The Ball at Your Feet

~: 448 Robben's Play

Robben's play in the fourth forty-eighth quarter

Updated: 2013-06-15

Zhao Yaning didn't even think that he would have a chance to shoot up. When he kicked the ball out for the first time, he was already thinking about trying it out. After all, Cech had already saved and he was not prepared for the shot. When he knocked on the post, he was a little desperate, but Cech fell and Terry didn't return to the defense in time, giving him a chance to break the goal. This kick back to the empty door successfully made Zhao Yaning really happy.

And Terry was also a little depressed. When the ball hit the goal post just now, he could have arrived at the first time. But the problem is that the closest person to football at the time was Milito, and he was in an offside position. Terry thought that when Milito touched the ball, he would be offside. But whoever used it, Milito was smart and didn't go. Touching the ball, this slowed Terry's start and also caused his mistakes, Zhao Yaning's goal.

What a stupid loss. Terry knocked on his head.

At this time, there was a boo in Stamford Bridge, but there was a cheering on the Liverpool stand. The fans held up the slogan never go alone, and at the same time, some fans hurriedly held up the photo of Mourinho after PS.

The camera immediately gave a close-up, which made Martin Taylor and Andy Gray both laugh.

"I have to say, the expression captured by this expression is really unique." Knowing that they can't laugh at the blonde and red of the ps, the two of them can talk about the expression, "This is quite difficult to capture. The lens."

"Compared with this, many Chelsea fans will be dissatisfied. This approach seems to be a bit..." Andy Gray said half of the words can no longer be said.

When Mourinho made an insulting move to the Liverpool stands, he himself could say that he made it to the media and passed the blunder, making the FA open one eye and close one eye and let him go. But with the fans, he can't fool around. The fans know who Mourinho's actions are directed at. Such a thing, Mourinho was wrong first, even if Chelsea fans are dissatisfied, they have nothing to say. Your coach made such a mistake, so don't blame others for holding grudges. The FA will not punish the club for such a thing. They are willing to hype about Mourinho, which is not a topic of hype.

At this time, the camera was also given to the coach. At the moment of scoring, Yesterdam and the players on the bench hugged and celebrated, but Benitez still blankly took out a small book to record something, a little joy. Mean nothing.

Mourinho, on the other side, looked extremely gloomy at this time. Whoever lost the ball at his home court and was so humiliated by the opposing fans must be extremely angry. Concealing one's emotions has never been something Mourinho is good at or likes to do. For this kind of provocation, his habit is always to retaliate.

But the players on the court, at this time, the conditions for revenge are not available.

Mourinho's original plan was to defend at home and not lose the ball. When he arrived at the away game, he was fully staffed and came back by counterattack. But now it seems that Liverpool's rare attacking style of desperate gambling makes Chelsea have to face the predicament again.

But how to attack? Mourinho looked back at the bench. At this time, Duff was still unable to play, but Robben could come off the bench. Although his injury was just right, it would be better to take a rest, but at this time, Mourinho can't take care of much.

Chelsea made substitution adjustments, Joe Cole went down and Robben went up.

This is to fight back. Benitez looked at the other party's adjustment and called Riise to his side, "If he is moving on the right, you will move forward to compress the space behind him. If he is moving on the left, you will be behind. Withdraw to the defensive line to serve as a central defender and let Finnan step in to reduce the space for him to respond."

This defensive strategy is a bit too bold. After all, the defense system of the three-backs is not secure enough, and Chelsea's attack is generally difficult to resist by the four defenders. It is indeed a bit risky for the three-backs to resist Robben of Chelsea.

It is true that Liverpool have been extremely successful in defending Robben by relying on three defenders from the wing, but it is difficult to say whether this success is equally applicable in the case of three defenders.

But Benitez thinks that the problem is probably not big.

One is because of Liverpool's defense line, Carragher has played left and right full backs, midfielders, and central defenders in multiple positions. For this kind of change, he also has a strong adaptability. Although Risefinan is not suitable to play as a central defender, he is very desperate and can also play a role in the back line. The most important thing is the technical characteristics of Hypia from the back: his frontal defense is very strong, he has excellent replenishment ability, and is full of experience. Although his turning speed is slow, he is indeed a very good candidate as a scavenger.

Such a hasty change is a bit risky, but in terms of technical characteristics and abilities, there is a possibility of success.

