The Ball at Your Feet

~: Section 769: Own Position

Last season, Real Madrid still blasted him away after Capello won the championship. This kind of thing caused a great uproar in the world, and the explanation given by Real Madrid was because of Capello's football. Not pretty enough'.

But now, Raul told Zhao Yaning some other things.

"Actually, it was last season, just after the winter break, we were preparing for a coaching change. At that time, we had already initialed Schuster, and no one thought at that time, after the third In the ten rounds, we were able to slow down, and the final result caused the final tragedy. The result: Although we won the league championship, the head coach still dismissed the get out of class."

Zhao Yaning also gave a wry smile to this: Such a thing is purely stupid by the management. "

Before the end of the season, he had lost his confidence. Such a thing is indeed very undesirable. Calderon made such a mistake, it is really hard to forgive. If a team is forced to change coaches midway, that is to say, the management of this team has already lost confidence, and if the management loses confidence, the team won the championship instead, which also made Zhao Yaning. Some understand: I'm afraid Real Madrid's internal words count, not Calderon.

"And since Mr. Schuster took office, he faced a lot of pressure on performance. Therefore, his tactical change is not about how to make the team stronger, but about how to make the team a... ... a stable team that scores points. However, he still has some of his ideas, and you will gradually come into contact with these ideas."

Knowing that Schuster is coaching this season, Zhao Yaning has also looked for some Schuster-related information. The team coached by Schuster is not as rigid as Capello, but he is also very stubborn with some principled issues. For example, he likes to use full-backs with offensive ability and he can let them plug in to create opportunities for the team. At the same time, he also likes to use flexible running wingers, which can complete the zìyóu crossover between left and right Bit. At the same time, he has high requirements for the passing ability of the midfielder, and Guti also got the opportunity for this. These are his coaching characteristics.

However, some of his characteristics are also somewhat conservative. For example, he dare not change Real Madrid's fixed double midfielder during Capello's period, and dare not play a single midfielder like Barcelona. This approach is indeed somewhat conservative. In a sense, Schuster is still a little unwilling to let go. Compared to some bold radical coaches, although he has his own ideas, he is scared by the requirement of grades and dare not act rashly. At one point, he and Calderon are a perfect match.

"Actually, I have never understood that Real Madrid chooses the coach according to what criteria?"

With Zhao Yaning’s question, Guti shrugged, "I don’t know, and I don’t want to know. If I know it, I will definitely be very upset. Their standards are definitely strange enough."

"But don't care too much." In this regard, Raul also gave the coach a round of rounds, "Others are still good... Actually, it is much better than Liverpool's Rafa. If you see it, you will know, he He is the kind of person who is stubborn and proud. The German has a very obvious temper, but he rarely loses his temper to his own people. Even if there are problems, he will push them to the media, referees and reporters, and will not let the players suffer.

"It seems you are talking about Mourinho."

"Xìng is similar, but he is not as aggressive as Mourinho."

Zhao Yaning was silent for a moment. Mourinho also likes to chirp, but his advantage is that he dares to think and fight. Although he doesn't like Mourinho's life style, Zhao Yaning still admires his coaching ability. If Schuster didn't have that kind of ability, but that kind of temper... Zhao Yaning would be a little uncomfortable.

However, no matter what, is it much better than a robot like Rafa?

And the next day, on the training ground, Schuster also began to teach him a tactical lesson.

"Our main formation this season is 4222."

4222? It's a variant of four four two. Zhao Yaning nodded, although he still prefers 4231 himself, and he has always played a 4231 formation, but when he just arrived in a new place, it is always not good to directly ask him to modify his tactics. He still Thinking, take your time.

"In the backcourt, Casillas is the goalkeeper, Marcelo and Ramos are in charge of both sides, Cannavaro and Pepe play as central defenders, Diarra and Gago are the main players for the time being, Yaya Toure wants You have to fight for the position yourself, do you understand this?"

Zhao Yaning frowned slightly: He has trained with the team, and Marcelo's technical characteristics are not much different from those of wingers. Cannavaro is also an up-and-coming central defender, while Pepe and Ramos seem to play a bit rough. Such a defense is simply a collection of unreliable factors. In Liverpool, there was Carragher on the back line, who could cover and command. As for the current line of defense, almost no one can be seen as commanding.

No wonder people say that Real Madrid's defense relies on Casillas. Such a line of defense, from technology to xìng grid, is an infinite impact type of defense, and it is only strange if there is no problem.

As for the midfielder's double midfielder, Zhao Yaning has no objection. He knew Diarra's abilities, and speaking of Gago's position... Zhao Yaning believed that Yaya Toure squeezed him out, it was only a matter of time.

"In the frontcourt, our double forwards are Ruud van Nistelrooy and Raul. Behind them is Guti as the midfielder. Russell Van Nistelrooy played at the center position and Raul was behind him, playing the number nine. Half position. Guti is the tenth position, and your position is on the side."

"But, with all due respect. I only saw one side road." Zhao Yaning was silent for a while before speaking, "Which side road do I kick?"

"This is the most important point I need you to understand: your position is not fixed, you can choose which side to attack from."

