

And Juninho was also at this time, rushing up to make up for defense.

Edmilson was on the right and had already ran over. Juninho was on the left, one step away from him, to prevent him from turning left and gyrating past Edmilson in Marseille. Diarra is near Rothen to prevent him from passing the ball, Muller in the penalty area is watching Nonda, LaVille is trying to block the connection between himself and the goal...

At this time, Zhao Yaning felt so clear about everything around him. He checked each person's position and speed in detail, and at this time, he made a move.

Turn left and take one step. Edmilson began to **** close, Juninho snatched, and Lavelle ran in the opposite direction and continued to try to block it. It was this time...

Zhao Yaning turned his back to the goal and stood at the top of the arc of the penalty area. He slammed the ball with the heel of his right foot and sent it to the penalty area!

The ball was passed very far, towards the far post. Roundup did not try to pick it up, but ran a step in the opposite direction. At this time, Jiuli had already rushed over from the wing, he ran into position, stopped the ball with his right foot, adjusted it, and kicked directly to the goal!

The sound of the Louis II Stadium resounded through the sky again!

"Goal!!! Ludovich Gyuli! He gave Lyon the last knife and wrote the final rest for the game! Wonderful goal, wonderful cooperation! Zhao Yaning's incredible pass, magic Teacher-like juggling! He has used people to tease Lyon, knocked Lyon with a shot, and now completely ended Lyon with a magical pass!"

Not only Thierry yelled loudly, but the fans at the scene also yelled loudly. The back heel on the edge of the penalty area is straight, such a pass, there is no reason not to boil over it!

"Poor Edmilson, his performance in this game is completely a nightmare. This is not the first time he suffered a loss when he met Zhao Yaning. Whether it is the national team or the club, Zhao Yaning has met him several times. He has performed well all the time. I hope he will not get any psychological problems because of this..."

After the excitement passed, Thierry couldn't help but started teasing Edmilson again. He played hard enough in this game, but he was also unlucky The first goal was Zhao Yaning's pass after passing him, and the second goal was his own goal. For the third goal, he was marking Zhao Yaning again...

When it comes to the matches of the first half of the season and the national team, Thierry can’t help but speculate maliciously. Why is he always the one who is unlucky?

"It's a beautiful pass, and the running position is equally beautiful." Weah also spoke from the side.

"George, maybe the title of the best foreign aid in Monaco will change in the future." Thierry couldn't help talking to Weah, "I always think that Zhao Yaning has great potential, and it can even be said that it is a law. The potential of League One is second only to Ronaldinho, what do you think?"

"I also think he has great potential, but he almost challenged me? If I face this situation, why should they stop me?"

This kind of arrogance left Thierry speechless. Indeed, if it is the peak of Weah, it is difficult to say whether such a defense will work.

As the only world footballer in Africa, Weah played at his peak, relying on his extremely terrifying personal breakthrough ability. Many of his goals were done directly by one person alone against a defense line. It can be said that before Ronaldo appeared, he was the most capable forward in the world. If he is really facing Lyon's defense, he might really dare to eat for himself.

"But his style of play may be more helpful to his national team's performance." Thierry knew what could scratch Weah's itch. "As a midfield organizer, he led weak teams to achieve results. It’s more likely."

"If you say that," Weah paused. "Then I hope that he can be far above me. There is nothing more proud of players than driving the development of football in a country. "