And the most important point is that Benitez recognized a very important point: Robben and Duff’s impact ability is based on Chelsea’s overall strength, and their impact distance is not long. This is also the most important aspect of their success. And if you rely on them to suppress, make Makelele's position have to retreat, he can't do better to press up to support the frontcourt, and Thiago in the middle can hardly play a role in connecting up and down In this way, Robben would have to withdraw a lot to catch the ball. In this way, Chelsea’s attack chain was fundamentally interrupted and Chelsea’s attack was not effective.

And the situation of the game was exactly as he expected, and it can even be said that it was a little smoother than he expected.

"Roben's state is not very good." Martin Taylor sighed as he watched Robben's performance, "This time should have been when he showed his personal abilities, but..."

"But his performance is really average. Maybe it's because the injury hasn't recovered yet. It looks like he still needs time."

Robben's performance does have some problems. According to reason, it took more than sixty minutes to be replaced, and the opponent is already very tired. His speed and explosive advantages are more obvious. He should be playing very well, but the problem is that his performance is very average. . This aspect is indeed related to his injury. His injury hasn't healed yet, and playing at this time is indeed unable to perform at his best. And secondly, a very important reason is that he didn't think about how to crack Liverpool's defense.

"As a super substitute, what is needed is not only speed, physical strength and technical ability, but more importantly, the ability to judge the situation, as well as an excellent understanding of the opponent's shortcomings, and targeted attacks. Solskjaer's technology is not counted. How outstanding, but it is the Premier League, and even the world’s most famous super bench, is relying on his excellent golf quotient. And Joe Cole can play well on the bench this season, also because of his golf quotient Compared to other players, Robben..." Martin Taylor sighed, "These things are really not his strengths."

Robben played quite well this season. His explosive playing style is considered by the Premier League to be an indispensable part of Chelsea's violent aesthetics. It's just this way of playing that, on the one hand, made him have a lot of injury problems, and on the other hand, it also concealed one of his important shortcomings: his lack of golf quotient.

According to media reports, Robben is not aloof at all. On the court, he is a very good talker, and more importantly, he knows his mistakes and can correct him. As long as his teammates feel that he is not playing well and give him advice, he can correct him immediately. Whether it is asking him to pass the ball or asking him to cooperate, he is willing to try.

It's just that willingness is one aspect, but whether you can play well is another aspect. Lack of understanding of the situation on the court, and always have a strong force. Although this kind of play is outstanding in personal strength, it can also eat most of the solo by eating raw, but after all, the play is not scientific enough. Not being favored by everyone, this also limits him, and he has never been able to become the most outstanding grade.

It is precisely because of this that in the 2004 Golden Globe Awards, he and Rooney and Ronaldinho's performances in the European Cup are not far apart, but in the end, those two people are both in the top ten positions on the Golden Globe Awards, but he Can't even enter the big list.

This season is the same. His breakthrough in everyone’s eyes is the level of the top three in the Premier League. It is not inferior to Zhao Yaning, but unlike Zhao Yaning’s core position in Liverpool, he is not even as tactical as Lampard at Chelsea and is more recognized by people. It's Lampard, not him-after all, the real decisive thing on the court is to use your brain instead of eating your opponents raw by speed.

In this game, his performance has never been able to show very good strength. Of course, this aspect is indeed because his injury is just right, and it does not matter that he has not recovered, but the more reason is that he is really not suitable for acting as a super substitute.

This substitution, Mourinho is indeed out of care. If Robben started and Joe Cole replaced it, the effect would be much better.

"In this game, if Chelsea do not change their tricks, it will be very difficult for them to win. Of course, after arriving at Anfield, Duff and Robben will be able to come back. If Chelsea really counterattack, Liverpool's The situation will only become more dangerous, and Chelsea is still very likely to comeback. But this season, the unbeaten record at Stamford Bridge will be broken."

When these words are said, Martin Taylor seems that Chelsea has no more changes available. Although Chelsea has a strong lineup, more of them are strong in the main position. Although the bench lineup can be called a solid, but in this level of confrontation, their role is not very big. And more importantly, Mourinho himself is not a person who likes to use substitutes and rotation lineups. He can play the game with the same main lineup on all four fronts in a season. The problem of not liking the use of substitutes is long ago. The Premier League knows it.

Liverpool and Chelsea have played against each other too many times. Under such circumstances, how to change is indeed a big problem.

But at this time, Mourinho still did not give up, he called Robben to his side and whispered a few words. And this time, Robben nodded immediately and returned to the court.

"It seems that coach Mourinho still has a back move. Let us see how the situation on both sides will change."