The Ball at Your Feet

~: Section 761: Object of Conversation

"The national team’s regulations were set in the early years. At that time, Fan Zhiyi and they were still receiving a fixed salary of 1,000 yuan a month. What are intangible assets? When football was not marketized, who Do you know what intangible assets are? No one cares. But later, the players' income increased and the commercial contract understood what was going on. No one mentioned this one. When Yang Xi was playing in Germany, As the endorsement of Jianlibao, some people have suggested that his income is too high, and it is not very good. They asked the Football Association to collect his income on this ground. However, after screaming for a few days, the result is no more. This is all football going to business. The old rules before the change, logically speaking, should have been discarded. However, out of various considerations, the General Administration of Sports still keeps this one. There are really people who dare to be blind. If the order goes on, he will finish playing. . For us: our portrait rights are not in our own hands. No matter how big the Real Madrid brand is, it means that they are in the circle. This time, they are desperate for money, and they are unreasonable. "

Zhang Yuan explained it, and Zhao Yaning understood.

This regulation came from a long time ago. At that time, athletes were all cultivated by the state, and football was not marketed, and it did not involve much economic benefits. The purpose of this regulation by the General Administration of Sports was also Not for money, but to ensure that the athletes of the national team will not do things that'damage the country's image'. After all, at that time, sports were not for making money, but for the image of the country. The image of the country represented by the athletes was such a big thing at the time that it was much more important than money. In those days, if there was a photographer wearing a Japanese flag costume, it would be a big trouble. Therefore, the state has strict management of these, and intangible assets belong to the state.

However, with the development of the times, no one has paid attention to this article for a long time. As a result, there is more money and greater interest. This article is nondescript and untenable in law. Secondly, as the national power becomes stronger, people understand: athletes are athletes, no matter how they are packaged, they are not important figures of the country. What kind of national image does it represent? No one sees Yao Ming and thinks that China is two meters or more, and no one speculates that Chinese people are athletes because of Liu Xiang. When there is no need to rely on sports to increase the self-confidence of one's own nation, such regulations are less and less mentioned.

The more commercial sports, the more eye-catching athletes, the less they will ignore this rule. Athletes of Yao Ming, Liu Xiang, and Zhao Yaning are all national treasure level athletes. The General Administration of Sports has not dared to offend tens of millions of athletes' income directly? The General Administration of Sports did not have the guts, after all, public opinion is not good, and what's more, the law is still involved behind it.

However, they still retain this provision for a reason.

First of all, because sometimes, there are places where players should be paid, and the situation in China is still not paying. In theory, TV interviews Zhao Yaning to pay Zhao Yaning, but Zhao Yaning or the General Administration of Sports. Even TV stations will never agree with this. For another example, TV asks Zhao Yaning to do public service advertisements, or advertisements for the Olympics. In theory, it is necessary to pay, but not to mention that the TV station can't give money. Even if it does, who dares to ask for it?

Special circumstances are treated specially. This problem cannot be fully integrated with international standards, so we still have to keep one eye open. Everyone understands that the Football Association will not stupidly ask Zhao Yaning to turn in the money for his commercial endorsement, but Zhang Yuan absolutely dare not ask TV to discuss the interview fees.

When Chinese people do things, they pay attention to a specific problem. Such problems need to be looked at differently. But if you really encounter those who don't know how to get up and down, and don't submit to discipline-the General Administration also has such a rule to control them.

Moreover, there is a big reason why the General Administration of Sports does not abandon this article.

Because in many other sports, until the new century, the power to sign endorsement contracts is not personal, but belongs to the leader. For example, a certain Olympic champion of the diving team became famous after winning the championship. She was happy for a while and signed an endorsement contract in her own name, but when she returned to the diving team, she was told that it was invalid if she signed it: this The power of contract is in the hands of the diving team, not in the hands of individual athletes. I want to find the company she is endorsing, and then find the diving team to re-sign. As for the individual athletes, not only did they not get all the money, but they were also criticized because of their unorganized discipline.

Diving, table tennis, and the endorsement fees for these powerful events are still under the management of the superior authorities. Unlike track and field, football, and basketball, these departments are full of confidence and courage. They believe that athletes’ achievements are the result of training. Rather than personal credit, you can win the championship, and you can change it as an individual, as long as it is cultivated by the country, you can also win the championship. Therefore, they just want to take more than half of the endorsement fee. Not convinced? If you are not convinced, you have to be convinced, because they do have such confidence: in events like table tennis, it is true that the Chinese team can win the championship no matter how they play, and the personal income has to be divided.

Therefore, this article of the General Administration of Sports has always been a double standard: if there is market value, you don’t care, if there is no market value, use this for management purposes. What Zhao Yaning didn’t know was that until the swimming team came out. The problem is because the swimming team thinks that Sun Yang is a training product, and Sun Yang thinks that he is a personal talent, and he makes trouble. Various scandals are staged. In fact, it is because of this regulation.

"In that case, you are going to argue with Real Madrid for this reason. Are you not going to give them the right to portrait?"

Zhao Yaning understood that such a thing was simply an excuse Zhang Yuan made. Said that the power is in the hands of the General Administration of Sports. In fact, the income is not all Zhao Yaning's? It used to be okay, but now it’s not. Isn’t it because Real Madrid wants too much?

