The Ball at Your Feet

~: Section 795: Failed Signing

Finally, it was the winter break. The players had a rest. The team should also consider signings to supplement the team's strength.

At this time, Zhao Yaning went to rest, and Real Madrid was considering introducing new players.

For Calderon this half of the season, it is impossible to think about it. He originally thought that, at best, it would be the same as last season. He would have won the championship. However, the strength of Real Madrid has completely surprised him.

Leading by 11 points in half a season, this is completely beyond a level of football. He has introduced an outstanding player and can achieve such a big gain. How can he not let him laugh?

And such results are obviously not enough. He also wants more, for the consideration of Real Madrid, but also for his own status. He wants to continue signing this winter to make the team stronger. If he can win the tenth championship in the Champions League, Then, he no longer has to worry about anything.

And Real Madrid's winter break signings are also considered from several aspects.

Real Madrid’s several questions are actually very direct and very obvious. Everyone knows what position to fill. But the problem is, whether people from these positions will come, that's a big problem.

One of the biggest problems with Real Madrid is that Ramos does not have a suitable substitute. M Torres is a Real Madrid academy player. Although he is a bit strong, his state is unstable and a little worse. I really can’t count on it, but Players who serve as substitutes are hard to find after all.

Originally, Real Madrid meant that Ramos was in his prime of life and was in good health. He probably didn't really need a substitute player. But in the league, people found that Ramos was over-tempered and irritable. In the first half of this season, he won a red card in the Champions League and the league. Who knows what will happen if he is ignored?

The matter of finding a substitute reminded Zhao Yaning of Aveiroa-when he was at Real Madrid, he was the captain of Castilla. His style of play is just right for defenders on the left and right sides. However, he was driven outside by Real Madrid, and now he has no place to come back.

To say that he has no feelings for Real Madrid, Zhao Yaning does not believe it. He once remembered Aveiroa saying that with children, one will be called Raul and the other will be Guti—Zhao Yaning estimated that if he had more children, Cassie and Ramos would not be able to run.

Such a player who has a deep feeling for the team, Real Madrid will not stay. Now that there are no people, and looking for people everywhere, this is really enough. Now I’m talking about looking for a substitute at the back line, but even for a team like Real Madrid, when it comes to looking for a substitute, few people are willing to come-La Liga’s salary distribution is very different, although the stars look bright. Gorgeous, but the salaries of other players are very low. Higuain and Mata are currently earning no less than one million. Together, they are a little bit more than Zhao Yaning's salary. As a substitute player, the salary is not high, the opportunities are not many, and it is easy to be scolded for making mistakes. Such a person is really hard to find.

However, the guard was not the focus of Calderon's signings. If you want to have enough influence, a defender can't do it. It's impressive to buy a forward.

The guard position is hard to find, and the forward position is equally hard to find.

As for the forward position, if Ruud van Nistelrooy is injured, there is not a qualified center substitute. Although Raul and Higuain can top each other, they are not very useful after all. At this time, Real Madrid can choose only the young man Soldado.

In Zhao Yaning's view, the position of center forward can be played by Higuain. Although I can't count on Higuain for doing stubbornness, involvement, and return, his fast speed, a lot of running, and a lot of coordination with his teammates may not be unsuitable for a style of kicking.

However, Zhao Yaning's thoughts, in Real Madrid's eyes, are undoubtedly a kind of thoughts of letting go. When did Real Madrid be so stingy when doing things? Although Higuain is good, it is a new star, Real Madrid can't rely on the new star to fill the front.

And when it comes to buying forwards, the first one is naturally the forward of Chelsea. There are not many football centers now, Chelsea’s Drogba, Liverpool’s Torres, and Inter Milan’s Ibrahimovic are among the few that Real Madrid can see.

In the Premier League, Drogba claimed to be a transfer because the new coach Grant treated him badly, so Calderon immediately jumped in eagerly. However, Real Madrid’s 40 million offer was refuted by Chelsea. In fact, it is reported that Abramovich is now considering not to sell Drogba, but to fire the current coach directly...

Anyway, he became addicted to changing coaches, and he didn't care if he changed again.

But Zhao Yaning, who knows a little bit about this, sighed: Drogba and Chelsea have a deep relationship, and there are also tactics developed around him. How could he give up such a good condition, turn and leave, and fight elsewhere? He is not young anymore, and his playing style depends a lot on his body. He is not the age to wander around. Although Grant is mediocre and incompetent, he is still very smart. He organized Chelsea's style of play as much as possible with the resources at hand. Although it is said that there is no innovation and nothing refreshing, at least the results are guaranteed. Drogba was making a lot of noise, but in fact it was just for his club status. Calderon went to send an offer stupidly, just because he was used as a gun.

After seeing Drogba's failure to make an offer, Calderon once again offered to buy Villa for 40 million, but this time, it was rejected by Valencia.

