The Ball at Your Feet

~: 41 Worries about making money

"This time you will go home for a total of two weeks. I arranged for you an interview with a reporter, and at the same time a visit to your home team, and the signing of an endorsement contract for you, as well as advertising. Shooting-very simple, just take a picture-the rest of the time, you can spend the rest of the time with your parents and friends." Although Zhao Yaning repeatedly told Cordia that he could go home by himself, Cordia still insisted on following When he arrived in China and on the plane, he told Zhao Yaning that his purpose was not simply to follow Zhao Yaning home to visit relatives.

And what he said made Zhao Yaning quite strange.

"I don't have anything to do with the sports school. What will I see when I go back? Where are the reporters? Anyone else is looking for me to shoot commercials?"

Cordia motioned for him to calm down, and then spoke, "I know your parent team has a bad relationship there, but if you are willing to guarantee some polite and friendly exchanges, your parent team is willing to join the Chinese Football Association for this. Some work is done there to help you get the position of the national team faster. And the reporter I contacted, not a professional sports reporter, but a reporter from your local TV station. He hopes to conduct an interview with you to make news. So you don’t have to worry about too embarrassing questions. Most of them are questions about your growth experience. They do this for publicity purposes, and we have an agreement. I will check the program again before it is broadcast. You don’t have to Worry too much."

These two things are not very unexpected. Zhao Yaning knows the virtues of his sports school. It is strange that they don't hype about his own affairs. Although the TV station interviews were flattering, he was flattered, but think about the local TV station in his hometown. Every unknown person can go up and talk nonsense. Although he is not a great person, he does not run to talk nonsense. What's the big deal, right?

The key is still the so-called endorsement contract of oneself-who will be full and give yourself a sum of money to be an endorsement? Endorsement of this kind of thing sells the influence of the players. No matter how you say it, you are not an influential person, right?

"What's the matter with that endorsement?" Zhao Yaning still couldn't help asking the question.

"Is that endorsement? That was the endorsement contract that I contacted for you the last time I came to China. It's a beer brand. I asked related people. It seems that your hometown is a well-known beer producing area, although you don't drink it yourself. Beer, but the specialty of your hometown, will not have much impact on your image."

"What I'm talking about is, why would anyone ask me to be an endorsement?" Zhao Yaning explained his doubts, "I have no reputation in my hometown, right?"

"Of course not, so the endorsement fee is also very low. But the other party said that they are optimistic about your future growth, so they will specifically ask you to be an endorsement."

"A beer company is optimistic about my future development prospects? Isn't this too outrageous?" Zhao Yaning still didn't believe it.

"Joy, you have to understand that football is a game closely linked to money. The influence of football players is inexplicable. Sometimes in a game, a goal will make a person's worth soaring. ten times."

Since Cordia knew the name of Zhao Yaning, he has always liked to use it, "So, you should know that your name may not be known today, but tomorrow it may be well-known across the country. In your body Investing is an investment. If they are lucky enough, they can reap extremely handsome returns."

"But if you are unlucky, don't they just have nothing?" Zhao Yaning asked.

"Why? They have to advertise. Your current endorsement fee is not high, and they can't lose much. And you have to connect with reality. The current Chinese football environment is very good. It is related to football and can always make money. And beer is an industry that is consumed nearby. They invest in local players and they can always win a good impression."

Zhao Yaning was a little silent. Of course he knows the current domestic football situation, and he knows better than many people know. Since the country decided to professionalize football, the football that was originally invested by the country and the country was responsible was put into the market overnight. The benefits of the football industry have been seen by many people. Their intervention has indeed made Chinese football professional, or it is. The process of marketization was extremely rapid. By the time of the 2002 World Cup finalists, the popularity of Chinese football reached an unprecedented stage.

In such a big environment, a young man playing in a foreign country is indeed attracting attention. It may be false that Cordia said that investing in Zhao Yaning in exchange for a huge amount of income may be false, but investing in Zhao Yaning at this time does not seem like a bad deal at all.