"50% of portrait rights is indeed a bit too much." Zhang Yuan is also very calm about this. "We will lose out if we give them. However, if we don't give them, it won't work. After all, big teams have their own rules. It’s not good to break other people’s rules. Therefore, we can negotiate further on the excuse that the country has regulations. If they can’t come up with conditions that satisfy us, we will say that the intangible assets are returned to the country, and we won’t pay a penny. This is an excuse for negotiation. Otherwise, we have no reason to not abide by other people’s rules. Therefore, it may be necessary for Real Madrid to announce its abandonment in the end, and you also need to stand up and thank Real Madrid."

"What about the General Administration?" Zhao Yaning asked rhetorically.

"No problem over there."

Zhao Yaning nodded and agreed to this arrangement.

Zhang Yuan is also very satisfied with this.

In fact, if legally speaking, the regulations of the General Administration of Sports cannot stand-but the problem is that no one dares to violate their laws. Although the practice of the General Administration of Sports overriding the Football Association is untenable internationally, if Real Madrid really wants to make trouble, they can still get 50% of the portrait rights. However, if you do that, it will definitely inevitably cause a lot of trouble and even go to court. The football world has the rules of the football world, and no matter how fierce the opinions are, it will be solved within ia at most, and the law cannot be used to solve the problem. Whoever dares to go to the court, ia dares to tear his skin apart. In football, this is an insurmountable gap. When Juventus was sued by Inter Milan, a lot of evidence was overheard and was not legally tenable. However, where does ia care about this? They are not allowed to intervene in the internal affairs of football. If you go to court, you have offended ia.

Real Madrid is not a fool. Don't offend anyone who offends the Football Federation. They don't understand. And, more importantly, Real Madrid does not want to make matters worse. They know very well that this matter is not a signing for making money, but a signing for strengthening the team's strength. Even if this kind of negotiation suffers, they recognize it.

"Moreover, I don't think we will suffer." Zhang Yuan said, "There is someone who wants to come and have an interview with you and give you some suggestions."

"Oh? For this matter?" Zhao Yaning smiled bitterly, "Do I still have to meet?"

"Of course, the person who came here is quite famous." Zhang Yuan said, "The Florentino who was scolded so badly by you is coming to see you."

"What is he doing?" Zhao Yaning was really dissatisfied this time. He didn't like this name.

"I contacted him." Zhang Yuan was also calm, "Ning Zi, I have something to say: it doesn't hurt to meet him. Florentino did not let go of the chairmanship of Real Madrid. And Calderon, Seeing this, it’s not very promising. It’s not his opponent. Real Madrid’s nonsense team, you don’t know. If you really went to Real Madrid, the president’s general election would have been met within two years, and it was cleaned up. We have no place. Reasonable. So... my idea is to please both ends. Isn’t Calderon negotiating with Liverpool? I privately consulted Florentino about the personal contract. Calderon thinks he signed it. You, and Florentino thinks that he gave you instructions, you are his person-if we please both ends, we will not lose out on either side."

"Be careful and smash it, both ends complaining." Zhao Yaning sneered.

"No. As long as we show an attitude, even if Calderon knows it, it won't matter. This summer, when you proposed a transfer, he is his father, he dare not offend you. And, even if he knows about you If you collude with Florentino, he must also give you more benefits. Your level is here. How dare he?" Zhang Yuan could see that Zhao Yaning looked calm, "Ning Zi, we are in Liverpool. I suffered a loss. If you continue to believe that the team is a good thing, then you are stupid. In any case, we have to be prepared first."

In fact, Zhang Yuan still didn't say a word: With Calderon's virtue, it is strange that he can mix for a long time. It's not worth it to tie him up. What about offending him? This summer, he dare not buy Zhao Yaning. By next year, he wants to drive Zhao Yaning away, or Florentino will drive him away, not necessarily.

"Why would he agree to discuss with you? I scolded him not lightly." Zhao Yaning asked inexplicably.

"Ning Zi, he is a businessman. Even if you call him a beast, as long as you can give him benefits, there is no problem. In the eyes of a businessman, there are only benefits and no benefits, and no enemies. As long as you help him Being able to sit in the chair of the team, what else is he dissatisfied with? Don’t forget, Real Madrid is a football team in name, but in fact, it’s all over the sky. Raul’s birthday is given to him by the King Carlos. Congratulations. Florentino is the richest man in, a big businessman, and the chairmanship of Real Madrid has helped Florentino's business a lot."

These words disgusted Zhao Yaning. Now, he feels awkward to hear others mention commercial interests.

"You don't suffer. Anyway, it's a secret conversation, no one knows. It's just a symbolic meeting and let him know that you are not an ally of Calderon. As for the contract, you don't like to listen, so don't listen. Anyway, it's here. In the end, can you still suffer?"

"Thank you, Brother Zhang." Zhao Yaning said.

He could hear that Zhang Yuan did this to remedy his own summer behavior. Without telling Zhao Yaning, he handled the transfer matters by himself. Zhao Yaning was angry at the time, but he would not be uncomfortable afterwards. And Zhang Yuan is now helping him to deal with this matter in this way, the purpose is to let Zhao Yaning know that he really put a lot of effort into helping Zhao Yaning wholeheartedly.

"However, it's over here, what should we do on Calderon's side?" Zhao Yaning still asked, somewhat puzzled.

"Don't worry about this." Zhang Yuan smiled, "There is nothing wrong with Yankee and Calderon."