The Ball at Your Feet

~: Seven hundred and sixty-sixth Raul's ins

"I am honored to be able to play for Real Madrid. Real Madrid is the best club in the world. Many of the best players have played here, and now I have become one of them, which makes me proud. "

After Zhao Yaning arrived at Real Madrid, at the Bernabéu Stadium, Real Madrid held a large enough welcome party for him. As many as 80,000 fans were present, and from this moment on, Zhao Yaning finally became a part of Real Madrid.

"I am very impressed with Real Madrid. I have played against Real Madrid before and have worked with players from Real Madrid. I hope that in Real Madrid, I can play better and better, keep playing, and be the best player. Work hard."

Zhao Yaning also let out a sigh in his heart when he held up his new No. 17 jersey to the media.

I came to Real Madrid.

Real Madrid obviously paid enough attention to him. Before he arrived, they sought his opinion and asked him what number he wanted. After learning that he still wanted the 17th, Real Madrid immediately began to communicate with Van Nistelrooy, hoping that he would give up the 17th. Of course, Real Madrid will not let him give up in vain. This season, Real Madrid's No. 10 jersey has been vacated and handed over to him. As for the original owner, Soldado, he was not so lucky. He was forced to change to a new number to make room for Ruud van Nistelrooy. Real Madrid also thinks it is normal. Soldado is Real Madrid’s youth. Training, for the sake of the stars, it's nothing to let your children suffer a little grievance.

Real Madrid will serve the superstars-Zhao Yaning thought of Moreau's words and smiled bitterly. For themselves and Russell Van Nistelrooy, they wouldn't have the slightest slightest contempt.

Real Madrid is naturally very happy about his arrival-less than a day after Zhao Yaning came to Real Madrid, 500,000 jerseys have been sold, which makes Calderon, who has never been very good at business operations, very proud of him. He is naturally very satisfied to be able to sign such a star with excellent strength and commercial value.

After Zhao Yaning attended the meeting ceremony at Real Madrid, when he walked out of Real Madrid's training base, he saw that there were already people waiting for him there.

"Hello, Joey, we will be teammates from now on."

Standing on the opposite side was Raul. Obviously, as the captain of the team, he is here to welcome Zhao Yaning on behalf of the team.

"Give it to you."

The thing Raul threw over was a key, "I bought a villa near where I live and gave it to you. I guess your transfer is in a hurry, and many things are too late. I prepared it for you."

"A house?" Zhao Yaning was a little surprised, "It's expensive, isn't it?"

"Houses in Spain are very cheap... And, where are houses in the world, are they not expensive for you and me?" Raul laughed, "Get in the car, just get here, don't think about how to do it anymore. I played football, go out with me, I will show you Madrid."

Raul pulled Zhao Yaning into the car and drove the car while telling him about Spain.

In Zhao Yaning's heart, he understood Raul’s thoughts. Houses in Spain are not expensive. Generally speaking, the savings of five years of work are enough to buy a house-of course, it will not be such a villa, but, For Zhao Yaning and Raul, even such a villa is not a big money for them, but although the money is not much, they are thoughtful. Raul's move was an obvious gesture of favor.

"I heard Moreau say that you attach great importance to training, so I will ask someone to prepare a house for you according to the training standards of my home. Otherwise, I think these things will take a lot of time, I Do your best for you.” Raul and Zhao Yaning explained the reasons for his approach, “You don’t need to worry about other things in Real Madrid. Ferrari has a cooperation with us. New cars will be delivered every year. Just pick one. For the media, you can rest assured that Real Madrid has always been good in its relations with the media."

Raul said this, and took Zhao Yaning to visit Madrid, and Raul took Zhao Yaning to visit, most of which are usually used by the players, from the Plaza of the Harvest Goddess to various nightclubs, Raul introduced him to him. . And seeing Zhao Yaning's different attitudes when facing these sceneries, Raul gradually felt relieved a lot.

"There are some things you need to know as a Real Madrid player. It's easy to be a Real Madrid player. It's good to leave things to others to do. Just pay attention to yourself, just don't interact too deeply with the team's mortal enemy. ."


"No, maybe you misunderstood."

"Real Madrid’s mortal enemies, many people think they are Barcelona, ​​but they are not. Maybe they treat us as mortal enemies, but we don’t regard them as mortal enemies. Anyway, during the time I played, they became our favorites. The mortal enemy in the eyes is what happened in the past two years." Raul and Zhao Yaning said, "When I was young-before the 90s, Barcelona didn't count at all. At that time, Real Madrid didn't have to. Pay attention to them. Later, relying on Cruyff, they are brilliant, but speaking, they are not Real Madrid's mortal enemies."

"Who is Real Madrid's mortal enemy?"

"Atletico Madrid-the same city is hatred, this cannot be changed. Valencia is the biggest rival in Real Madrid's history, and at the same time, it is also the core team of the anti-Real Madrid league in La Liga. Therefore, Valencia is compared with Barcelona. It’s the enemy that Real Madrid hates more. And then there is Athletic Bilbao, which is a kind of national hatred and hard to extinguish. I guess you are not interested in Spanish history, but remember, it’s okay to ignore these three. That’s it for the fans of the team."

"I thought Real Madrid hated Barcelona the most."

Raul smiled. Many people have misunderstood this, and he had to explain it. La Liga, although Real Madrid and Barcelona are now the world, but earlier, Athletic Bilbao and Valencia were also extremely powerful teams. Even in the earliest years, the so-called national derby was a match between Barcelona and Athletic Bilbao. At that time, there was nothing about Madrid.