It's just that Zhao Yaning still has more or less worries. He is not sure that he can be selected for the Chinese national team this time. If he cannot be selected, then his name will not become an interest in a short time. Furthermore, if one's name cannot be turned into income in a short period of time, can the capital be recovered by investing in one's own body?

Zhao Yaning understands the current situation of Chinese football better than ordinary laymen. Therefore, he is not very optimistic about the future of Chinese football.

After the professionalization of Chinese football, it did bring huge benefits, but people only saw huge benefits, but they ignored another important issue: benefits are things that need to be sold in exchange for returns. The commodity of football is undoubtedly the players, a high-level football game. So, where do these football players who are now earning huge profits come from?

Players will not emerge out of thin air. The current group of players who are active in the national team are still the group of players trained under the national system before professionalization. Although Chinese football seems to be thriving now, it actually eats. It is the foundation of the players trained under the national system. As for the new player training system, China's football industry has not improved at all, and even worsened.

Zhao Yaning does not know what is called the market economy of football, but he knows at least one thing: it is impossible for people who do business to want income without investing. Nowadays, Chinese football eats its roots in the era of the national system. It is indeed a huge profit to change the players trained by the country into goods under the market economy, but Zhao Yaning faintly feels that this is embezzling state-owned assets—— Players are living people, not goods, so no one thinks so. But in fact, players are cultivated by the country with money, but the income is individuals, and there is not much change in essence.

What will happen to Chinese football in the future? Zhao Yaning does not think that marketization is a panacea. Since marketization, those so-called big bosses are making short-term investments and quick returns. People who are really willing to cultivate youth teams and invest in construction are almost invisible in the Chinese football community.

Zhao Yaning does not understand the economy, so the bright and lofty future of Chinese football analyzed in the magazine, he is always indifferent. He only knew that if he wanted to sell, he had to have something to sell. But now in Chinese football, everyone is eating their laurels. No one is going to train new players. In the future of football, no matter how vast the market is, who will play without players?

He played in France and also learned about some things about French football: the French professional league is managed by the French Professional Football Association, and the French Football Association is only responsible for the issues of the national team. The French Professional Football Association is made up of Ligue 1 bosses, who always do things on their own, and don't take the French Football Association at heart. It is precisely because they are only interested in profit and do not pay attention to the training of their own players, the French Football Association will establish a football training base for Clayfontaine, which makes French football a success.

From this to the other, Chinese football is now all for profit, so in the future, who will build China's Clarefontaine?

He always has a faint worry that the future development of Chinese football may not be so He dare not say this, not even his best friend, or even Beibei and his parents. Dare to speak up. He was afraid that they would say that they were unreasonably worried, and even more afraid that they would reprimand him for not loving the motherland. Sometimes, he would wonder if he thought this way because after two days in a foreign country, he felt that he was superior? Therefore, he never dared to mention this idea to others.

Zhao Yaning shouldn't worry about these things, but when Cordia told him about the bright future of Chinese football, he naturally had a concern in his heart: he is now making money while Chinese football is famous, someday in the future. , Will someone point to himself and yell at him, saying that he is a liar?

When his father taught him, he always told him that he can be a man without ability or knowledge, but he cannot be without morality. If you become a liar, don't you violate your father's teaching?

Money is a good thing, but it cannot be a **** for money.

"For the endorsement matter, can I meet that manufacturer?" After thinking for a long time, Zhao Yaning still made a decision. "I have no other meaning. I just want to confirm his attitude. After all, I may not be able to kick it out in the future. And Chinese football may not make money..."

"I understand what you mean, of course. I'm just your agent. I am responsible for the management of your income, not for your ideas." Cordia immediately expressed his understanding.

Zhao Yaning thanked him. He knew some of the rules. Players and manufacturers directly talked about business, and they might be mistaken for trying to get rid of the agent. Zhao Yaning doesn't want to offend Cordia now, it is better for Cordia to understand.

"Actually, you should know the negotiator of that manufacturer-at least he said he knows you and his name is Zhang Yuan. Do you have any impression?"