This statement surprised Zhao Yaning. It's not a big deal for one person to hit the position of two people, but if one person covers the attack of two sides, this makes Zhao Yaning a little surprised.

This is really worthy of his ability-but Zhao Yaning doesn't know how to do it!

"You are in the frontcourt and don't have a fixed position. You can play where you want to go. And your task is to try your best to break the balance on the court." Shuster shot Shoot him, "I'm not a coach like Van Gaal. Tell you where you must play. I believe more in the individual ability of players. Poor players are position-limited individuals, outstanding players define their own position. Liverpool uses What you use is too rigid. With me, you can use your fullest zìyóu to give full play to your talents."

Define the location yourself? Zhao Yaning never thought about this. There are many people who have subverted their positions. The shadow front has been passed down several times, and it was defined by Baggio, and the organization's midfielder was defined by Pirlo after experiencing the period of the four talents, and now, the former Should the zìyóu people’s playing style be defined by themselves?

Looking at this tactic, Zhao Yaning gradually understood Schuster's thoughts: In his tactic, there are two forwards, which require strong running ability, and one of them has the ability to withdraw. For midfielders, players in the front midfielder position are required to have a strong passing ability, but they do not need to advance the goal. Instead, this task is handed over to the midfielder. Players at the wing-back position require fast speed, strong impact, and the ability to tear the opponent's line of defense.

It can be said that it is a bit like a tactic specifically designed for the characteristics of Ruud van Nistelrooy, Raul, Guti, and Zhao Yaning.

However, Zhao Yaning also saw some other things: his tactics should be born out of the 4132 tactics, but he took down a wing, replaced the midfielder, strengthened the defense, and at the same time gave another A strong offensive from the wing allows him to run back and forth at will, which has the effect of breaking the balance in some areas. And he allowed the full-backs to be inserted in a big way, which is a way to enhance the attack.

This is a play that is born out of classical tactics and has been added, but it is the two changes that modern football has extremely demanding double back midfielders and frontcourt players. And the purpose of such tactics also made Zhao Yaning some malicious guesses.

If it’s the most critical time, Zhao Yaning, Guti, the retreat Raul, the forward full-back, plus Ruud van Nistelrooy and forward the midfielder, Real Madrid can have as many as six attacking players piled up in an instant. Near the opponent's penalty area. What could be the purpose of accumulating offensive players near the opponent's penalty area? What else is there besides the storm?

Some teams in La Liga are still playing with a single midfielder. If they meet Real Madrid with such a pile of offenses, it will be ugly to die.

And speaking of it, the trouble with this tactic seems to be very simple: Guti does not have a strong breakthrough ability, double forwards plus a classic midfielder, the weakness of this tactic can also be clear at a glance: in the Champions League, for For those unreasonable teams that have accumulated three midfielders in the backcourt, Guti will be abolished and Ruud van Nistelrooy’s retracement is not strong enough. At that time, Real Madrid is afraid it will be difficult for Real Madrid to win tactically. Way.

In the face of this situation, Schuster's method is also very simple: Since the tactics are not good, then rely on the star. Zhao Yaning's ability to break the balance is well known throughout the world. Since he is there, he can attack when facing the third midfielder. It's a zìyóu style of play that doesn't limit the position, but the plain meaning is: you can come in the frontcourt and you can score.

It sounds interesting, but Zhao Yaning felt that this attack was a bit messy, but he was also interested: isn't his task to straighten out the attack?

The temptation to define your own position is really great.

"I only have one question." Zhao Yaning said, "If, I mean, what if-Raul and Rudd are injured? In our lineup, it seems that there are not enough substitute forwards. Such a tactic, The requirements for shadow strikers are very high. Gonzalo seems to be insufficient to complete, and Robinho is not in this position. Van Nistelrooy is even more important in the forward line. We don’t even have a substitute striker, if What if Van Nistelrooy is injured?"

"You are not worried about your own injury, but you are worried about your teammate's injury?"

Zhao Yaning smiled, he never worried about his injury.

"We also have a backup tactic to guard against injuries. If there is an injury, then we change it to 4132-you kick the midfielder in the middle, and the left is Marcelo or Drente, Robinho on the right, Higuain in front..."

"Relying on speed and running to quickly tear the opponent's defense line?" Zhao Yaning said, "I and Marcelo, Gonzalo zìyóu swap positions to ensure that our attacks are smooth, relying on the speed advantage. To complete the Arsenal, isn't it?"

"I found that it is not unreasonable for you to be one of the best in the world." Schuster glanced at Zhao Yaning, "I have to admit that I used to think that you were kicked up with good physical fitness and diligence. But now I see. Come, your mind is not bad."

"If you play more football, you will have experience, and if you know more about tactics, you will naturally know about it." Zhao Yaning said.

"Well, the next game, you will start. Let me see, how much do you know about tactics." Schuster smiled, "rest assured, the first round of the season is against Atletico Madrid. If you haven't lost, it won't matter what you play."

"I have my own standards." Zhao Yaning nodded. Schuster's arrangements are indeed very meticulous, which makes him very moved, but this does not mean that he will relax himself: the requirements of the media are not the same as his own requirements. If you rely on the supervision of others, how can you become better? He didn't see how Ronaldinho slipped.

He himself asked for more than others.