"Actually, everyone can see now that Calderon's chairmanship will not last long, and no one wants to come over at this time. What if the new chairman comes to power and is purged?" Zhang Yuan's view on this is simple, " Who wants to be okay with nothing?"

After Zhang Yuan met Florentino, he always believed that Florentino had a way to come back to power. He was also a staunch Florentino supporter. He couldn’t see Calderon’s approach. used. In his opinion, since signings can't buy people, of course Calderon's charm is not working. If Florentino is replaced, anyone dares to dig and can dig, how could such a problem arise?

Zhao Yaning didn't say anything about this: Calderon's chairmanship is indeed a bit of a petty, without the boldness and demeanor of a wealthy team. The transfer to buy people is not based on the team's focus, but purely for his own status. If a person thinks about his own leadership position every day, then this position will soon be bad. How can you be a leader without any insight and measurement? Even Zhao Yaning is not very optimistic about him, no wonder others hate him.

Speaking of it, Zhao Yaning still hopes to have a chairman like Sanz, who really considers the team for the sake of the team's chairman. And if you can't find it, Florentino is indeed better than Calderon.

"In fact, Soldado is not that bad." When it comes to this, Zhao Yaning is also a little helpless, "It's just that it's not suitable for Real Madrid..."

Soldado's level is not bad, but his level is not suitable for Real Madrid's level. In fact, Zhao Yaning is also anxious for Real Madrid sometimes: Real Madrid’s status is elevated, and the level is too high. Therefore, unless they are very talented since childhood, they are afraid that they will not be important. of. However, people like Messi are hard to come by after all.

After several consecutive deal negotiations failed, Calderon was also helpless. Although he was lucky, he found Zhao Yaning who wanted to transfer, but it was difficult to find such a transfer.

"Speaking of transfers, then, has the problem of the midfielder been resolved?"

Real Madrid still has a problem with the position of the midfielder. When Zhao Yaning arrived at Real Madrid, the first question he asked was that he hoped that Real Madrid would supplement their midfielders. After all, Real Madrid’s weakness is something the world knows about. Now, Real Madrid has bought Yaya Toure, but, In the winter of this season, Toure and Diarra are going to play in the Africa Cup, and Real Madrid must also consider getting a substitute player to play during this time.

And this transaction is much easier to do. Anyway, it is a month’s time, a single midfielder and Gago support can also pass, but in order to prevent any accident, Real Madrid promoted Delared from the second team as a member of the team, let him follow the team, and Prevent problems.

Zhang Yuan said this to Zhao Yaning and saw Zhao Yaning's frown. He also knew what Zhao Yaning was thinking: Calderon didn’t feel bad about spending money on a forward position that didn’t need to be supplemented, but for the real need. The signings enhanced guard position and defensive midfielder position, but they all look like passing by. After all, Calderon is not qualified to laugh at Florentino, saying that others only recognize attacking players and not defending stars. Isn't his own approach the same?

"Dela Reid's strength is also good." Zhang Yuan knew that he could not change Real Madrid's thinking, so he was also persuaded to persuade Zhao Yaning to forget, "Although his defense is a bit more problematic, he is very talented in attacking. The coach of the Spanish youth team thinks that he will be the first midfielder in Spain in the future. The media also commented that he is very similar to Alonso. You like the way Alonso plays, don’t you?"

"I'm so bad in age, can the experience be the same? Moreover, Alonso is playing football, but there is always an excellent bodyguard next to him. He is playing elegantly, but to put it plainly, isn't it not fierce enough to press? Zhao Yaning complained a few words, but nodded, "Let me take a look, what is his strength, if he is really good, I will take him."

Zhang Yuan nodded, but Real Madrid's transfer was really bad enough.

At the end of the transfer, Real Madrid did not come forwards or defenders. The midfielders promoted their own, with a lot of money in their hands, but they couldn't buy people. Such a thing Anyone will be unhappy if they are replaced.

"Don't worry, Real Madrid will definitely have signings." Zhang Yuan knows a little bit about Real Madrid’s habits. It’s good for him to use it. I heard that they are planning new signings recently."

"You still want to buy someone? Who to buy?" Zhao Yaning asked puzzledly.

"They said they wanted to buy the French. Now that you are the core of the team, you should buy a few Frenchmen to help you play."

Zhao Yaning is a player from Ligue 1 and has a closer relationship with Ligue 1. However, to say that the French players can please him is just an idea of ​​Real Madrid. After all, what Zhao Yaning can speak is French and English, and the buyers buy from these two countries. In contrast, the average level of French players is higher than that of England-one is a football exporter. One is a football importing country, which is different in itself.

"Who do they want to buy?" Zhao Yaning asked.

"I don't know. However, according to reliable sources, if possible, they are preparing to bring in Ribery, the core player of the Ligue 1 Marseille team."