The Basques are bold and savage, and are more aggressive than the Catalans. Therefore, their Athletic Bilbao is more threatening in the eyes of Madrid, which represents the Spanish government. It is also a requirement for **. Catalonia is playing voting, and the Basques are playing terrorist activities. The contradiction between the Basques and Castilians has become the opposition between Athletic Bilbao and Real Madrid.

"Don't think this happened many years ago-in 2000, the Spanish Minister of Health was shot by the Basques. In 2002, it was in Madrid, not far from Atletico's Calderon Stadium, and it happened. A terrorist attack occurred. Moreover, the Basque ETA organization once threatened to blow up the Bernabeu... Anyway, we and Athletic Bilbao have a great feud."

Raul smiled bitterly, "Moreover, Atletico Madrid is the same... They are the Basque team in Madrid, and the relationship with us is naturally not very good."

The Spanish team has a deep national problem. The Castilians play teams everywhere, the Basque Country has Real Sociedad, Osasuna, and Barcelona have Real Spaniards, relying on these teams to draw people who tend to be unified. And Basque is not to be outdone. They established the Basque team in Madrid, which is Atletico Madrid-of course, time has passed for a long time. Now Atletico Madrid is no longer the Basque team of the year, but they and Real Madrid The hatred, but it continued.

"And Valencia...actually, before the 90s, they had a very good relationship with us, but then, we forced to dig out their core player Miatovic, which made Valencia very unhappy. Then, It turned our face. Since then, we have had feuds." Raul said, "Compared to Barcelona, ​​these three teams are the biggest enemies. Barcelona is the enemy, but it will not rise to the point of hatred. You. It’s nothing to appreciate their players, but don’t say good things about those three teams."

"I thought Real Madrid and Barcelona had a deep hatred... Didn't it mean that during Franco's time, Real Madrid relied on Franco to threaten Barcelona, ​​thus kicking out a humiliating score?"

"Who said this? During Franco's administration, the Spanish team with the best performance was obviously Athletic Bilbao... At that time Barcelona was very downright, but Real Madrid was not much better at that time. How did we end up revenge at that time? We did humiliate Barcelona 11-0 in the Copa del Rey semi-final, but we lost to Athletic Bilbao in the final." Raul shook his head.

It turned out to be rumors again... Zhao Yaning found that some rumors were really interesting.

"Athletic Bilbao has not been good for the past two years. Their football is too narrow and extreme. A team is all of its own nation, and doing so is very detrimental to its own development." Raul continued He said, "In addition, in their history, their luck is really bad. They have played a lot in the competitions and the finals. But their luck is not good. They have no European champions. Therefore, their brilliance is also No one remembers it. The development of the team is a very important thing. If it is planned, it can always develop well. If the planning is not good, problems will arise how to develop..."

"Raul, do you have something to say."

"Okay, then I'll just say it." Raul paused. "Your transfer is handled by Calderon, but Florentino has been following this matter. Calderon wants I ask you to see if he has contacted you, right?"

"What do you want me to say?"

"It's fine to answer that I don't have it. All I need is to return to life. You lie to me, I don't care." Raul smiled, "These matters should not be our consideration."

Zhao Yaning gradually understood that Raul took the initiative to give gifts to show kindness, and to tell him about the team's past is to tell him who is the boss of the team, but now, he has given him a request: don't control the management. Contradictions of layers.

Real Madrid is in deep water, as expected... Raul, the captain, is much slicker than Gerrard.

"Florentino's thoughts, I probably can only think of some." After a while of silence, Raul spoke first, but he did not say in detail, "But I don't care. It has nothing to do with you. , I believe that you are smart enough, what you should do is not just a few simple empty words that can convince you. I just want to remind you one thing: remember one thing: you come to Real Madrid to play football , Things other than football, leave him alone."

"This is exactly what I Zhao Yaning nodded, "To be honest, I have always been quite afraid of Real Madrid's club politics. I think it's quite a scary thing. My idea is also very simple. Whoever can guarantee the team will play better, I will help whoever is, and I don't think about things other than football. "

"That's right." Raul nodded. "We are players, so we can play well. We play well, like Beckham. Even if he is destined to leave the team, the fans still have to be right. He expressed his farewell. But if you don’t play well, like Anelka, you have to be sent away. Don’t worry about too many things, it’s better to play well than anything else."

Obviously, Raul didn't ask for much. He didn't ask Zhao Yaning how to obey him, nor did he ask what Zhao Yaning must do. His attitude is actually very simple: just give Zhao Yaning an exhortation and tell Zhao Yaning that he shouldn't touch anything.

At the same time, through this exhortation, he also told Zhao Yaning: To worry about this team, Raul is busy.

Zhao Yaning had no objection to this, and he became friendly to Zhao Yaning.

"I heard Moreau mention you. He admired you very much, saying that you are here, which can bring all kinds of benefits to Real Madrid. I believe in Moreau. I believe all of what he said unconditionally. Moreau is a man. There is a lucky person, he has brought a lot of things to Real Madrid, I hope that this time, his luck, you can get it."

"I don't rely on luck to play."

"The luck brought by strength is also part of luck." Raul continued, "Let's go, I will take you to meet the players of Real Madrid. I organized a meet and greet you with the wind, go there, and get to know Our players."